In a dark crack in space, a slender figure suddenly flashed out of it.

Feeling this familiar breath, Luo Nan couldn’t help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

“Olympus World, I’m back!”

By the time he left the Imperial Dojo, Ronan had already set his goal, which was the Olympus World.

However, the original short journey has produced many changes because of Maitreya Buddha’s horizontal footing.

It allowed Ronan to experience three strange journeys of the Endless Chaos Void, the Great Brahma World, and the Heavenly Imperial World.

These three strange journeys, although they are all full of dangers, have also made Lonan harvest a lot.

If nothing else, his rank cultivation was no longer known how much stronger than before!

In particular, the acquisition of the power of chaos has increased the combat strength of Ronan by a notch, even in the face of the quasi-Saint Yasheng, there is also the power of a battle.

In this case, it will be more certain to break into Mount Olympus and rob people!

“But there’s one more important thing to do right now!”

Ronan knew that he would definitely face more battles next.

Before facing the next more battles, what Lonan must do is to restore his abilities to the peak state!

At the time of the four sub-saints, Luo Nan used the chaotic aura that escaped in space to accumulate ten traces of chaotic power in only a short time.

However, in order to kill Medanzo later, Ronan used the power of five rays of chaos to perform the Moon Fishing Technique in the Well.

After that, he used the power of the dragon and elephant to use the power of the two rays of chaos to successfully fish out the holy light given by the Lord!

After the battle, he was sent out of the Heavenly Imperial World by Izanagi and came here through the space node.

Therefore, Luo Nan was still short of seven traces of chaotic power, which was the real peak state!

“At this moment, it is located near the space node, and you can absorb the chaotic breath through the space channel!”

In normal times, even if the space is torn apart, what is exposed is the turbulence of space, not the chaotic void. 、

However, the space nodes connecting the major worlds are different, the space here is extremely fragile, even if the Golden Immortal arrives, it can easily tear out the chaotic void!

However, the time to maintain each tear is very limited, but only a few seconds, and it is very troublesome to absorb the power of chaos.

“Although troublesome, sharpening the knife does not mistakenly chop wood!”

With his mind set, Luo Nan directly summoned the Twelve Pins of Annihilation Black Lotus Protector, and then began to absorb the chaotic aura that escaped from the space passage.

And the Black Lotus of Annihilation where he sat down, the bell would tremble a little, shaking the healing space passage open again!


A day later, sitting on top of the black lotus, he finally opened his eyes.

“Ten silks of chaotic power, condensation completed!”

When the four sub-saints fought, it only took Ronan an hour to gather ten rays of chaotic power.

But now it took one day, and this condensed the power of seven rays of chaos.

This was not to say that the speed at which Luo Nan refined the Chaos Force had slowed down, but it was only because the environment of the two times was too large, and the concentration of the Chaos Breath was not an order of magnitude at all.

That’s why there is such a huge difference in efficiency.

“Slow is slower, but in the end it is to raise all the strengths to the peak, and now it is time to kill the Olympus Mountain!”

After saying that, Luo Nan shook the hem of the shock coat, and then controlled the twelve black lotuses under the seat and flew in the direction of Mount Olympus.

Today’s Luonan is no longer familiar with life when he first came.

Not to mention the map given to him by the Flintstones, Ronan himself already knew a lot about the Olympus world.

If nothing else, the location of Mount Olympus was unusually clear to Lonan.

However, Mount Olympus was not close to Lonan’s current location.

According to Ronan’s estimation, at his current flight speed, it would take at least three or five days.

These three or five days of time, Luonan naturally will not waste.

After setting the flight direction for the Twelve Pins of Annihilation Black Lotus, Luo Nan began to continue cultivating the Divine Elephant Zhen Prison Strength!

The power of the Divine Elephant Town Prison Energy, which Ronan had already experienced before.

When dealing with Medanzo, even if Ronan used the power of the Five Rays of Chaos to perform the Moon Fishing Technique in the Well, he would not be able to fish out of the water the round of the Broken Moon.

After that, if he did not use the power of chaos again to activate the Divine Elephant Town Prison Force to gain the power of the Dragon Elephant, he would not be able to take Medanzo.

Therefore, at this moment, Luo Nan was also cultivating this god as much as possible.

After all, the higher the number of layers of cultivation, the stronger your own strength will be, and the more divine powers you will activate!

In this way, Ronan went all the way, and three days passed in a flash.

Three days later, over a city, Ronan suddenly stopped his rapid pace!

Looking at the city below that has changed greatly, Luo Nan can’t help but sigh in his heart.

This city was the first and only city where he had gathered when he first came to the Olympus world.

In the middle of the city, Ronan meets a kind little girl, Alyssa, and her injured mother.

However, because of the siege of the city by Kratos with the Spartans, Ronan only had time to leave some fairy fruit and left the place.

After that, because he was traveling with Artemis, he did not return to visit the mother and daughter.

“I don’t know what happened to Alyssa and her mother.”

Luo Nan, who was sitting on top of the twelve black lotuses, looked at the city below and murmured.

He was well aware of the impermanence of the world, and now that years had passed since the beginning, many things were human.

Whether the mother and daughter they met by chance are still alive is a question.

Moreover, even if you live, you may not still live in this city.

“But since you’re passing by, you might as well go down and have a look, it won’t take much time anyway.”

After murmuring in his mouth, Luo Nan put away the twelve Pinnacle Black Lotuses, and then his mind moved, and he changed his appearance.

His previous appearance of black hair and black pupils, in this world full of blonde hair and blue eyes, is undoubtedly too conspicuous.

Now that he has changed his appearance, Lonan looks no different from ordinary people in the Olympus world! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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