“Ding, congratulations on your promotion to 1v201!”

As this ethereal sound fell, Ronan only felt his body change suddenly.

Flesh, bones, hair, meridians… Even the Immortal Infant Yuan God seemed to disintegrate and reorganize in a flash, changing into a more powerful state!

Moreover, Luo Nan even found that his body seemed to have become a sponge with lost water at this moment, frantically swallowing the surrounding Heaven and Earth Yuanqi!

Suddenly, with Luo Nan as the center, the Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi surged forward, directly forming an indescribable huge whirlpool.

The weather energy of several facets around them all rushed to Luo Nan’s body at this moment.

With a large influx of Yuan Qi, Luo Nan could feel that the power in his hands was getting stronger and stronger, and the Immortal Baby Yuan God was several times stronger than before!

Of course, these are the second most important to Ronan!

What really surprised Luo Nan was that with this upgrade, the chaotic power in his body actually returned to its peak state for the first time.

And it has doubled compared to the original!

That is to say, Luo Nan’s body directly possessed ten traces of chaotic power!

These ten rays of chaotic power naturally could not be compared with the true Saint Yasheng, but it was already much stronger than before Luo Nan.

Ronan knew that he couldn’t eat a big fat man in one bite.

Which of those saints, Yasheng, did not go through endless years of hard work and tempering to come to that position?

It hadn’t been long since he had been formally practicing to the present, and even if he had added the five years he had used to refine the Twelve Pins of Extinction Black Lotus, it hadn’t taken more than ten years.

Ten years, not to mention the saint Yasheng, even for an ordinary celestial being, it is just a blink of an eye.

Luo Nan was able to achieve such an achievement as he has in this ‘blink of an eye’, which can already be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented.

If this can be separated from the saint Yasheng, then the saint Yasheng is too worthless!

If the recovery and increase of the power of chaos made Lonan’s zui horn rise, his heart was happy.

Then the next ethereal voice in his ear made Luo Nan directly unable to hide his excitement!

“Ding, congratulations on your promotion to the Golden Immortal Realm, you have met the conditions for the second promotion of the Saiya bloodline, will you be promoted immediately?”

In the face of such an inquiry, how could Ronan refuse?

After all, this was something he had been waiting for for a long time!

At the moment, Luo Nan took a deep breath and tried to restrain the excitement in his heart: “Promote now!” ”

In the instant that the words fell, Ronan only felt the flesh and blood in his body, as if it were burning at this moment.

The unbearable heat made Ronan frown slightly, and even with the property of reducing pain by 95%, it was still very unbearable.

However, this scorching heat comes quickly.

After just a few breaths, it disappears and ceases to exist!

And in Ronan’s ear, it was also a voice that sounded again.

“Ding, Saiya Bloodline has been promoted, the current level: sss level, after activation, the experience points gained are greatly increased!”

“Ding, congratulations on understanding the bloodline skill: the bloodline boils, and after casting, you can enter the super second state, and the combat strength will soar by a hundred times!”

Two voices sounded one after another, making Ronan’s breathing directly urgent. Hurry up.

Super Race Two!

This is something that Ronan was looking forward to in his heart when he started Super League One a long time ago.

At this moment, the wish was fulfilled, and the excitement and information in Ronan’s heart could be imagined.

And more importantly, opening the Super Race II form now is likely to help him out of his current predicament!

Luo Nan knew that even if he had a hundred times the combat power bonus of Super Match Two, it was still impossible to defeat Ya Sheng.

However, if you just want to bite down on the flesh of Ya Sheng, it is not completely impossible.

And for him, as long as he can get Medanzo injured, even if it is only a little bit, he can rest assured that he will die, because with the support of Saiya’s bloodline, he will definitely not lose!

“Come on, now that you’ve set your sights on me, I’m going to see how much experience you can give me!” How much my cultivation has improved!! ”

At this moment, Luo Nan’s spirit had been restored to its peak state, and his body was even more acting with ten traces of chaotic power, waiting for the bird man behind him to chase after him!

And Medanzo did not disappoint Lonan, after Lonan stopped for two breaths, the flame-filled plane world directly appeared a large black crack.

It was as if the astral realm that had been destroyed had shattered directly.

The figure of Medanzo holding the scepter appeared in front of Ronan’s eyes in the midst of the endless fragments of the plane.

“Why didn’t you run?”

Medanzo’s voice was cold, his eyes swept over Luonan, and there was a little more surprise in his eyes: “It’s actually stronger than before, interesting, interesting!” ”

With that, Medanzo just stretched out. Put out a hand and grab it at Lonan.

The palm of the hand was wrapped in golden light, transformed into five long whips of holy light, and went directly towards the restraint of Luonan.

Luo Nan naturally did not allow himself to be imprisoned by Medanzo, and when his body flashed, he directly performed the Writing Secret Technique and flashed to the side.

However, the Holy Light Long Whip of Medanzo’s finger change was also extremely flexible, and in the flash of Luonan’s body, it also turned its direction and directly attacked Luonan’s landing point, as if it could know Luonan’s dodging path in advance!

After discovering this, Luo Nan’s brow was also slightly frowned, knowing that with his current cultivation realm, he and a Yasheng would definitely not have a head start.

Therefore, Luo Nan also directly got up at the moment, and then directly opened the Super Race Two!

Suddenly, Luo Nan only felt that the power in his body had soared, directly reaching an unprecedented and terrifying point!

And that Medanzo, after sensing the sudden surge of breath on Luonan’s body, there was also a flash of surprise between his looks, and when the scepter in his other hand struck, a stream of holy light shot directly towards Luonan!

However, the surge in combat power also led to a surge in Luonan’s speed.

After easily flashing to avoid the attack of the Holy Light, Luo Nan did not hesitate to directly mobilize the five chaotic forces in his body and merge into the five fingers!

Immediately after, Luo Nan’s five fingers were pulled one after another!

Prison Heaven and Earth!

Broken Mountains and Rivers!



Move the heavens!

In the case of Luo Nan using the power of the five rays of chaos, this time it was no longer a finger probing outside the Heavenly Dome.

Five-finger fusion, the Great Desolation Prisoner Heavenly Hand!

A huge palm with the aura of desolation suddenly descended from the endless chaotic void and crossed the heavens and realms to the Great Brahma World, directly above Medanzo’s head.

Suddenly, shoot hard! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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