Online Game Mechanic: 10,000-Fold Increase In The First Rush!

Chapter Five Hundred And Ninety Fourth: Leaving The Wen Family

Chapter 594: Leaving the Wen family

After all, stealing someone and killing someone are two completely different concepts.

But the problem is that Wen Shanshan is heavily guarded. Although Wen Carlo's parents can visit Shanshan at any time, they cannot take anyone to see Wang Shanshan, including servants.

And every servant around Wen Shanshan was prepared for him by the Patriarch of the Wen family. This is simply all-round control without dead ends.

What's more, even if it was decided that Lin Fan rushed in with the hovercraft, snatched the person out, and then drove the hovercraft to snatch him away.

Not to mention whether the possibility of success of this kind of plan is high or not, even if it succeeds, the hovercraft will be completely exposed to Lukalu Kingdom's writers.

On this point, Lin Fan will absolutely not agree. In case of extraneous branches, wouldn't it have a bad impact on their own hiding and development.

Although Lin Fan is here to help, but not to dedicate himself. 650 "Okay, tell me where he often goes and when he goes, and I will find a way to solve it. If it works, if it doesn't work, there is no other way."

It is actually not difficult to use a quantum weapon to kill a forty-something person in God's Domain, but who knows whether Wen Shanshan can use this to save her life after Wang Jia's death?

What if the Wang family is abnormal and asks Wen Shanshan to have a ghost marriage with Wang Jia? Good guy, in this case, he can only go back to find Wen Ai.

However, as long as you can live, as long as you have time, you must be better than now.

After learning about Wang Jia's general itinerary from Ven Carlo's parents, Lin Fan entered the single room they specially arranged for Lin Fan to modify his hovercraft and disguise himself.

Although this single room was specially arranged, because there are few people in their branch, there are also few domestic servants.

Except for Wen Shanshan who was not in the small courtyard, there were only three people in total.

So it is not surprising that the former servant lived in a private room by himself, and now he is arranging a private room for Lin An.

So many empty houses. Instead of leaving it empty, it's better to let two servants live in one room. No matter who it is, a single room is more comfortable than a double room.

Because Lin Fan is a long-range attack, and this time it is to catch the opponent by surprise, so it does not necessarily expose itself and the target of the aircraft, and even the possibility of such exposure is very small.

But Lin Fan still carefully disguised himself.

A hovercraft looks too much like a car.

Although in the world of God's Domain, because every country has science and technology departments stationed in God's Domain, cars are not the only ones.

But the only ones that could fly were the hovercraft from the Jiuzuzhou Guild's resident.

Out of caution, Lin Fan modified the hovercraft in his hand into a strange-looking aircraft, which looks a bit like a flying saucer, more like an aircraft from the Sotuva civilization.

This is what Lin Fan did on purpose.

The misunderstanding helps Lin Fan hide his identity.

As for how he can modify the aircraft?

In fact, Lin Fan doesn't modify the aircraft at all, (afad) he just used his basic knowledge as a blacksmith to create some parts that look scary

And these parts were installed and refined on the hovercraft.

But in fact, these parts do not have any function, only a function to improve the appearance.

As for disguise?

Of course Lin Fan doesn't know how to disguise herself.

He didn't learn any skills, and he was a normal man in real life, and naturally he didn't know how to make up.

So his disguise is to shave his face.

Yes. This method is simply too ruthless.

It's so cruel that no normal person would do it.

After all, it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman.

No matter whether a person pays attention to his appearance or not, shaving his face and turning it into a scarred ugly monster is something no one wants to experience.

So even if his face was unfortunately noticed by someone when he killed Wang Jia, no one would think of Lin Fan with his face intact.

The player's identity, the potion of returning blue and blood, these things may really become a big killer against the natives of God's Domain at some point.

After all, sometimes, vision can also determine judgment.

It is a very terrifying thing to draw blood on one's own face.

After all, the pain felt during an injury can easily be overwhelming.

Even if it is done, many people will have psychological shadows.

Fortunately, Lin Fan has not forgotten that this is a game, and there is an option of pain adjustment, which allows him to minimize the pain.

In this way, he won't feel any pain when scratching his face with all kinds of strange things.

But this is also normal, if the pain cannot be adjusted, then I am afraid that many people will not want to play this holographic game because of this.

After all, whether it is the pain of injury or the pain of death, it is enough to dissuade most people.

No one likes to experience the agony of dying countless times.

For the vast majority of people in the world, this is just a game after all, how many people really know the truth?

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