1v225, that is, the fifth order golden immortal!

After entering the Golden Immortal Realm, all those who cultivate immortals will gradually acquire the five qi in the xiong and the three flowers on the top.

And when the top three flowers and the five qi in the xiong were all gathered together, they were qualified to break through to the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm.

When he first entered the Golden Immortal Realm, Luo Nan had nothing to do with the five qi in the top three flowers.

After injuring Medanzo before and then activating Saiya’s bloodline to become a third-order Golden Immortal, Luo Nan’s body finally had two more qi in the xiong.

The existence of the two qi in this Xiong made Luo Nan’s body and the Immortal Force grow by a large margin.

It can be said that before there were no qi in these two xiongs, Luo Nan could only hold on to the super second state for five minutes at most, which would exhaust the immortal power in his body and his body.

However, after adding these two more Xiong qi, the time that Super Race Two can last is already doubled!

For Ronan, it can be said that it is a great improvement.

And now, when Xiu Wei had ascended from a third-order Golden Immortal to a fifth-order Golden Immortal, the seeds that had grown above his head had finally opened the Golden Flower at this moment!

The appearance of the Golden Flower on the top first greatly improved the Immortal Baby and Immortal Yuan Force in Luo Nan’s body, and the time that Super Race II could last was further extended.

In addition, the biggest effect was to make Luo Nan’s perception of the Heavenly Dao much clearer.

You know, the clearer the understanding of the Heavenly Dao, the easier it will be to develop the understanding of divine powers.

At the same time, I can also perceive the fate in the darkness more clearly.

But most of the immortals can sense some bad luck in the darkness.

However, some immortals have no exhaustive plan, and can even calculate a very accurate fate, such as the Fuxi Clan as one of the human sub-saints.

And some immortals have a very vague perception of fate, and even no perception, such as the previous Luonan.

However, when the golden flowers on the top bloomed, Luo Nan had a vague perception of his own fortune.

Although this perception is very unclear and even difficult to decipher, it is a good start for Ronan.

“Now it’s just a golden flower, and when the three flowers on the top are gathered, you should be able to interpret the voyeuristic fortune!”

When Ronan pondered this, the three saints who were originally above the sky had already focused their eyes at the same time.

“Without the help of this little guy, it would be very difficult for us to kill Medanzo in a short period of time.”

Emperor Shi Tian’s eyes shone brightly, and although he was zuiba, between the collision of divine thoughts, the message had already been conveyed to the Izanagi and Izana Mei Fate, who were also Yasheng.

The taciturn Izana was so silent that he just sighed and did not open his mouth.

If he hadn’t defeated the Medanzo Realm, their plan would have failed. ”

“So we owe this little guy a favor?”

Emperor Shi Tian’s eyes flickered, and his palm rubbed against the top of the white elephant’s head under him: “However, I am very curious about the method he used to defeat the Medanzo Realm…”

Izanagi frowned slightly, “Now is a critical juncture, don’t cause trouble, one heaven is enough for us to have a headache, don’t provoke another powerful enemy.” ”

A trace of disdain flashed in Emperor Shi Tian’s eyes: “Although there are many saints in that side of the Great World, the Founding God has fallen, and it is not impossible to break through from within…”

Speaking of this, Emperor Shi Tian paused slightly, and then his eyes narrowed slightly: “Don’t hide from you, I have been involved with several saints in the Pangu World, and when the time comes, the remaining saints will be destroyed inside and outside, and the vacated holy throne does not belong to you and me, are you really unmoved?” ”

Emperor Shi Tian’s words caused Izanagi to fall into silence, close his eyes and stop speaking, obviously thinking deeply.

After a few full breaths, Izanagi still hadn’t made a decision.

But Izana, who had never spoken a word, suddenly said, “It’s not the right time!” ”

Receiving such a response, a smile flashed in Emperor Shitian’s eyes.

Isn’t it time to say it, doesn’t it already agree?

Thinking of the Holy Throne, Emperor Shi Tian’s breathing was not urgent. A few points of promotion, the eyes are more full of greed.

After taking a deep breath and suppressing the excitement in his heart, Emperor Shi Tian added, “At that time, the Pangu World should be able to vacate at least two holy seats, one for you and one for me, how?” ”


Izanagi and Izanami nodded at the same time.

Emperor Shi Tian heard Yang Tian laugh three times, and then he directly rode on the white elephant and disappeared into this square world to make his next arrangement.

The Nayi-Nagi and Izana Mitsume, on the other hand, were directly in the form of flashes and appeared in front of Lonan.

The three sub-saints of Fang Cai were all communicating through divine thoughts, except for the last Emperor Shi Tian who looked up at the sky and laughed, and no information was leaked out.

Therefore, Luo Nan did not know what the three people had in mind.

At this moment, when he saw the arrival of the two sub-saints of Izanagi and Izanami, there was also a flash of vigilance between his looks, as if he was ready to fight at any time.

He still had five traces of chaotic power left in his body, and he was not powerless to fight back in the face of Ya Sheng.

However, Izanagi obviously had no intention of fighting with Ronan, but Mu Ran asked, “Where are you going?” ”

“Take the road to the world of Olympus!”

At this point, Ronan did not hide it, because this has no value for concealment at all.

As long as he was in the Heavenly Imperial World, his whereabouts could not conceal these two sub-saints.

Izanagi didn’t say much, holding the ten-fist sword and swiping it to the side, a space crack was drawn.

“This rift, the node of space that connects the world of Olympus, you leave quickly!”

After the words fell, Izanagi and Izanami disappeared in front of Lonan’s eyes at the same time.

After Lonan observed the crack in the space and made sure there were no hidden traps in it, he stepped into it! _

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