The Great Avenue Measure of Robbery, that is more terrifying than the Heavenly Dao Measure of Robbery, and it is also a more ancient existence.

From the time the Pangu World was opened up to the present, it has only encountered this time of the Great Avenue Robbery!

And the powerful being in Luo Nan’s mouth had actually survived more than a thousand Hui Yuan in the endless chaotic void, that is to say, he had experienced more than a thousand Dao Raids!

This, let the four Terran sub-saints, for a moment obviously a little unacceptable!

If this is true, then how many years has that powerful being existed?

And how powerful will he be?

Suddenly, the Terran Yasheng, who was in shock, was silent, and the air suddenly fell silent.

It wasn’t until a long time later that Xuanyuan Clan spoke, and his voice was a little shocked and dry: “If there really is more than a thousand yuan, then in the eyes of that powerful being, but there is no difference between us and the newborn child, we can turn over our hands and rub it.” Pinch to death, Osiris died without complaint! ”

“Good value for money”

After Fu Xi and the others heard the words, they also nodded.

“By the way, Lonan, that powerful being, can you tell you something?”

After sighing for a while, the Fu Ren Clan seemed to remember something, and then asked Luo Nan.

Luo Nan nodded, and his face was also a little heavy: “I am also planning to talk to a few people about this matter!” ”

Seeing the change in Luo Nan’s face, the four Terran Yasheng also knew that what Luo Nan was going to say next was definitely a very important thing, so at the moment, he also corrected the color and said to Luo Nan: “You say! ”

“That mighty being, after killing Osiris, had a detailed conversation with me and told me some secrets between heaven and earth.”

At this point, Ronan frowned slightly: “But these secrets are not good news for us.” ’

“The Great Avenue Quantity Robbery is a purge of the Endless Chaos Void to each great world, and when the Avenue Measuring Robbery is over, all the worlds will become chaotic in the void and no longer exist!”



The four Terran sub-saints heard the words and their eyes widened at the same time.

All the saints, the Sages, had different degrees of speculation about the Dao Magnitude.

It’s just that so far, no one in the great worlds has been able to deduce how the Great Avenue Robbery will end.

Therefore, no one knows how to survive the Great Avenue Robbery safely.

Nowadays, everyone can say that they are feeling the stones, luck.

But now Ronan says that at the end of the Avenue, all beings will be destroyed and everything will return to nothingness, and this result is obviously not something that anyone is willing to accept.

Therefore, at this moment, the faces of the four Terran saints were all very ugly.

After that, Luo Nan also told the four Terran Yasheng all the information he had learned about his conversation with Wuzu and told all the information he had learned unreservedly.

After listening to Ronan’s narration, the thinking Terran Yasheng invariably closed his eyes and began to think about countermeasures in his heart.

“Fifty years, only fifty years…”

“The Five Saints Breaking Technique… You can break through the realm of saints and enter a whole new realm…”

“You can guarantee that the world will not be destroyed for a while!”

Thinking about the key points in Ronan’s words, several Terran sub-saints had a thousand thoughts in their hearts.

After a long time, the Fuxi Clan, which was secretly led by the Terran sub-saints, finally spoke.

“Since this is the case, we must take it as our duty to guard the Pangu World and the Terrans!”

Hearing Fu Xi’s words, the rest of the people all nodded their heads and had no opinion.

“To protect the Pangu World, now only by using those Five Sacred Breaking Techniques can there be hope.”

Fuxi then said, “This time we help Tartaros and Gaia to victory in the Great War, and we will get a Holy Seat of the Olympus World, with a Holy Throne, temporarily seated by the Flint. The day he waited for Luo Nan to break through to the sub-holy realm, he would give up the Holy Position to Luo Nan on his own, the Fu Ren Clan, what do you think? ”

“I have no opinion!”

The Fulin Clan nodded, whether it was out of righteousness or something else, the Fulin Clan could not refuse this offer.

Among the several of them, Luo Nan undoubtedly had the greatest growth and potential, and was also the one with the most hope of cultivating into the Five Saints Breaking Technique.

There was nothing wrong with giving up the throne to Lonan.

After all, if no one in the Five Saints Breaking Life Technique succeeded, then all of them would turn into fly ash together with the Pangu World in the Void Countercurrent fifty years later, and completely fall!

Giving way to Luonan was not only to preserve the Pangu world and the Terrans, but also to protect themselves.

After all, no matter from which aspect, Ronan is undoubtedly the most likely of several people to successfully surpass the level of saints!


After dealing with the affairs of the Olympus world, the Fuxi, Shennong and Xuanyuan clans led many Terran strongmen to leave the Olympus world and return to the Pangu world.

And the Flintstones stayed in the Olympus world, feeling the holy throne of this side of the world and preparing to be sanctified.

Once the Flintstones are sanctified, they can use the power of heaven and earth to resurrect the Terran soldiers who have died in this world.

Of course, the prerequisite must be that the cultivation is below the Eighth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal.

If the cultivation exceeds the Eighth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, then the forced resurrection will face the repercussions that even the saints cannot easily bear.

Therefore, for the existence of the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal and the Quasi-Saint Level, even after the Fu Ren Clan was sanctified, it could only gather the three souls and seven spirits of these people, and then give them the opportunity to reincarnate and let them reincarnate for a lifetime!

Originally, there was no problem, after all, in the past life, it was possible to cultivate into a Great Luo Golden Immortal or even a quasi-saint, and after reincarnation, there was a saint to take care of it, and in time the achievements would definitely not be lower than in the previous life.

But now, the time left for the whole world is only fifty years.

Therefore, it is not certain whether these reincarnated people can awaken the memories of past lives.

Of course, in today’s situation, even if they did not die in battle, they would only live for an additional fifty years.

For these quasi-Saint Da Luo, whose life expectancy is often calculated in tens of millions of years, fifty years, but at a snap! _

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