When the barrier guarding the Jing Court was completely shattered under Luo Nan’s blow, the scene in the Jing Court was also imprinted into Luo Nan’s eyes.

It was a dead and silent garden, with withered vegetation, birds and animals disappearing, and there was no life except for a beautiful woman in a plain dress.

And even that beautiful woman, the vitality on her body at this moment is extremely weak.

From a distance, it looks like a faint cluster of candles, which can be completely extinguished with a random breeze.


After discovering Artemis’s condition at this moment, Ronan’s brow frowned tightly, and there was a chill in his eyes!

Previously, Apollo had informed Lornan that Zeus had stripped Artemis of his throne.

Ronan had thought that Zeus had stripped him of only the priesthood of the Moon Goddess and the Goddess of Hunting.

But at this moment, it seems that Zeus deprived Artemis of the origin of God!

After being stripped of his origin as a god, Artemis at this moment was already a complete mortal!

Not to mention that in the coming war of the gods, even if it is placed on the earth before the arrival of the gods, it is in a situation where individuals can kill.


Ronan gritted his teeth and was eager to pluck Zeus and cramp!

The shattering of the external barrier, Artemis, who had become a mortal at this moment, could not find it at all, so there was no reaction.

Lornan saw his figure flicker and came directly behind Artemis.

As if hearing the footsteps behind him, Artemis suddenly spoke, “As I said, I would rather die than marry in that place, and you will die that heart.” ”

Artemis’s voice was filled with an unconcealed weakness.

Already an ordinary mortal, not yet imprisoned in this lifeless place, Artemis’s body was still very weak.

When Luo Nan heard this, his heart also couldn’t help but ache: “It’s me.” ”

Just two words came out, and Artemis’s emaciated shoulders suddenly trembled.

The next second, Artemis suddenly turned around, his eyes filled with disbelief.

After seeing Ronan’s face, Artemis was first overjoyed, then his face changed: “Why are you here?” Was it caught by Zeus? Didn’t I let Apollo stand guard outside Mount Olympus and stop you, that bastard obviously promised me to be good, how could it be…”

Artemis’s voice was full of concern.

This made Luo Nan feel a little warm in his heart, and he smiled kindly: “Don’t blame the boy Apollo, he did stop, but unfortunately he didn’t stop me.” ”

“Say big things again!” Artemis Lornan glanced at him, “Apollo is a god who has undergone four baptisms, how can he not stop you?” And…… Hey? ”

Artemis was talking when he realized that something was wrong, and the original withered vegetation in the quiet court had actually come back to life at this moment.

“All the vitality in the quiet court should have been sucked away by Zeus, how could it be…”

“Zeus has been beaten away by me, and the barrier outside the quiet court has been broken by me…”

Ronan took a step forward and came to Artemis, reached out and gently took Artemis’s weak body into his arms, as if he was afraid of accidentally touching this fragile work of art.

Feeling the temperature of Artemis’s weak body, Ronan bowed his head slightly, whispered in Artemis’s ear, “I will fulfill my original promise and take you out of here!” ”

Ronan’s words made Artemis’s weak body suddenly tremble, and a mist of water appeared in her eyes.

“You… What did you say? Artemis’s voice trembled slightly. Shake.

Ronan, on the other hand, repeats the previous words.

“Zeus has been beaten away by me, and the barrier outside the quiet court has been broken by me. I’m here to fulfill my original promise to take you out of here!” ”

“But the pain Zeus has brought you, I am bound to let him come back, this is my second promise to you!”


In the sky above Mount Olympus, Ronan was proud and independent, but his face was gloomy at the moment.

After pacifying Artemis for a few moments, the tormented Artemis went to sleep in Ronan’s arms.

And Ronan also took the fragile Artemis into the Seven Treasures Linglong Tower for protection, and let Alyssa, who was also in the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, take care of her for the time being.

But what happened to Artemis had already made Ronan’s heart burn.

This anger made it impossible for Ronan to let Zeus escape!

“Absorb the divine power of tens of thousands of gods, at the cost of burning in exchange for extremely fast escape, you really have a good calculation!”

Luo Nan’s voice was cold, “But burning the divine power will leave a divine power aura above the sky that will not dissipate for a long time, as long as you chase this divine power breath, you will always be able to catch up with you.” I want to see where you, the dog that has lost your family, can run! ”

As the words fell, Luo Nan moved the Secret Technique of Words, and his body turned into a stream of light, directly following the trajectory of the divine power left by Zeus.

Now the sub-saints and saints behind Zeus are all contained by the sub-saints behind the Titan God Clan, and they can’t shoot at all.

And this is undoubtedly the best time for Lonan to kill Zeus.

Otherwise, when those sub-saints free their hands, it will be very difficult to kill Zeus again.

Ronan chased all the way, and after only half a day, he caught up with Zeus, who was slightly relaxed.

Zeus originally thought that he had escaped from the sky, and suddenly saw Ronan coming from behind, where did he dare to breathe?

Continue to burn the divine power in exchange for a speedy escape.

However, the speed at which Ronan performed the Writing Mystic Technique was now not much slower than other Burning Divine Powers, and had been far behind Zeus.

This, in addition to the horror in Zeus’s heart, could only push forward with more force.

However, after a long run, the divine power that Zeus had deceived had become less and less.

Once the divine power is exhausted, he will soon be caught up by Ronan!

When the time comes, what the outcome of waiting for Zeus will be, there is no need to guess at all!

But at this moment, Zeus’s face did not have much despair.

Looking ahead, Zeus murmured, “The rest of the divine power should be enough for me to get there…”

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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