Chapter 151 The Scarlet Curse!!!

With the sound of the system prompt, Demani completely stopped struggling.

Lin Fan let go, Demani fell to the ground, looked up at Lin Fan expressionlessly.

Her left eye has been replaced by a strange mechanical device that glows dark red.

This is Lin Fan's triumphant work, enslaving nano-machine bugs. It is a kind of mechanical worm that he made based on neural manipulation technology and nanomaterials. It can invade the brains of organic organisms. After taking in the information of the brains, it will swallow the brains, replace the brains of the original owners, and enslave and control the original organisms.

It can also edit the memory in its dark horse body into information, and then transmit it to special equipment in the form of sound and light.

Lin Fan took out a small helmet and put it on his head. When the signal transmission was completed, the game system sent a prompt.

"System prompt: You have learned Void Common..."

"System prompt: You have obtained some map information~......

"System prompt: You have obtained some monster information - information..."

Seeing a series of reminders, Lin Fan smiled slightly.

In an unfamiliar map, what he needs most is this information.

Click on the map that comes with the game, and the place that was dark before has been lit up.

"It turns out that this is the Twilight Forest, and it's not far from Innsmouth." Lin Fan looked at the map and only illuminated a part of the Twilight Forest, but did not find the town of Innsmouth.

However, according to the memory of the last life, Lin Fan knew that the small town of Innsmouth was not far from the Everglades.

"Let's go to the Great Swamp first, I'll take a look." He searched carefully on the map, a sign of a log cabin appeared in a small corner of the map, Lin Fan clicked it, and a message popped up.

"Huge gas swamp, coordinates..."

That's why he chose to enslave this little spider monster, he needs coordinates to enter Innsmouth, that's all.

The murlocs of Therion are also derived from Atlantis, and their underwater technology is also part of Lin Fan's development plan.

Now that we have such good resources and opportunities, we must of course plan well.

"Lead the way to the Great Swamp." He put away the map and gave instructions to the newly received pet.

"Yes, my master. Mandene, whose brain has been replaced by a mechanical worm, made a sound without any emotional fluctuations, and then landed on six legs, using both hands and feet, crawling like a spider, at an extremely fast speed.

And Lin Fan followed her, dodging dangerous footholds on the map.

The trees of the Twilight Forest in the previous life have basically been cut down, and they have been developed into a bridgehead for the continent of the gods to march into the void, and the danger has plummeted.

But in this life, as a pioneer, he was the first player to reach Serion, and he discovered that the environment here is very different from what he saw in later generations.

The most obvious is that there is a thick layer of humus on the ground and the fallen leaves that have accumulated over the years. Except for some tenacious grasses drilled out of it, there is not much green in sight.

And the ground also exudes a foul smell, and from time to time you can see some mud rolling up and down, that is, there are things like burrowing insects, moles or snakes on it.

The further east he went, the more Lin Fan felt surrounded by an odd atmosphere.

He looked up and looked around, the sky was gradually darkening, and a Ye Xiao's voice came from the woods, making him even more irritable.

What was even more surprising was that, looking at the crawling spider in front of him, he had the urge to drink her blood.

"System prompt: You have been cursed by an unknown, your body is undergoing unknown changes, please clear it as soon as possible.


He opened the character panel, but found that his character status was no longer "healthy", but an inexplicable debuff, "Scarlet Curse"


"Angel Bless!"

This sudden situation did not make him feel panicked, the skill activated, and with the power of the Angel Legion, a holy light halo appeared at Lin Fan's feet.

As soon as the halo came out, Lin Fan felt a little safer.

"Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss scene."

Lin Fan raised his hand and looked at the black air that was constantly overflowing from his fingertips. He knew in his heart that Therian's twisting power was invading his body.

Turning on the character state, the sign of the scarlet curse gradually faded, but it did not disappear completely.


Lin Fan's eyes turned cold, he didn't expect to meet so soon.

After all, Serion is a void map, and the pioneers suffered a lot of losses in this place in the past life, and the most troublesome of them are those unpredictable negative states and curses.

0 asking for flowers........

There are several kinds of special curses that make people stunned, and the most special among them are these three types, the curse of Medusa, the curse of scarlet, the curse of paleness, and the curse of Bessib.

Among players, they are known as Petrification Curse, Bloodthirsty Curse, Zombie Curse, Maggot Curse.

The most disgusting of them is the Bessib curse. Bessib is one of Solomon's seventy-two demon gods. Once he is hit with this curse, he can only turn into a disgusting human maggot. Eat feces to eliminate the hungry fly demon, and directly switch races.

Most now, the Crimson Curse in Lin Fan also has the ability to switch the player's race.


Once the player is hit by the Crimson Curse, it will be irreversibly transformed into a vampire. Not only will the strength and spirit be greatly reduced, but even the upper limit of life will be deducted by a large amount. At the same time, the various skills learned before will be gradually lost.

To make matters worse, from then on, he would be tortured by bloodthirsty from time to time. If he didn't absorb the blood of the living people in time, his spirit would be irreversibly decreased, and he would also collapse.

At the same time, all the gain magic can't be used on the vampire, and even the most common healing technique will become a blood-deducting attack magic on the vampire.

If only the vampires were as good-looking as in the movies, that's fine, but the vampires on Serion are a bunch of mosquito-like creatures, with gray, wrinkled skin, long mouthparts, lost hair, and eyeballs. Turning green, lying in caves and graves to avoid the sun during the day, and attacking farms and livestock at night, it is so low that players who have been hit by this curse directly delete their accounts and restart.

"Young man, you seem to be in a little trouble?" A mellow voice sounded, and the woods were also rushing.

Lin Fan's expression was indifferent, not surprised.

"Sure enough, I can't hold back and show off. I said that my physique attribute is so fleshy, how can I have no resistance to this debuff."

And in the darkness, an upper body like an elegant old gentleman, but the lower body is bloated, like a creature with a big sarcoid slowly walked out.

"Is there anything I can help you with? You're welcome, you will inevitably encounter accidents when you go out." The monster asked with a graceful demeanor.

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