When Ronan’s figure reappeared at the edge of the stream, several women had already prepared an extremely sumptuous meal.

Although with their current cultivation behavior, they no longer need to rely on food to maintain their lives, and they can directly obtain Yuan Qi energy from the heavens and the earth.

However, Luo Nan and Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan were a few people, after all, the time of becoming immortals was not long, and they could not completely get rid of the temptation of food. Confuse.

Although it is said that there will be no problem if you don’t eat it, why not enjoy it?

“Brother Nan, is the matter settled?” Song Yuyan saw Luo Nan’s return and asked with wide blinking eyes.

After seeing Luo Nan nodding, he pulled up Luo Nan’s arm and pulled Luo Nan to a stone table and sat down: “Come and taste my and Mengyu’s craftsmanship, this is a dish we have studied before, and it has not been made for you!” ”

As Song Yuyan spoke, Artemis and Alyssa were already seated.

The two women’s eyes looking at Song Yuyan were full of reverence, after all, compared to the skillful Song Yuyan, the two of them were dwarfed.

Not to mention such a complicated dish, even if it is simpler, it is difficult to make.

In particular, Alyssa, who grew up eating bread slices and milk, has completely forgotten the taste of bread after experiencing the Chinese cuisine of this month.

Soon, a series of exquisite dishes were served on the stone table, and when you looked at it, you only felt that the color and fragrance were complete, which caused people to be hungry.

Even the nine-tailed fox spirit lying on the side was sniffling, and his small eyes were full of expectation.

As the head of the family today, Luo Nan naturally picked up the chopsticks first, clipped a piece of lotus and put it in his mouth.

The lotus slices are crisp and sweet, and I don’t know how they are made.

“How does it taste?” Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan looked at Luo Nan expectantly.

And Ronan was the one who focused on it: “Just don’t be too good! ”

Hearing this, the two women’s faces flashed a trace of joy at the same time.

For them, being recognized by Lonan is already the happiest thing.

“Well, let’s stop looking, let’s eat together!”

With Ronan’s words, Artemis and Alyssa, who had endured for a long time, both unceremoniously held the chopsticks, although they still looked a little clumsy, but they were much stronger than when they first came.


After a meal, Ronan took Artemis with him to a secluded place.

“This is a elixir that you just got, and you have a wisp of divine thoughts imprinted on it.”

Luo Nan took out the past life Dan that he had just obtained from Meng Zhang, and said to Artemis.

The elixir of the past life looks completely different from the ordinary elixir.

Not only is it bigger, but it’s also very different.

The past life Dan is divided into black and white, black and white, shaped like the trend of Tai Chi, black and white blend, yin and yang intersect.

The two colors are constantly changing on the past life, just like the cycle of fate.


Artemis looked at the past life Dan in Ronan’s hand, and his face also flashed a look of surprise.

She had been in Pangu World for more than a month, and she had an understanding of many things, so she naturally knew what Dan Yao was, so at this moment she also wondered, “Isn’t Dan Yao used for eating?” Why imprint the Divine Mind on it? ”

“Dan medicine can be roughly divided into two kinds, one is a directly swallowed Dan medicine, and the other is a special purpose of the Fadan!”

Lonan explained to Artemis, “This past life dan in my hand now is a Fa Dan, as long as you imprint the divine thoughts on it, if one day you encounter misfortune, you can use this past life to be resurrected from the dead.” ”

“Resurrection from the dead!??”

Artemis’s eyes widened in admiration, “This is amazing! I have never heard of such a thing in the Olympus world! ”

“This is a sage refining by his own hands, and it is naturally magical, but it is only effective for the Eighth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal and below, and the Ninth Order Great Luo and the Quasi-Saint, once they die, they cannot be resurrected with this elixir.”

As Ronan spoke, he retreated to Artemis, “Don’t say so much, hurry up and imprint the Divine Thoughts on it.” ”

However, a hint of hesitation appeared on Artemis’s face: “But this thing should be very precious…”

Before Ronan could finish speaking, Ronan slapped Artemis directly on the tun.

“Ah! What are you doing! ”

Artemis did not expect Lonan to suddenly attack, and quickly jumped away with the rounded tun, and his face flushed with a soft cry.

In response to him, Luo Nan pretended to be stern: “Remember, you and Mengyu Yuyan are the most important things for me, and although this past life is precious, it is worthless compared to your life!” ”

Although Ronan’s face revealed a harsh meaning, falling into Artemis’s eyes made the goddess feel indescribable emotion in her heart.

“Being regarded as a treasure by a man to whom he is committed may be the greatest happiness of every woman…”

At this moment, in Artemis’s mind, such a thought suddenly appeared.

Immersed in happiness, Artemis quickly followed Ronan’s instructions and separated a wisp of divine thoughts and completed the imprint.

After several checks to make sure there was no problem, Ronan put the past life Dan into his storage ring.

At the same time, I secretly hoped in my heart that it would never be useful to this day of the past life.


In the time that followed, Lonan’s life finally gained a long period of peace, and no one disturbed his life and that of several women.

In addition to lobbying and laughing with a few women every day, Luo Nan also spent a lot of time guiding several women in cultivation.

After all, in order to cultivate this kind of thing, there is no harm in being a little higher.

Of course, Luo Nan’s own cultivation did not let go.

Although he didn’t have the Gong Fa, but that Divine Elephant Zhen Prison Force was able to accompany his own cultivation to become stronger and stronger, and entering a deeper level could also activate the powerful divine power, Luo Nan naturally did not have the reason to let go.

Just like that, another month passed quietly!

One day a month later, Luo Nan was deducing divine powers in the forest, and the voice of the Fu Ren Clan suddenly sounded in his ears!

“Ronan, come and see me at the dojo!” _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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