According to Luo Nan’s previous estimation, this baptism pool could allow him to reach the level of the seventh or eighth rank of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, which was enough.

However, I never expected that the experience contained in this baptism pool would be so rich that it would directly elevate Luo Nan from the realm of the Fourth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal to the level of the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal!

For Ronan, it was definitely like flying over the speed of a rocket.

You know, not long ago, he was still just entering the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm, and now just a few hours later, he has reached the last level of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

The ecstasy in the heart naturally does not need to be said.

As for the inquiry that sounded in his ears, Luo Nan naturally did not hesitate for a moment, and directly answered in his heart: “Learn now!” ”

As soon as Ronan’s voice fell, he had information about the Void Sutra in his mind and began to play automatically.

Luo Nan could clearly see that one character after another appeared in front of him, and those characters also seemed to have magical abilities, in an indescribable way, completely infused the outline of the Void Sutra into Luo Nan’s heart!

At this moment, Luo Nan involuntarily closed the five senses, and wholeheartedly entered the closed state, carefully understanding the essence of the Void Sutra!

The Void Sutra records what the Void Emperor has learned in his lifetime, and it is all the Void Emperor’s perception of space, which is extremely precious and the food is extremely complex.

It was precisely for this reason that it was necessary for the cultivation and enlightenment of the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal to be able to practice the mystical techniques recorded in this sutra.

Moreover, even if the cultivation had reached the level of the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, it would not be an easy task to fully comprehend this divine power, because space was different from other paths, not only was it illusory, but it was also a lot of changes.

It can be said that it is one of the most difficult to practice among all the paths.

However, this is only for others, for Ronan, it is not so difficult.

Because the technique of fishing for the moon in the well that Luo Nan had practiced before was the ultimate application of space.

Luo Nan, who had practiced this divine power, was already familiar with space, and if he practiced the contents recorded in this void sutra at this moment, it could be said that it was like a tiger adding wings, and it could be described as fast!

However, even if it is fast, it still takes a lot of time!

With the passage of time, one by one, the women all stepped out of the baptism pool and watched Ronan retreat in the baptism pool to feel the Void Sutra.

As for Tartaros outside the baptismal pool, he naturally discovered Lonan’s mutation, but he did not disturb Lonan, but let Ronan practice.

After all, for them, the more powerful Luonan’s cultivation was, the more victory in the war might be!

And that’s it, time flies!

One day!

Two days!

Three days!

Tartaros had been waiting on the altar, as if he were being carved, without a single movement.

Ten days!

Eleven days!

Twelve days!

When the time was extended indefinitely, not only Tartaros, but even several Terran sub-saints, appeared on the altar, their brows slightly wrinkled.

Because the war has already begun at this time!

“Ronan is still in a closed state of five senses, he knows the current situation, if it is not an emergency, he will definitely not choose to retreat in this situation!”

The Furyō clan, who knew Ronan very well, said to the others.

Yu Chao nodded, “Yes, if we forcibly wake him up now, we may interrupt a great opportunity that belongs to him!” ”

“Let Lonan continue the retreat, he has done enough for this war!” Xuanyuan arrived flatly.

Shen Nong nodded, “The rest of the matter, we will solve it.” ”

After the words fell, the four Terran A-Saints all turned their eyes to Tartaros’s body in unison.

At this moment, Tartaros’s face had been re-shrouded in black robes.

“In that case, I will send someone to guard the altar and wait for him to finish the retreat before I take him out.”

A hoarse voice came out from under the black robes: “As for us, we can prepare for the war below.” ”

With that, Tartaros tapped his fingers in front of him for a circle, then twisted the space and left the altar with the four Terran sub-saints!


At the top of the mountain, in the fifth baptistery, the Luonan retreat has been in retreat for more than a month.

During this period, several women were also practicing next to the baptismal pool, familiar with the strength that had just soared.

For Luo Nan, they naturally had no worries, after all, they could clearly perceive that Luo Nan’s breath was stable, not only did not have the slightest weakening look, but also became stronger and stronger.

“However, although Brother Nan’s breath is getting stronger and stronger, I don’t know if you feel it, but Brother Nan’s breath is becoming more and more ethereal?”

Song Yuyan had doubts on his face and asked at the girls around him.

Artemis nodded thoughtfully, “Yes, Ronan now feels like I’m on the edge of the world, sometimes there, sometimes not there, and I don’t know why.” ”

Wu Mengyu said, “This is definitely related to Xiao Nan’s current cultivation of divine powers, and we don’t have to worry, just wait with peace of mind.” ”


The rest of the girls heard the words and all nodded.

After all, Wu Mengyu can be said to be the eldest woman in the family today, and she is respected by women.

And just as several people nodded, Alyssa, who had been staring at Luonan from the side, suddenly flashed a trace of surprise on her face, and then exclaimed: “Big brother, he’s gone!” ”

Hearing Alyssa’s voice, several women were shocked at the same time and looked at each other.

Only then did I find that the fifth baptistery, at some point, was empty.

The sudden disappearance of Luo Nan made several women panic, afraid that something would happen to Luo Nan.

But just when the women were worried, Luo Nan’s figure suddenly appeared in the baptismal pool, as if the previous disappearance was just an illusion!

“This… What a situation…”

Several women looked at the scene in front of them, all of them were a little sluggish.

And in the sluggishness of several women, Luonan’s figure disappeared again, appeared, disappeared again, and appeared again!

After this cycle a hundred times, Luonan, who had been in retreat for more than a month, finally opened his eyes! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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