From the escape of the Great Tengu to the casting of the golden vortex by Medanzo to trap Lonan, it didn’t take much time in total.

Therefore, after Ronan rushed out of the golden vortex, it was not difficult to track down the Great Tengu.

At this moment, when Luo Nan chased after the seventh plane, he had already seen the figure of the Great Tengu, appearing in the field of vision ahead.

The big tengu fled frantically all the way, and naturally he was also paying attention to the movements behind him at any time.

Seeing Luo Nan appear, the Great Tengu was also screaming in his heart.

Wanwan did not expect that Luo Nan would actually be able to escape from the hands of Medanzo, and even less did he expect that after Luo Nan escaped, he would not only not be far away, but would chase after him.

The big tengu was not a good-natured guy in the first place, and his sinister and violent greed was definitely synonymous with him.

If it weren’t for the fact that his intelligence was a bit out of place, he would definitely not have fallen from the spirit of the ancient times to the level of only the Seventh Order Great Luo Golden Immortal today.

At this moment, seeing Luo Nan desperately chasing, the eyes of the Great Tengu were filled with angry flames, and at the same time, his mind also flowed.

Especially when he felt that the world he was in now was suddenly trembling, the big tengu’s heart suddenly made up his mind.

The dark cracks that appeared in the surrounding space plane let the Great Tengu know that Ronan was now also fleeing, and the chasing existence was the previous archangel Medanzo.

As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend, and the Great Tengu knows that it is difficult for him to escape from Ronan’s hands.

So now, instead of burying his head and running away and being hunted down, it is better to stop and block Luonan for a moment, and wait until the archangel kills him, and the crisis can naturally be lifted!

After thinking about it, the big tengu did not flee anymore, but stopped his steps and turned around directly.

The mouth of the blood basin that had swallowed the sun and the moon in ancient times suddenly opened and threw a roar at Luo Nan, who was chasing after him!


Suddenly, the sound resounded all around, and the sound wave with extremely destructive power was visible to the naked eye, washing away everything around it.

The monstrous flames in this face space, in the midst of this roar, were directly suppressed, as if they did not dare to touch the sharp edge!

However, this roar of the Great Tengu had no effect on Ronan!

Nowadays, Luo Nan had already opened the Super Race Form and the Battle Holy Law, even if he didn’t use the Chaos Force in his body, the real combat power was no worse than that of the Great Luo Golden Immortal of the Eighth and Eighth Order!

What’s more, there was also a Twelve Pins of Extinction Black Lotus at Luo Nan’s feet, which could be called the most precious treasure of the Flood, and his protective ability was also first-class and strong!

In the face of this big tengu’s sonic attack, Luo Nan had no fear at all, but instead went up to the top and directly pointed at the big tengu!

The big tengu saw a look of shock in his eyes, and he couldn’t hide it.

I saw that the teeth of the Great Tengu were crucial, and the whole body of the tight body turned from pitch black to red, and the hair on his body became sharp spikes, as if it were steel.

The next second, the Great Tengu Xio bulged, and then a fierce stream of air gushed directly from its mouth, with the steel needle spikes falling off from its body, directly forming a storm of feather blades that were half heaven and earth.

The countless feather blades were originally extremely sharp and flashed with a cold light that penetrated the heart, and now mixed with this storm with extremely fast rotation, the lethality increased a lot.

However, this level of attack, now in front of Ronan, is obviously not enough to see!

Luo Nan didn’t even have to move himself, the twelve Pinnacle Annihilation Black Lotus under the seat took the initiative to release the mighty black light and shoot the blade storm!

Eclipse the spirit of black light, nothing can not be corroded!

As soon as the black light swept by, the feather blades mixed in the storm appeared rusty.

The rust spread at a very fast speed and soon spread to all the blades.

After only one breath, the blade in the storm lost its original sharpness, and its power was instantly gone!

After easily breaking the attack of the Great Tengu, Luo Nan fell a little, and the Twelve Pins of Annihilation Black Lotus directly dragged Luo Nan’s body and flashed to the top of the Great Tengu’s head!

Immediately afterward, Luo Nan’s already brewing fingers finally nodded at the head of the big tengu!

Not long ago, Ronan used the power of four rays of chaos to kill the war knights of the quasi-holy realm.

Now, with only a trace of chaotic power, Luo Nan was enough to make the Great Heavenly Dog, who was a seventh-order Great Luo Golden Immortal, tremble as if the end had come!

“What is this power!!??”

Originally, he thought that he could stop Luo Nan for a moment with all his strength, and the big tengu who dragged to the arrival of Medanzo felt the breath attached to Luo Nan’s fingertips and directly screamed out.

He was here at the beginning of the birth of this great Brahma world and once ate half of the sun and moon in one bite.

However, it was also because of this that he was knocked down from the quasi-holy throne by Izanagi as the guardian of the world, and fell to the current Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm.

And the Great Tengu clearly remembered that between the attacks of Izanagi in the beginning, there was this terrible breath!

At this moment, facing this terrible breath again, the figure of the Great Tengu suddenly trembled, and his heart also jumped violently!

Because he had experienced it, the Great Tengu knew too well how terrible this power was!

This kind of horror even made the heart of the Great Tengu suddenly produce an indescribable despair!

The idea of trying to delay Lonan’s footsteps now seemed too naïve…

The next moment, Luo Nan’s fingers fell, the power of chaos was suppressed, and the huge body of the Great Tengu was like a paper paste at this moment, directly collapsing and collapsing in an instant, completely annihilated!

Only a head-sized Source Stone remains!

The first time he witnessed such a huge source essence stone, Luo Nan was also very surprised in his heart, secretly saying that this Tengu family was worthy of being an alien species, and even the source essence stone left after death was different from other life.

However, at this moment, Luo Nan did not have the time to carefully study this source stone, and could only wave his hand to put it away.

At this moment, a series of ethereal voices also sounded in Ronan’s ears.

“Ding, kill the big tengu, gain experience has been written!”

“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v200!”

“Ding, congratulations on your promotion to 1v201!”


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