Outside the Pantheon, Ronan saw only a stream of light, streaking across the sky at an incredible speed and heading for the distance.

Before he could see who the streamer was, a roar of anger and hatred came out of the Pantheon!


A large number of gods in the Pantheon were chanting Zeus’s name at the same time.

Ronan even heard Hades’s voice, and the hatred in that voice was even three points stronger than the others!

“What the hell did Zeus do that made the Olympian gods hate at the same time?”

Luo Nan murmured in his mouth, thinking of the extremely fast and distant streamer before he thought of it, and his heart couldn’t help but guess the truth.

“Zeus is just a Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, it is impossible to have that kind of speed, it seems that it must have been from the other gods in the Pantheon, or deceived or taken away a large amount of divine power, burning divine power to have that kind of speed.”

At this point, a sneer appeared in the corner of Luonan zui: “Since you have already committed public anger, what if you run away?” It’s just a lost dog. ”

After a cold hum, Luo Nan’s heart moved, and his figure appeared directly above the Pantheon, and a magnificent sound entered the Pantheon.

“Now it seems that your god king has obviously abandoned you, and in my oven, even if you hide in the pantheon, you will not be able to escape death, but it will only take me some time.”

Hearing Ronan’s words, there was silence in the Pantheon. 、

It was clear in the hearts of every Olympian deity that what Ronan had said was true.

Otherwise, Zeus would not have escaped on his own.

Thinking of this, the gods were desperate.

But at this moment, Ronan’s voice sounded again.

“Now I give you a chance to survive, to forget your identity as an Olympus god and to become my subordinates loyal to me, willingly, out of the pantheon!”

Luo Nan’s voice suddenly gave a touch of life to the Pantheon, which was originally full of despair.

No one wants to die, and no God wants to die.

Even compared to the two, God is more afraid of death than man.

Now that a chance to survive is in front of them, how can they turn a blind eye?

As for giving up the identity of the Olympus gods, it is not an unacceptable thing.

Zeus had deceived all of them for their own survival, so why did they hold fast to the four words of Olympus?

As for surrendering to Lonan, it was even less of a problem.

The gods of Olympus were not idle cranes in the first place, but were controlled by Zeus.

Now surrendering to Lonan is just a change of object.

And, to put it mildly, this object of allegiance is much stronger than Zeus.

Following such a powerful being may not only not be a shame for them, but a great opportunity!

Thinking of this, the gods of the original Lympus suddenly flashed a different brilliance in their eyes.

At this moment, a figure dressed in black robes was the first to walk out of the Pantheon and chose to surrender!


“It’s Lord Pluto!”

Seeing Hades walk out first, the other gods did not hesitate for a moment, and followed Hades out of the fish.

In the square outside the Pantheon, bow down to Lornan.

Hades shouted, “I wait, I would like to make you the king, follow your footsteps, and build the heavens and the earth together!” ”

“I am waiting for you, I would like to make you the king, follow in your footsteps, and build the heavens and the earth together!”

“I am waiting for you, I would like to make you the king, follow in your footsteps, and build the heavens and the earth together!”

After the voice of Hades fell, a large number of gods shouted at the same time, and the sound resounded throughout Mount Olympus!

Lonan, who was hanging in the sky above, saw this scene, and the corner of zui also flashed a smile of satisfaction.

If it were not for Zeus’s last move, it would have been obviously unlikely that Ronan would have wanted to subdue these gods.

“So I have to thank you!”

With a dark laugh in his heart, Luo Nan directly summoned the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda.

“Stay in this pagoda first, and when the time comes, I’ll let you out!”

The gods below heard the words, although they were not very willing in their hearts, but when they thought of the current situation, they could only nod their heads helplessly and fly towards the tower of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda on their own.

And Hades, who was the king of Hades, suddenly opened his mouth at this moment: “Honorable new king, can you one day kill Zeus and avenge us?” ”

When Hades said this, he immediately attracted the attention of all the gods.

If these gods were to elect the one they hated the most, it would now be Zeus.

Give them hope in the most desperate moments, and then turn that hope into a big lie!

The hatred of the gods who were being played with in despair and the hatred of Zeus had penetrated deep into the marrow!

In the face of Hades’s inquiry, Ronan did not say much, just nodded directly.

Such an answer obviously satisfied Hades and many gods at the same time.

The next moment, all the gods, including Hades, were absorbed by the power of the Seven Treasures Tower.

After collecting all the gods into the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, Luo Nan’s face flashed a strange color again.

Because after suppressing many gods, he could clearly feel that the breath of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda was actually much stronger than before, and even the power was more than double that of before!

“It seems that this Seven Treasures Pagoda is indeed slowly increasing with the increase of suppressing gods.”

After confirming this speculation, Ronan was also quite happy in his heart.

The magic weapon of growth is always extremely precious.

However, at the moment, Ronan did not have time to study the Seven Treasures Pagoda carefully, because in the middle of Mount Olympus, there was a lonely woman waiting for him to rescue him.

After Zeus escaped from the Pantheon, the Pantheon no longer channeled energy to the quiet court below.

Today, outside the quiet court, there is only one thin barrier.

This barrier had been destroyed by Luo Nan before, and now that Luo Nan’s level had increased, and his combat strength was much stronger than before, this barrier was even more unlikely to stop Luo Nan’s footsteps.

Opening the Super Race II state, Luonan’s breath soared a hundred times and directly threw out a black spear.


A series of crisp noises sounded, and the barrier guarding the quiet court directly turned into fragments in the sky! _

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