“This guy, his strength is not exhausted, and he still has the strength to fight!”

After seeing that Ronan had shattered his two nether powers with one punch, Hades had such a thought directly in his mind.

In the face of Lonan, who still had the strength to fight, Hades did not dare to have a half-pretended move.

Just kidding, this cruel man easily killed Poseidon, he and Poseidon are at the same level, where dare to fight with Lonan?

Fearing the desolation in his heart, Hades not only ignored the tens of thousands of Olympus gods trapped in the oven of heaven and earth!

Even the two nephews, Hephaestus and Ares, did not look at it any longer and threw them all to Lonan!

Hades himself, on the other hand, flashed towards the Pantheon without any remorse.

At this moment, Hades only wanted to hurry back to the Pantheon.

The Pantheon, in Hades’s view, was an absolutely safe place.

After all, it was the first generation of god kings to build it themselves, and it stood for countless years in the entire Olympus world, which was longer than the life span of most of the gods in the Olympus world.

Long before the appearance of the Titan and Olympian Gods, they were already standing on the top of Olympus Mountain.

In the endless years that followed, the Pantheon, as the center of the entire Mount Olympus, was even more a gathering of qi and luck, and after the various blessings of the generations of god kings, it had become a very strong place, and it was impossible to be conquered!

What’s more, the Pantheon at the top is the closest place to the sky in the whole of Mount Olympus!

Looking at the fleeing Hades, Lonan had no intention of going up to chase.

First of all, Hades was always cautious, not far out of the Pantheon at all, determined to escape at the moment, and could return to the Pantheon with just a few breaths.

And Ronan is far away from it, and it is definitely too late to pursue and kill.

However, Ronan was not in a hurry.

“If you can run away and the monk can’t run the temple, you will go and clean up your family later!”

After a cold hum in his mouth, Luo Nan shifted his gaze to the Heaven and Earth Oven.

At this moment, in the oven of heaven and earth, only the last ten thousand Olympus gods remained, still struggling.

The tragic and mournful voices of a large number of gods resounded through the oven, playing apocalyptic music.

However, there was no pity on Ronan’s face

After so long, Ronan already knew the world very well.

This is the world of the gods, not the world of civilization!

In the world of the gods, the most important law is the law of the weak and the strong!

Big fish eat small fish small fish eat shrimp rice, this is the eternal and unchanging Tao.

If Ronan were at a disadvantage today, would these gods still let him go?

“Although some of the Heaven and Earth Power refined by these tens of thousands of Olympus gods was depleted by the Heaven and Earth Oven, it was enough to restore my Immortal Force and physical strength dozens of times.

Luo Nan muttered, “Unfortunately, most of these gods are Heavenly Immortal Realms, of which there are very few Golden Immortals, and the only ten Great Luos are still promoted by arcane techniques, and they can’t provide me with much experience at all!” ”

When Luo Nan advanced to the Fifth Order Golden Immortal, killing the existence of the Heavenly Immortal True Immortal level had no experience improvement for him.

Even for the Golden Immortals, the experience provided below the fifth order was quite small.

Therefore, although tens of thousands of gods had been refined at this moment, the experience gained was actually not even enough to make Luo Nan rise half a level.

After seeing the many Olympus gods in the oven of that heaven and earth, Ronan reached out and lifted Ares, who had been severely damaged by himself, directly.

At this moment, Ares’s nose was blue and swollen, his face was even more pale, he was already very weak, and his consciousness was not far from being completely dizzy.

And Ronan was not polite in the face of the god of war of the Olympus world, and his direct backhand was a slap on Ares’s face.


With a crisp sound that resounded across the sky, Ares spat out a mouthful of blood foam mixed with silver teeth.

The sharp pain in his face also made his consciousness gradually regain consciousness.

After regaining consciousness, Ares’s face suddenly appeared with a look of panic, and he looked at Ronan’s eyes as if he were looking at the most terrifying demon in the world.

Although he had been in a near-coma before, he also knew what had happened under this piece of heaven and earth in the past few moments!

His uncle, the Sea Emperor Poseidon, was easily killed by the guy in front of him, backhanded!

You know, since he was born, on this Mount Olympus, there has never been a god falling!

But now, as soon as this guy broke in, he put tens of thousands of Olympus gods in a desperate situation, easily defeated him and the fire god Hephaestus, and even killed Poseidon and scared away Hades!

This terrible change even made Ares a little unacceptable for a while!

Was Mount Olympus, which was once so powerful in his eyes, so fragile in front of this guy in front of him?

“It seems that your uncle and father don’t care about your life or death, Ares?”

Just as Ares’s face was full of panic, Ronan’s voice suddenly sounded.

Hearing Lonan’s words, Ares gritted his teeth and a hint of bitterness appeared in his eyes.

Soon, however, Ares discarded the bitterness.

Among the gods of the entire Olympian world, the faintest is undoubtedly family affection.

Not to mention that Hades Zeus did not intend to save him, how could he have not thought of plotting to overthrow Zeus and become the fourth god king of Mount Olympus before Ares?

To put it bluntly, compared with their own interests, family affection is just an incomparably ridiculous embellishment.

“Don’t kill me, I can agree to any condition…”

With three points of longing in his eyes, Ares pleaded with Lonan.

As a god, he looked at his life far more seriously than mortals.

Because the life of a mortal is limited after all, but his life is infinite!

Ronan heard the words and his eyes flickered, and he said directly in a cold voice, “Take me to rescue Artemis, I can consider letting you live!” “_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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