In the end, Tartaros and Gaia were unable to make a decision, and according to both of them, they still need to think about it.

Although the Terran Asahi and Odin hope to form an alliance, it is not too hard to push at the moment, leaving enough time for Tartaros and Gaia to consider.

However, the Terrans and the Asa Divine Clan also took this opportunity to conclude an alliance agreement first, which became an alliance in the Great Avenue.

According to the agreement between the two sides, after all the affairs of the Olympus world are over, the Terrans will send their combat forces to Asgard to assist the Asa to launch an attack on Jotunheim, where the Frost Giants are located!

After the agreement, Odin and Thor also took the people away, and the four Terran sub-saints could not come to Ronan’s side until this time.

After erecting a barrier around to prevent detection, the Flintlock Clan then asked Luonan, “Luonan, how can Osiris be, and who is the powerful being that kills it?” ”

Unlike the likes of Tartaros and Gaia, the Flintstones were very familiar with Lonan.

When I saw Ronan appear here before, I knew that Osiris’s death was absolutely inseparable from Ronan.

However, in view of the fact that the situation was not right at that time, it was not an exaggeration to say that there were many people with many eyes, so the Furen Clan also endured not to ask, but just communicated with the Fuxi Clan and the Shennong Clan in their hearts.

Now that Tartaros and Odin and the others had all dispersed, leaving only the Terrans here, the Flints finally couldn’t help but wonder in their hearts and asked Lonan.

In the face of several Terran sub-saints, Luo Nan naturally would not have anything to hide.

After all, the extremely Terran Yasheng had great kindness to him, and several sub-saints were all bowing down to the Terrans, and Luo Nan was also very impressed in his heart.

At this moment, in the face of the Fu Ren Clan inquiry, Luo Nan also directly said the cause and effect before and after.

“Not long ago, I led my men to fight against the gods of the Nile God Domain, and there were two quasi-saint level beings in the opposing battlefield, and I was ready to kill those two people first to end the war.”

Hearing Luo Nan say that he was going to kill the two quasi-saints, there was no fluctuation in the faces of the Fu Ren Clan and the others.

After all, they were also aware of Luonan’s terrifying combat power, and ordinary quasi-saints really had no ability to resist the current Luonan.

“And then what?” Fu Xi asked.

Ronan replied, “But just as I was about to strike at those two would-be saints, Osiris suddenly appeared, apparently a man hiding from the side and ambushing me!” ”

“This bastard, I am so ashamed that Tangtang Yasheng actually wants to ambush a descendant!”

Xuanyuan scolded shamelessly, and his eyes were full of contempt for Naosiris.

It is conceivable that if Olessi had not died, Xuanyuan Clan would have absolutely slashed it with a sword to vent the anger in his heart.

“I fought a bitter battle with Osis, and in the middle of the battle, I made some breakthroughs, advanced to the quasi-saint level, and under the great increase in strength, I also had some advantages in the face of Osiris.”

Hearing Luo Nan’s words, the four Terran sub-saints all flashed a look of shock on their faces.

Breaking through in battle, the quasi-holy realm pressed against Ya Shengda…

Is this Nyima still human!!

Man is more angry than man!

At this moment, in the hearts of several Terran sub-saints, they couldn’t help but have this idea.

Even if Osiris was placed in the sub-saint level, he was not a weak person.

In terms of real combat effectiveness, even a few Terran sub-saints were not much stronger than Osiris.

If Ronan can really suppress Osiris, it is basically equivalent to suppressing several Terran sub-saints!

Thinking of this, in addition to being shocked, several Terran Yasheng were even more vaguely proud and happy in their hearts.

After all, Ronan himself was part of their Terran race.

At this time of great danger, the Terran race has one more such strong person, which is undoubtedly a great good thing for the entire human race.

And more importantly, Luonan’s cultivation has only been in the past few decades!

In just a few decades, it has grown to such a terrible point, if you give Lonan a period of time, what will you grow to?

Thinking of this, the four Terran sub-saints looked at each other, and they all couldn’t help but take a breath.

Such a existence can be said to be a nail in the coffin, to become a saint, or even a saint, right?

Pressing these shocks into his heart, the Flintlock then asked Ronan, “After that, where did the huge finger that killed Osiris come from, is it really your power?” ”

The Flintstones knew that Lonan had a magic move, which was very similar to the finger that had previously killed Osiris.

This is also an important reason why the Furyn clan is convinced that the fall of Osiris and Lonan are not shallow.

Hearing the Furyman’s inquiry, Luo Nan first nodded, then shook his head again.

“The reason why that finger appeared was because of one of my magic tricks, but the terrible power contained in that finger was not my power, but from another powerful being!”

Hearing Luo Nan’s words, the four Terran Yasheng all nodded, which coincided with their speculations, after all, the power contained in that finger was too terrifying, and just one contact directly killed a sub-saint.

Even if they are transferred to the position of Osiris, I am afraid that the result will not be any different!

“Who is that mighty being?”

When this question was asked, the voices of Shen Nong and the others trembled slightly. Shake.

My heart was full of curiosity about the powerful being who had even surpassed the saint in perception.

Luo Nan saw this and responded in a deep voice, “It is a strong person who has survived thousands of yuan in the endless chaotic void.” ”


When they first heard this word, the people of the Fu Ren Clan and others were also confused, not knowing what this so-called Huiyuan was.

And Luo Nan also explained: “One hundred yuan is the time between the two avenue robbery. ”


Hearing this, the four Terran sub-saints were all shocked, and they even took a breath of cool air in their mouths.

“How is this possible!!?” _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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