In fact, Hades guessed it well.

When Ronan killed Poseidon and raised the fourth level, he had already set his sights on him.

At the same time as Hades’s face was full of jealousy, Ronan was already thinking about how to shoot at Hades.

With a twinkle in his eye, Ronan first took the specific level information of Hades into his eyes.

Name: Hades

Rating: 1v298

Identity: One of the twelve main gods of Mount Olympus, son of the second generation of the god king Kronos, brother of the third generation god king Zeus, the king of Hades.

“Hades’s cultivation rank doesn’t seem to be any different from Poseidon’s.”

After seeing the specific information of Hades, Luo Nan murmured in his heart, “However, killing Poseidon before made me consume a lot of immortal power, and now I should replenish it!” ”

In the case of opening the Super Race II state, the immortal power and physical strength in Luo Nan’s body will be lost at a very fast speed, if there is another fierce battle, then the loss rate of immortal power and physical strength will increase several times back!

After entering Mount Olympus, Ronan first cast the Heaven and Earth Oven and trapped the tens of thousands of Olympus gods in it for sacrifice.

Later, he faced the fire god Hephaestus and the god of war Ares alone, and dealt a heavy blow to both of them with one enemy and two enemies!

Poseidon later appears and is killed directly by Lonan.

After this series of battles, it had already depleted more than half of the Immortal Force in Luo Nan’s body.

However, the loss of Xianyuan Force was more than half, which was not too much of a problem for today’s disaster.

Because, when he entered Mount Olympus, this Olympus god had already given him a great gift!

Heaven and earth oven, sacrifice heaven and earth.

If the heavens and the earth are the furnaces, they will be created into works!

If yin and yang are carbon, then everything is copper!

With the power of heaven and earth, Luo Nan built a heaven and earth oven and made Zhaohua a smelting craftsman!

He also used the yin and yang qi as charcoal fire to smelt all things in this heaven and earth!

Most of the gods of the world do the act of seizing the heavens and the earth, absorbing the energy of the heavens and the earth to strengthen themselves.

However, the Heaven and Earth Oven that Luo Nan cast could refine these gods to the fullest, making them the most fundamental Heaven and Earth Energy!

Moreover, once this Heaven and Earth Oven is generated, if Luo Nan controls it again, it can be completely self-sufficient, and only after refining everything in it will it dissipate on its own.

In the course of the battle between Ronan and Aresposeidon and the others, those few gods had been refined by more than two-thirds, and the remaining one-third was not struggling now, and it was not far from being completely transformed into heaven and earth energy!

And that, and two-thirds of each of them was refined, also filled the entire heaven and earth oven with extremely rich heaven and earth energy!

This kind of energy does not need to be refined, it can be directly absorbed and transformed into immortal power!

That’s why when Lonan entered Mount Olympus, the Olympus Divine Clan gave Lonan a great gift!

At this moment, the immortal force in his body was more than half lost, and Luo Nan did not pick up the Hades that hung high above the sky, but instead took a step forward and headed towards the heaven and earth oven!

Under the blessing of the Writing Secret Technique, Luo Nan’s figure seemed to teleport, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the top of the Heaven and Earth Oven.

Looking at the oven below, Ronan jerked out. Grab it down with your palm and lift it up violently!


With a loud roar from Luo Nan’s mouth, a large amount of pure heaven and earth energy accumulated in the Heaven and Earth Oven directly rose up and poured into his body!

The pure heaven and earth energy was thick at this moment as if it were a liquid, and a long river hung high in mid-air, and like the waterfall from the bottom up, it surged into Luo Nan’s body.

And Luo Nan’s originally half-empty body, nourished by this rich energy, also began to swallow wildly, just like a hungry man who had been hungry and thirsty for a long time, suddenly encountered the taste of mountains and seas.

When Hades above the sky saw this scene, his heart was shocked, but his eyes flashed with a strange light!

“This guy looks, but it is only equivalent to experiencing the existence of three baptisms (Golden Immortals), and being able to burst out such a powerful combat power must have used some kind of extremely expensive secret technique!”

“And at the moment, he is anxious to absorb the energy, it must be because when he killed Poseidon, the energy in his body had been exhausted, so this is the best time to clean up this boy!”

Thinking of this, Hades’s eyes flashed, and he immediately made a resolution in his heart.

However, Hades, who was cautious by nature, did not kill Ronan directly for the sake of safety, but at the same time as he transmitted the sound to Zeus in the Pantheon in his heart, two more cold black rays directly appeared in his hands and shot towards Lonan below.

In this way, if Ronan really runs out of energy, he can interrupt Ronan’s move to restore energy.

But if Ronan still has the strength left, he can return to the Pantheon on the top of the mountain as fast as he can!

Once he repents of the Pantheon, he is absolutely safe!

Hades knew very well in his heart that he was not much stronger than Poseidon, and it was between five and five when he really fought.

The guy in front of him could easily kill Poseidon, and naturally he could easily kill Hades.

So when it comes to facing Lonan, Hades always maintains the utmost caution.

In fact, Hades’s caution did save him from a death crisis!

Because in the flash of black light that he had struck, the Immortal Force in Luo Nan’s body had already been replenished and restored to the peak level!

In the face of the two cold nether forces that struck, Luo Nan’s eyes flashed a trace of disdain.

Although they are all called Hades, the power of the underworld mastered by Hades is far from the spear of the underworld he casts.

Now this level of nether power could not pose any threat to Luo Nan at all!

After a cold hum, the power of the god elephant in Luo Nan’s body ran and directly punched out.

Those two cold nether forces directly disintegrated at this moment as if they had encountered a nemesis.

And Hades in the sky above, after seeing this scene, is also pale, and without saying a word, he directly panicked and fled! _

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