Level seven!

“I didn’t expect that this Great Luo Golden Immortal level baptism pool would actually be able to directly raise my cultivation level by as much as seven levels!”

Lonan murmured, his eyes full of surprise.

The fourth baptistery, which could bring such an effect, was something that Luo Nan had never thought of before.

“If the Fifth Baptistery Pool can continue to exceed my estimation, maybe I can really advance to the level of the Eighth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal in this baptismal place!”

As he spoke, Luo Nan’s eyes lit up!

At this moment, the experience that this fourth baptism pool could provide him had reached its limit, so Luo Nan did not continue to stay in the pool, but directly jumped out.

But Ronan did not enter the fifth baptism pool immediately, but set his sights on the women.

At this moment, Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan’s two daughters had already entered the baptism pool of the Golden Immortal Level, soaking in the experience.

Luo Nan’s divine consciousness swept over and found that the cultivation of the two girls had actually reached the level of the Seventh Order Golden Immortal.

“According to the current situation, this baptism pool is likely to send Meng Yujie and Yu Yan to the level of the Eighth Order Golden Immortal.”

And once they reached the level of the Eighth Rank Golden Immortal, the two of them could enter the Fourth Baptistery Pool and break through to the Great Luo Golden Immortal Level with the power of the Fourth Baptistery Pool! ”

Speaking of this, Luo Nan couldn’t help but feel happy for the second daughter in his heart.

As for Artemis, he was slightly worse than the second daughter, and although he was now staying in the Golden Immortal Baptism Pool, his cultivation was only to the point of the Fifth Order Golden Immortal, and it was basically impossible to break through to the Eighth Order, and naturally he was not qualified to enter the Fourth Baptistery.

Alyssa, on the other hand, was somewhat unexpected by Lornan.

Alyssa’s cultivation was originally only the True Immortal Realm, and it was reasonable to say that she could only walk through the first two baptismal pools at most.

But now, Alyssa was also in the Golden Immortal Baptistery, and her rank was the highest of the four daughters.

This made Lonan a little puzzled.

But after a little thought, Ronan had a flash of inspiration in his mind and quickly thought of something.

Alyssa, but she has been blessed by heaven and earth.

After normal people break through the Great Realm, their cultivation is all of the zero order.

But those who have received the favor of heaven and earth, once they break through, are the beginning of the seventh order!

“With the help of the first two baptismal pools, Alyssa broke through the True Immortal Level, directly promoted to the Eighth Order True Immortal, and now with the help of the Third Baptism Pool, it is very likely to break through again, and once it breaks through, it is the seventh order or even the Eighth Order Golden Immortal, which is enough to step into the Fourth Baptism Pool and be promoted to the Great Luo Golden Immortal Level.”

“And once Alyssa advances to the Great Luo Golden Immortal Level, it will be directly the seventh or even eighth order Great Luo Golden Immortal.”

“If you are lucky enough to be promoted to the Eighth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, you can also take advantage of the situation to enter the Fifth Baptism Pool, and the worst result is also the Great Luo Golden Immortal Limit!!”

Thinking of this, Ronan’s heart couldn’t help but be admired.

Heaven and earth care is definitely something more powerful than the A Gong Fa bloodline!

After taking a deep breath and suppressing the chaotic thoughts in his heart, Ronan shifted his gaze to the fifth baptistery.

Although Luo Nan’s current cultivation had reached the level of the fourth-order Great Luo Golden Immortal, it was still a little worse than the requirement of entering the Fifth Baptistery.

Therefore, at this moment, Luo Nan also directly opened the Super Race II form, forcibly raised his body strength and breath, and then jumped into the fifth baptism pool without hesitation!

Entering the Fifth Baptistery, Luo Nan only felt a force that was tens of times more abundant than before, enveloping his body in an instant!

And his limbs and veins, and even millions of pores on his body, were all stretched out at the same time.

That majestic energy poured into Ronan’s body from these millions of pores!

An ethereal voice, even more with a little urgency. Hurry, ringing in Lonan’s ears!

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v278!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v279!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v280!”


With the sound of this ethereal sound, the breath on Luo Nan’s body was also constantly soaring!

Fifth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal!

Sixth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal!

Seventh Order Great Luo Golden Immortal!

Luo Nan’s cultivation was climbing step by step at an extremely steady speed, and if anyone saw this scene, he would definitely drop his jaw!

No one would have thought that the cultivation behavior of the Great Luo Golden Immortal level would soar at such a rate.

This is something that has not happened even in the entire history of the Olympus world!

After all, before Luo Nan, those who could enter the Fifth Baptism Pool were at least the cultivation of the Eighth Order Great Luo Jinxian.

The only one who could enter it with the fourth-order Great Luo Golden Immortal Cultivation was Luo Nan since ancient times!

At the same time that Luo Nan was being baptized, Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan had already taken the lead in receiving the baptism and officially broke through to the level of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Artemis was also close behind, but only reached the seventh level of Golden Immortals, one step away from entering the fourth baptismal pool.

After the three women came ashore, they also invariably focused their eyes on Luonan.

Feeling the ever-strengthening breath on Luonan’s body, the three daughters also prayed for Luonan’s blessing in their hearts.

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v290!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v291!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v292!”

When Luo Nan’s cultivation entered the Eighth Order Great Luo Level, his heart couldn’t help but flash a touch of excitement!

Because, Luo Nan can clearly feel that there is still strength around him!

“Push harder to help me climb to the Ninth Order!!”

Before, Luo Nan had never thought that this baptism pool could directly send himself to the Ninth Order, but at this moment, the hope was in front of him, and the flame in Luo Nan’s heart naturally burned.

At the same time, Ronan was also controlling his body, swallowing the energy around him with all his strength!

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v294”

“Ding, congratulations on raising your level to 1v295!!”

Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal!!

When the last ethereal voice sounded in Luo Nan’s ears, Luo Nan’s cultivation had finally advanced to the level of the Ninth Order Great Luo!

And this, too, made Luo Nan’s face suddenly appear a touch of ecstasy!

“Ding, the conditions for the Void Sutra cultivation have been met, do you want to study it now?” _

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