Chapter 584: Imprint of the Gods

"You are a smart person, and I like communicating with smart people the most."

Mutual tacit understanding is the best result. Especially this wise man, like Lin Fan, both want something from each other.

Lin Fan also really lamented that he was really lucky. He killed the abyss dragon first, and then met Merlin and became a godslayer.

I also learned about the mechanical civilization and the Sotowa civilization, and got something from a higher civilization such as flowers without water, and learned the real method of cultivation from Merlin.

After coming here, I met Ven Carlo, who is smart and suitable for cooperation.

I have to say that Lin Fan's road trip is really like hanging out, and his luck is off the charts.

"I need to know some basic information about the Four Kingdoms and the Holy Court.

By the way, is there something wrong with my mark of the gods?

Is there a way for 823 to act to conceal his noble rank and strength?"

None of the questions Lin Fan asked was easy to answer.

Even if the basic information is easy to say, the problem is that Lin Fan doesn't know anything.

If you really want to say something, you have to say it with a dry mouth.

At this moment, Lin Fan seemed to have finally caught a sheep that could be plucked, throwing out all the questions in one go, and it was up to Vencaro to answer how many.

In this regard, Vencaro gave a helpless wry smile.

Vencaro also felt very troubled by the series of questions raised by Lin Fan.

He originally thought that Lin Fan was just a problem with his identity, or something wrong with what he was going to do.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Lin Fan asked this question, he would understand that Lin Fan didn't know anything.

Although I don't know why Lin Fan, as a very high-level nobleman, doesn't even know the most basic things.

But since the transaction was over, Carlo honestly told Lin Fan all the things he knew about the Holy Court and the Four Kingdoms.

"As for the seal of the gods on your forehead, I can only say that I have read the Encyclopedia of Records of the Seal of Gods.

It records the imprints given to their believers by the gods of all good camps.

But those are not the same as the mark on your forehead.

But it is even more impossible to say that you are a believer in the evil camp, because your mark is Gold and not Purple.

This proves that you really belong to the camp of kindness, and you are a believer who is valued and recognized by the gods.

If so, I can only think of a Legendary.

But that Legendary is just a Legendary after all, at least no one in our generation has seen it. "

Vencaro didn't finish the last sentence, but Lin Fan understood what Vencaro meant.

God of Creation.

Yes, since it has been ruled out that Lin Fan is a believer of the gods of the evil camp, then the imprint of the gods that is not recorded in the Encyclopedia of God Seal Records is only the mark of the Creation of God.

Because the imprint of the Creator God is different in each generation, there is no way (afdj) to identify it at all. This point has also been explained in the Book of Revelation.

"So, how do I hide my rank and nobility?"

This time, what Lin Fan asked was not to cover up his noble rank, but to directly hide his noble status.

Good guy, when he was wandering outside, no one was able to determine his noble status, after all, they didn't know much about gods.

But after entering the Four Great Kingdoms and the Holy Court, Lin Fan had to be careful. The imprint of life on his forehead that no one had ever seen clearly showed that he was a believer of the God of Creation.

Although it seems that his status is very high and he should not be hindered or in danger, Lin Fan always feels that there is something wrong with it.

After all, he understands very well that he does not believe in gods or ghosts, but only in himself, so how could he be a believer in anyone?

What's more, they were not natives of God's Domain, they were players from Earth.

"If you ask others, there may not be many people who can teach you, but you met me. I am a low-status offshoot.

Being able to be personally trained by the Patriarch of the Wen family is precisely because I have shown excellent talent since I was a child.

This talent is not only my speed of practice is extremely fast, but also I have a strong creativity, able to create my own skills.

After all, the skills you create are the ones that suit you best. "

It turned out that this was one of the reasons why Vencaro had almost reached the core of power at a young age.

That's right, if he didn't have an extremely heaven-defying talent, how could such a high-ranking person like the Patriarch of the Wen family notice such a small offshoot child like Wen Carlo?

Although Lin Fan has never practiced even one of the skills in this world, nor does he know much about it.

But Venkaro is a very good teacher [Shi Lin Fan is also a very excellent and gifted student.

It only took one day, before night fell, Lin Fan had already learned these two little concealing skills.

One is used to conceal one's aristocratic status, and the other is used to conceal one's level of strength. .

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