Chapter 595: Perfect kill

Lin Fan went out this time while wearing a hood while the moon was dark and the wind was high, and slipped out of the back wall of the yard quietly.

This is also thanks to the help of Vencaro's parents, otherwise Lin Fan would have been unable to escape with this patrol strength.

Of course, Lin Fan went out while it was dark, not to kill Wang Jia while it was dark, but just to send himself out of Wen's house while it was dark ~ without being discovered.

After all, it is impossible for Wang Jia to still be wandering outside when the moon is dark and the wind is high.

By the next day, the wound on Lin Fan's face had already stopped bleeding, and there were signs of healing in many places.

It's just that the whole face is still bloody and bloody, which looks very scary.

In order to attract the attention of others as little as possible, Lin Fan hid himself in a dark alley.

Holding a forearm-sized quantum cannon barrel in his hand, he was waiting for Wang Jia to pass by at any time.

As for the hovercraft, Lin Fan did not take it out so early, but when choosing an alley, he chose such an alley that was dark and relatively spacious enough for the aircraft to pass through here.

After all, this is the most prosperous place in the Rukalu Kingdom. And this street is also the most prosperous street in the Rukalu Kingdom.

Therefore, even if it is a dark alley, it does not mean that no one will enter this alley.

And Lin Fan wore a suit of clothes that didn't fit well, and stuffed a lot of things between his body and the clothes, in order to change his height and fat or thin.

He also purposely didn't wear a mask, and openly exposed his completely invisible, scary-looking face at the moment.

He just wants to let people who pass by and notice him see what he looks like at the moment. Only in this way can we better avoid suspicion.

The process of killing Wang Jia was too easy, the power of the nose weapon was not something that people from the God's Domain civilization could match.

Even Merlin with a level as high as 80, if the person holding the quantum weapon is attacking from a long distance, there is a great possibility that Merlin will die on this small quantum cannon.

What's more, Wang Jia is still an unsuspecting waste of more than 40 levels with only 60-level guards around him?

Although Lin Fan successfully killed Wang Jia, since the sub-weapon was fired, it must be tangible.

Following the traces of the prince's weapon firing, they can also chase into the alley, so Lin Fan must not let them catch up.

After firing this cannon, Lin Fan immediately took out the hovercraft and flew along the alley to the other end of the alley at an extremely fast speed.

Then he got into another alley nearby, which was in all directions.

Finally, with no one following him, Lin Fan put away the aircraft, changed his clothes, drank the blood recovery medicine, and hid himself in the bustling crowd.

This is what he planned from the very beginning.

Lin Fan spent the whole night figuring out the surrounding terrain and chose the intricate lanes.

With the help of the extremely high flying speed of the hovercraft, he finally successfully jumped out of the pursuit of the pursuer.

Returning to Wen's house again is naturally a dark and stormy time. This is the time Lin Fan first agreed with Wen Carlo's parents.

Both of them are very calm and reliable people, and there were no accidents in the process of meeting Lin Fan.

"your face......"

As soon as they entered the house, Ven Carlo's parents immediately noticed Lin Fan's face.

When Lin Fan left here last time, he had completely scratched his face.

At that time, Vencaro's parents were shocked. I can't believe it, I feel guilty and grateful.

Unexpectedly, after Lin Fan came back this time, his face was healed, and there was no trace, as if what they saw that night was their hallucination.

What's more, the news of Tianwang Jia's murder has already caused a stir, and it's impossible for the two of them not to know about it.

It was precisely because of this that they were even more shocked that Lin Fan's method could quietly kill Wang Jia with a single blow with the power of thunder.

And easily escaped the pursuit of two 60-level powerhouses.

This makes them have to sigh, Lin Fan is worthy of being Ven Carlo's friend.


After all, genius is always more intersected with genius.

"It's just a small trick. What's the reaction of the Wang family?"

Lin Fan has been hiding his tracks all day.

Try not to attract the attention of others as much as possible, and naturally don't know the follow-up situation.

"They didn't link this matter to Shanshan.

In their cognition, even if Luo Er came back, he would not be able to kill Wang Jia without a trace under the protection of two level 60 powerhouses.

The person who can kill Wang Jia from a distance with such a thunderous method must be a strong man with a level as high as 70 or even 80, and he must be a Mage.

Luo Er is a Warrior, so they naturally wouldn't suspect us.

As for how to deal with Shanshan at present, there is no news from the host family, so we can only wait for the time being. "

After all, Wang Jia had just died, and everyone's attention was on the murderer. Naturally, few people would care about Wang Jia's fiancée who was destined to die early.

To wait for Shanshan's turn, I'm afraid it will take him another day or two.

It is even possible that this matter will be left alone. .

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