Hearing the voice of the Fu Ren Clan, Luo Nan’s spirit was lifted!

The reason why Lonan stayed in this valley and did not go out was to wait for the summons of the Flintlock Clan!

At the beginning, the five sub-saints of the Terran race, under his suggestion, finally decided to ally with the two saints of Olympus to fight for the holy throne!

Of course, a big battle of this level certainly could not be said to be a fight, and several Yasheng soon finished dividing up their work, handling their own affairs and collecting some intelligence.

And when these matters are processed, it will also be time for the alliance to reach an alliance and prepare for formal combat.

As one of the most outstanding talents among the current Terrans except for the five sub-saints, Luo Nan naturally had no reason to avoid this great war.

And with Lonan’s nature, even if the five saints wouldn’t let him fight, he would have to go.

After all, war also represents opportunity.

If Luo Nan wanted to improve his cultivation, there were basically only two ways, the first was to kill, and the second was to be killed.

And both of these approaches are very easy to achieve in war.

So Ronan naturally has no reason to avoid!

At this moment, after hearing the summons of the Fu Ren Clan, Luo Nan no longer hesitated, and when his body flashed, he directly turned into a stream of light and fled towards the direction where the Fu Huang Dao site was.

The valley where the Funghuang Dojo is located is not far from the valley where Luonan lives, and it is already in the same mountain range.

It can be said that it is a neighbor.

Such a close distance, in the case of Luo Nan casting the Writing Secret Technique, the kung fu of just a blink of an eye has already completed the cross!

When Luo Nan’s figure landed at the door of the Imperial Fire Dojo, the fairy who had seen it several times was already waiting here.

“Luo Xian, please come with me!”

When the fairy saw Ronan, she gave a respectful salute and then trotted ahead to lead the way.

Several times before coming to the Emperor of the Flintlock Dojo, this fairy was not arrogant and impatient, and her pace was steady.

But now it is a direct trot, which shows the urgency of the situation!

Luo Nan frowned slightly, it seemed that things were not as simple as he thought.

This time, the Fairy did not take Luo Nan outside the stone tower, but came to the main hall in the center of the Fund Emperor Dojo.

This great hall is magnificent and domineering, and there is a flame burning on it, which has not been extinguished for millions of years.

In the Great Hall, at this moment, in addition to the Fulins Clan, there were many Terran strongmen.

Luo Nan glanced at it and found that most of the faces were very strange, but the cultivation realm reflected by that breath was not weak at all.

The Great Luo Golden Immortal alone, there are dozens. The Golden Immortal True Immortal is even more numerous.

“The strong people in this great hall alone are stronger than the entire Heavenly Garden, and the five sub-saints of the Terran race have indeed accumulated a lot of strength!”

Luo Nan sighed darkly in his heart.

However, he also knew that once it was opened, many of these human beings would die and turn into a handful of yellow soil.

Once the work is accomplished, it is more or less!

When Luo Nan walked into the Great Hall, the eyes of many Terran strongmen converged on Luo Nan’s body at the same time.

Immediately afterward, the voice of the Flintlock Clan resounded throughout the Great Hall: “This is what I said before, Lonan, and the brightest rising star of my Terran race now!” ”

There was a hint of pride in the voice of the Fu Ren Clan, after all, Luo Nan was the first to value and save it.

In fact, there was still a word that the Fu Ren Clan couldn’t bear to say, that is, Luo Nan was very likely to become the sixth sub-saint in the history of the Terran race!

But considering the shock that this news will cause after the news, it is still restrained.

As soon as the voice of the Flintlock Clan fell, a series of voices of goodwill sounded in the hall.

“Under Zhao Tiangang, meet Luo Xian!”

“In the lower Yuan Benxi, I have long heard the name of Luo Xian!”

“Luo Xianwei is famous, and Dao Qingfeng is impressed!”


A strong individual clan in the Great Hall almost simultaneously held his fist towards Luo Nan, and his look was filled with awe!

After all, in the world of the gods, the strong are respected, and strength is everything!

Long before Ronan’s arrival, they had already heard some rumors about Ronan intermittently from the mouth of the Flint.

For Ronan’s amazing record, it is also quite admirable.

In the face of the overtures of a strong individual clan, Luo Nan also held his fist and looked around, which was a return gift.

After that, Luo Nan walked to the side of the Fu Ren Clan and stood still in the envious eyes of many Terran strongmen.

Being able to stand by the side of the Terran Yasheng can be said to be the greatest hope of every Terran strongman, and it is simply an infinitely glorious thing in their eyes.

The Flintlock Clan nodded at Luo Nan with a smile, and then he reached out his hand to signal the many Terran strongmen in the Great Hall below to be quiet.

Suddenly, the originally noisy hall was silent in an instant, and even if a feather fell to the ground, a sound could be heard.

“I have summoned everyone to come here this time, and I think the reasons for this should be clear to everyone.”

The Fu Ren Clan looked at the people below and said slowly, “Although my human race is the protagonist of heaven and earth, but it was born too late, and now the entire clan does not have a saint, which will also be the biggest scourge of my human race!” ”

“Now that the Great Avenue has come to the devastation, even the saints do not know how to spend this calamity, and everyone can only cross the river by feeling the stones.” With the road ahead uncertain, I consulted with several other sub-saints and decided that my human race must have one more saint, so that I can leave a glimmer of hope for my human race under the Great Avenue! ”

“In that Olympus world, there is a throne waiting for us to take it, and will you dare to go with me?”

The voice of the Flintlock Clan, like thunder, exploded in the ears of each Terran strongman.

And the flames at the top of the great hall soared up to three thousand feet at this moment, making the entire sky burn up!

This astonishing scene made all the Terran strong people shine in their eyes, and then they shouted in unison: “I am willing to follow in the footsteps of the Emperor of the Flints and conquer Olympus!” ”

At this moment, no one chose to retreat.

The truly timid will not come here at all.

Those who come to this great hall will not stand timidly!

Moreover, everyone knows a little bit in their hearts.

Avenue robbery is not only a disaster, but also an opportunity!

War, too…

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