The caucasus mountains that soar into the sky are continuous, and although they are not as magnificent as Mount Olympus on the other side of the world, they have a peculiar atmosphere that Olympus does not have.

Deep and as if full of wisdom.

Above the mountains, there are a large number of thick iron chains, but the chains have long been broken, and in the baptism of wind and rain for many years, they have become rusty, and they can no longer see their original appearance.

In the mountain stream, the body of the eagle had solidified, becoming a gray-black fossil-like existence.


With a cracking sound, Zeus, who had burned the last trace of divine power in his body, finally appeared above this mountain range.

Looking at the Caucasus Mountains in front of him, Zeus, although pale, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as he persists here, he will be saved!

Feeling the breath of the demon behind him getting closer and closer, Zeus no longer hesitated, and directly flashed down and rushed into a mountain. Above the peak.

And that mountain. On the peak, there is a crumbling stone house, as if the most clumsy technicians have built it at random, without any beauty.

Not to mention that compared with the gorgeous temples on Mount Olympus, even the houses built by ordinary mortals are much better than this stone house.

However, at this moment, Zeus appeared to be extremely respectful in front of this stone house.

Lowering his noble head slightly, Zeus stood in front of the stone house and cried, “Son of Iapetos, honorable king, my good friend, I am in great trouble, I hope you can stretch out. Help out! ”

At the same time as Zeus’s voice fell, the door to the stone house suddenly opened, and then a stout young man came out of it.

The young man looked at Zeus, and a hint of pity flashed in his eyes, as if what was in front of him at this moment was not the god king who crossed Mount Olympus, but just a dog that had lost his family.

The pity in the young man’s eyes made Zeus feel an indescribable humiliation.

However, thinking of his current situation, Zeus could only forcibly suppress the feeling of humiliation and smiled: “Hercules, my child, why haven’t you visited me at Mount Olympus for so long?” ”

“I’m afraid I won’t be able to enter the door of your temple.”

Hercules frowned slightly, looked coldly at Zeus’s almost move, and said very unceremoniously.

After sweeping Zeus with a slightly disgusted look, Hercules gave way: “He’s already waiting for you inside.” ”

Although Hercules’s voice was cold, the words fell into Zeus’s ears as if they were heavenly.

At this moment, he couldn’t say much at the moment, and he flashed into the stone house.

This dilapidated stone house, extremely rare to expand without the use of the power of space, looks exactly like the outside, equally small, and equally dilapidated!

At this moment, in this small stone house, there was only a man who looked about the same age as Zeus, sitting in it.

This man’s face was peaceful, the corner of zui was always with a gentle smile, and a faint burst of hot red light was emitted from his body, which baked the stone house much warmer than outside.

After entering the stone house, Zeus, who had always held it in his throat, finally let go.

The tension of being hunted down and killed by Luonan for a long time also disappeared in an instant.

When the panic was gone, Zeus seemed to have become the god king with infinite scenery again.

However, even so, Zeus did not dare to have the slightest respect for the being in front of him!

For the person in front of him is a powerful being who has undergone six baptisms!

His name is Prometheus!

“Dear King, I have always regarded you as my best friend. Now that Mount Olympus has been breached by the Outer Demons, he is now chasing me from behind, and I have no choice but to ask for your help! ”

Zeus bowed his head and pleaded, and now Prometheus was his last hope.

But just after Zeus’s pleading words were uttered, there was a sudden mocking voice outside the door.

“Well, when you anchored Mr. Prometheus on the walls of the Caucasus and suffered every day from the pecking of the heart of an eagle, how did you not remember that he was your best friend?” Wait until you are chased by someone to a bereaved dog before you start your friendship with Mr. Prometheus? ”

Hercules’s words made Zeus’s face appear a color of embarrassment.

Prometheus originally belonged to the Titan Gods, but in that Titan War, he chose to help Zeus and became a member of Olympus.

But at that time, Prometheus was just a very ordinary deity, not valued by Zeus at all.

Later, Prometheus annoyed Zeus by giving fire to humans.

Enraged, Zeus ordered Prometheus to be fixed on the walls of the Caucasus Mountains, not only to be beaten by wind and rain, but also to peck at the heart of eagles every day.

The treatment was worse than that of the Qi Tian Great Sage who had been crushed under the Five Finger Mountain.

Later, however, Prometheus was rescued by Hercules.

Moreover, after being rescued, Prometheus’s cultivation turned out to be all the way up, passing the sixth baptism at a very fast speed.

Prometheus, who passed six baptisms, directly became one of the most powerful beings among the Titans and Olympians.

At this moment, this old matter was brought up by Hercules, and Zeus, in addition to embarrassment, also had a little more worry in his heart.

However, after seeing that the smile on Prometheus’s face was still the same, and there was no intention of blaming it at all, Zeus put his mind at ease.

Then he directly yelled at Hercules: “The conversation of the upper god, what zui do you insert into a lower god!” ”

“The next god?”

Hercules sneered, then punched Zeus in the face.

Zeus saw a cold glint in his eyes, and was chased by Ronan like a jumping dog, which made him very unhappy.

At this moment, Hercules took the lead, but Zeus found an outlet for anger!

In his memory, Hercules had only experienced three baptisms, which was not worth mentioning!

So the current backhand is a thunderbolt, thrown directly at Hercules!

Suddenly, Thunder and Hercules’ fists met, and a roar erupted directly!

The next moment, Zeus’s face changed drastically, and the ground under his feet cracked directly! _

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