【[World Channel] System message: There are still 10 minutes left before the mission deadline. So far, ** players have successfully started the mission and obtained the [Admission Ticket]. These players will take the first [Ninja Exam] in history at 8 o'clock in the evening. Players who successfully pass the [Ninja Exam] will be able to become [Genin] and receive huge experience, equipment and gold coin rewards!

As the system message was released, the whole world was in turmoil again.

Those players who have not yet started the mission were sweating profusely and started to improve their favorability with the teachers of the Ninja Academy again, hoping to start the mission before the deadline. On the other hand, more than 50 million players who got the [Admission Ticket] have been automatically teleported to the classrooms of various hidden village academies by the system.

In the classroom, in addition to these players, each classroom has NPC students who are also taking the exam, as well as teachers who are invigilating.

Because Li Qing was the first to get the admission ticket, he was assigned to the first position of the first classroom in Konoha Village, a place next to the window with a good geographical location.

"I am Iruka, your graduation exam teacher. You will face the next three exams, namely the theory exam, the intelligence exam and the practical exam. The results of the three exams will directly determine whether you can become a [Genin].】!"

As he spoke, Iruka waved to a teacher named [Yu] beside him, and the two of them started the test.

In fact, the players did not expect that they would need to take an exam to become a Genin, especially having to go through written tests and actual combat. However, they were relieved after thinking about it carefully. This would make it more realistic. After all, this is a world of Naruto.

The test paper only has two thin pages, with a total of fifty questions.

When the test paper was handed to these millions of players, they were instantly dumbfounded!

Even [Super God Alliance], who had always been confident and believed that he could do anything after a lot of ninjutsu training,】、【Ninja Alliance】、【Western Church] and other players also instantly widened their eyes and opened their mouths, with incredible expressions on their faces.

What the hell?

What does it mean that if a C-level fire ninjutsu moves at a constant speed of 5 points per second, what kind of explosive force will it cause? Please explain it in detail with force analysis!

What does it mean that if A uses the [clone technique], how much kinetic energy will his attacking [clone] have? How much potential energy?

"Damn it, I should study hard!"

"Damn, the question is so difficult? I graduated with a Ph.D. in physics and I don’t know how to calculate it.……"

"It's a bit too difficult... Even a graduate student would not get many points on this question.……"

The test paper covers so many subjects and contains so much knowledge that even many players who have attended college or even graduate school cannot bear it for a while.

Is this the knowledge that a seven or eight-year-old child needs to master? Are you kidding me! Especially those players who dropped out of school early, they were so depressed that they vomited blood. It was not until this time that they suddenly realized the importance of knowledge as power...

This is more than knowledge is power? Knowledge is simply points, knowledge is a huge amount of experience!

Millions of players couldn't help but complain and started to move secretly. The elite players of the alliance union took advantage of the absence of the invigilator to quickly copy the content of the test paper to the scientists in the alliance, hoping that they could help solve the problem.

Unfortunately, the test paper only tested some ninjutsu knowledge, and these top brains in the world could not help them solve it for a while.

There was even a confident scientist who was so depressed that he vomited blood when he saw the test paper... and never woke up again!

And with the wailing of the players, the answers to each question on the test paper quickly occupied the black market, and the price of each answer was even hyped up to more than 5 million RMB! That's 5 million RMB, but unfortunately no one can do it...

Amidst the wailing, Li Qing, who got the questions, shook his head and laughed.

Although these questions are difficult, the difficulty lies in the understanding of ninjutsu. As long as you master the relevant knowledge of physics and ninjutsu at the same time, many answers can be easily solved. In his previous life, he had experienced the sea of books and questions in China. These questions were not difficult for him who had mastered the knowledge of ninjutsu and physics at the same time.

Li Qing picked up the pen and then easily wrote and drew on the test paper. In less than a few minutes, he had finished five or six test questions!

The players who were in the same examination room with Li Qing, looking at the test papers in shock, were stunned again when they saw Li Qing answering the questions so quickly!

Fuck! Uchiha Qing is not only a god of playing, but also a god of questions!

Some players also posted this matter on the Naruto forum and recorded a short video. For a while, players who were looking for answers on the forum swarmed in instantly. When they saw Li Qing answering fluently in the video, they almost knelt down instantly.

In just a few minutes, the post had reached tens of millions of clicks!

I love to eat lamb: Uchiha Qing 6666, he can answer such difficult exam questions!

I love to study: Facts have proved that Uchiha Qing and the players are multiple crushes in all dimensions!

Please let me indulge in typing and work: Too cool, Uchiha Qing, I want to give birth to a monkey for you! In addition, please give me the answer ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

My God, please give me a girl: It means that in the examination room of [Mizunoe Reimeng], Mizunoe Reimeng's answering speed is as terrifying as Uchiha Qing, both are perverts!

Twenty minutes later, when most players only answered one question or even left it blank, Li Qing slowly stood up from his seat, walked towards the invigilator Iruka, and handed in his paper!

【World Channel] System Message: Player [Uchiha Qing] was the first to hand in his paper when the exam was 21 minutes in!

【[World Channel] System Message: Player [Mizunotsuki Reimu] was the second one to hand in his paper 22 minutes into the exam!

"Damn, I actually lost to the players!"

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