Online Game Mechanic: 10,000-Fold Increase In The First Rush!

Chapter Five Hundred And Eighty Fifth: The Whereabouts Of The Real Water

Chapter 585: The whereabouts of the real water

It is impossible to see through the skills that conceal the noble identity unless the level exceeds level 80.

And people whose level is over 80 can see through this little trick.

But Vencaro handed Lin Fan a small jade token, which can complement this small skill and form ~ extremely powerful effects.

At this time, let alone someone at level 80, even someone at level 90 may not be able to see through Lin Fan.

Of course, regarding the disguise of his aristocratic status, if he is a strong man above level 90, then it is really difficult to say.

However, in the Four Great Kingdoms, there are very few strong people above level 90, so there is no need to worry at all.

As for the holy court, it is better not to go to the holy court, after all, the holy court is the place where the real strong are like clouds.

The vast majority of strong men in the entire good camp gathered in the Holy Court.

There is a paradise for the strong, a sacred place for the strong, and not everyone is qualified to enter the Holy Court.

As for the camouflage level skills, as long as Lin Fan doesn't do it, no one will notice, except for people above level 90.

Of course, the non-hands-on here refers to not using the spirit seeds in the body to fight.

You can still grab the brick by swiping the brick.

It has to be said that although these two skills are called "small skills" by Ven Carlos, they are actually very practical.

Lin Fan can't put it down for these two skills.

"It's getting dark, my wife has already prepared food for us, why don't we talk about it after eating first.

As for your real purpose, there is no rush to stay tomorrow. "

Although Lin Fan raised so many questions, the two tossed for another whole day.

But Vencaro is very clear that Lin Fan came to his farm in this remote area, definitely not just for these few problems.

His real purpose may not have been revealed yet.

"Then let's eat first, and we'll talk after dinner.

Forget it tomorrow, Lin Fan still attaches great importance to this matter and is eager.

Don't look at him crossing the swamp and crossing the village to come here. It doesn't seem to take much time.

But this is the result of his day and night, day and night without rest.

This is the reason why he was able to come to this farm early the next morning after crossing the swamp.

He has been traveling all night.

"Okay, whatever you want."

Vencaro didn't care when the conversation took place. He had been waiting for so long, and even though it wasn't a day or two away, it would be nice to be earlier.

Venkaro's wife is a very beautiful and lively woman with a very good personality. It is no wonder that Venkaro will fall into it completely, and would rather give up the power of the nobles to stay with her.

After all, she is someone else's wife.

Lin Fan didn't say a few words to Ven Carlo's wife. After everyone had a quiet and harmonious meal, Lin Fan and Ven Carlo returned to the study to continue their conversation.

"So, why did you come here?

You shouldn’t have lived in the Holy Court or the Four Kingdoms before, so you came in from the outside?”

After negotiating for a day, Vencaro probably got a good idea of ​​Lin Fan's details, and also guessed that Lin Fan should not be a member of the Four Kingdoms and the Holy Court.

"Yes, I did come from outside.

I originally wanted to go to the holy court to find the water of truth, but before entering the holy court, I need to know some information about it.

But now it seems that it is better for me not to go to that place for the time being. "

This time, Lin Fan did not hide anything, but directly explained his origin and his true purpose.

0…ask for flowers…………

The holy court mentioned by Lin Fan naturally refers to the holy court at the center, not the major divisions of the holy court.

In fact, it was also because of the stereotyped thinking that when Shi titan told him that he had to go to the holy court to seek the water of truth, he subconsciously thought that it was the holy court in the center that was not guarded by the four kingdoms.

Of course, in fact, Shi titan also believed that he was in the Central Holy Court, so his words somewhat implied that he was in the Central Holy Court, which also led to Lin Fan's further misunderstanding

"My guess is indeed correct, but why do you have to go to the holy court when you come to ask for the water of truth?

The water of truth is endless, it can be regarded as inexhaustible and inexhaustible, so there is no need to ask for it at all.

Not only the headquarters of the holy court, but also in the major holy court branches of the four kingdoms, the water of truth is distributed for free, and it doesn’t matter how many copies you get.


However, if you bring your own container, you can get it for free, if you use the container there, you have to pay part of the container fee.

However, for you, none of this should matter.

Inexhaustible, inexhaustible, plus random access?

Lin Fan felt a little speechless.

Sure enough, the information was wrongly drunk.

Not all of the words in the Book of Revelation are absolutely accurate, including the words of Shi Titan.

It wasn't that the stone titan deceived Lin Fan, but that they had never seen the inside of the Holy Court, and it was only natural that they didn't know much about the Holy Court and the four kingdoms, so it was not surprising.

As for himself, he made two consecutive wrong judgments because of his stereotyped thinking, which made Lian Lin Fan correct his attitude again.

When facing this world, sometimes we have to abandon the common sense of being a human being on earth, in order to better integrate into this world and make ourselves stronger. .

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