Chapter 150 Spider Monster!!!

According to the information learned by the previous generation, Lin Fan knew that the kingdom of the past, Serion, was not formed naturally, but because of a special force in the void, after distorting and corrupting this area, a special phenomenon was formed. called the country of the past.

That power appeared thousands of years ago, and it took only a few hundred years to corrupt and distort almost all of Serien's place.

Of course Lin Fan didn't dare to covet this kind of power. He had just arrived in the void. For all kinds of powerhouses in the void, Qin Feng was not particularly powerful. How could he be able to plan such a powerful force?

He was aiming at the secret realm that was conquered by several great gods in his previous life.

The first is the murloc temple-Ihalis buried under the eastern swamp.

This shrine sounds like a poor name, but it's actually really bad. Because the people who worship this temple are a group of vicious, cunning, long-lived, but incomparably ruthless guys.

In human mythology, mermaid is a kind of beautiful guy. But the murlocs above Serien are a group of humanoid creatures with disgusting, distorted, greasy bodies.

But even so, Lin Fan is now alone in an unfamiliar place, and he urgently needs a group of men to help him establish a solid base and protect his own safety.

"Let's find a place to stay first!" Lin Fan looked up at the two small stars in the sky, which were Serien's sun.

Before Serien was twisted by that mysterious force, the temperature of this place would rise to an unbearable level at noon because of the two stars.

But at night, the temperature will drop sharply to minus 40 degrees.

At the same time, because of the rotation, there are 44 hours a day, 22 hours of day and 22 hours of night.

And after that power appeared, although it corrupted everything on the entire planet, he at least adjusted the temperature to an environment that most races in the void could adapt to.

Especially for human beings, the environment here is like paradise compared to the abyss with endless flames, purgatory full of sulfur and poisonous gas, and the river Styx with winds blowing frozen bone marrow all day long.

This is also one of the few void maps that Lin Fan could go to in his previous life.

Considering that the Void Monster is very powerful, Lin Fan put away his mecha battleship.

That thing looks strong, but the concealment is not high, and he doesn't want to be hunted down by the Void powerhouse because the thing is exposed.

He observed the trajectory of the sun in situ and distinguished east, west, north and south. Then find some unique plants in the wilderness, and after you know where you are, you set off to the east diameter.

the other end.

Mandene is a girl in an unknown small village in Dusk Forest. Today, she left the village as usual when the sun was about to go down, and she automatically searched for mushrooms that could be used as food in the forest.

The mushrooms in the Dusk Forest are all very squeamish things. They will only emerge in the evening, and then after entering the dark night, they will burrow back into the soil.

Manderney takes advantage of this time every day to look for mushrooms, which is the most important job of her day, and she has to do these things until Manderney gets married.

She was too young and not strong enough to hunt large game like her father, or find other sources of food for the family like her mother.

Picking up mushrooms has become a trivial matter within her power.

"La la la! Little mushrooms, little ones, do not fall during the day and night, carry a red umbrella across the river, and pick off a few fried green snails...々〃..." She hummed the little tune her mother taught her, and happily Picked the mushrooms and put them in the basket behind him.

Occasionally, when she saw a few particularly beautiful mushrooms, she picked them off, chewed them in her mouth, and swallowed them.

"I don't know if Mom and Dad have found the prey today. If they don't, they will use my mushrooms for dinner again." She thought to herself, a little afraid that she didn't harvest enough, and the family would be hungry again.

There are several younger brothers and sisters in her family who are about to be born, and her mother will have to stay at home to take care of the children, so she has to pick more mushrooms and dry them for later use.

Suddenly there was the sound of branches breaking in the forest, Demani looked up, and the figure of a tall man appeared in the jungle.

She panicked and hid behind a maple tree, motionless, holding her breath, not daring to make a sound, just showing a pair of small eyes, looking at the person who came.

This is Duskwood. Her mother had taught her long ago that she must be careful of strangers, especially strangers who are kind to a child like her.

Through the afterglow of the setting sun, Manderney could clearly see the face of the person who came. It was a young man, whose appearance was unremarkable, but there was a cold light in his eyes from time to time.

"`, Is this a bad guy?" Demani was extremely nervous, for fear that the man would find her.

But things backfired, the man seemed to have discovered her long ago, and walked straight to the tree where she was hiding.

Lin Fan stood in front of a huge maple tree and looked at those small eyes unexpectedly.

Obviously, these eyes belong to a little girl. The braids on her head were not hidden, and were exposed on the trunk of the tree.

However, the little girl seemed to be very afraid of herself, and her eyes were full of alertness.


Lin Fan's figure suddenly disappeared, and Mandeni was startled and looked back quickly.

A large hand grabbed her neck and lifted her whole body.

"Hmm~" Mandeni hummed in pain, her voice was very low because her neck was stuck by a big hand.

Lin Fan stared at this little humanoid creature in front of him. It was similar to a little human loli, but it had six small arms, two calves, and two small sharp teeth in its mouth.

(Good Zhao) After being caught by Lin Fan, her six small arms kept moving, and her two short legs in the air were kicking with nowhere to go.

"Is this a spider monster?" Recalling what he had seen in his previous life, Lin Fan recognized the creature in front of him. They were a kind of human-shaped monster that can often be seen in the void map, the spider monster.

"Maybe, this thing is suitable for sacrifice." A plan emerged in his mind.

He took out a mechanical bug that kept bouncing, pinched the back of the mechanical bug and placed it on Mandeny's face.

The mechanical worm instantly grew several sharp claws and plunged into the eye of the spider monster, and the little spider screamed in pain.

However, the body of the mechanical worm is drilling into the eyeball, the tail is constantly swinging, and some filamentous metal the size of a hair is extending from the eye socket to the rest of the face.

"System prompt: You got a new pet

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