"Uchiha Qing answered the questions very quickly this time……"

At this time, Iruka flipped through the paper written by Li Qing.

It didn't matter if he didn't flip through it. Once he flipped through it, the expression on his face could only be described as wonderful! And his hand holding the paper was also trembling slightly!

The reason why he showed such emotions was not because Li Qing's answers were bad, but because his answers were too good!

Every question had a more standard answer than the standard answer, and even had many derivative ideas of his own!

Although he didn't look closely, he instinctively felt that this was a paper that could get full marks!

Yes, full marks!

"Teacher Iruka, what's wrong?"Teacher Yu, who was standing by, saw Iruka's stunned look and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Teacher Yu, it's great. Come and take a look.……"Iruka said as he handed him the test paper.

The teacher called Yu was a little confused when he first received the test paper, but after seeing the answers on the test paper, the expression on his face became more and more exciting, and finally replaced by shock.

The hand holding the test paper was also shaking.

"This, is this what Uchiha Qing said?"


As soon as he walked out of the examination room, Li Qing smiled and logged onto the Naruto forum.

Sure enough, there was a lot of wailing on the forum. Many posts were offering high prices for exam answers. Some of the posts were extremely difficult and had high scores, and were even copied to the price of tens of millions of RMB...

Of course, this was the price of the entire set of answers. One of the questions was only over one million RMB!

At this time, if anyone casually knew a little bit of the answer, they could instantly make a fortune, buy a car and a house, and live a life of a loser turning into a rich and beautiful woman! If not at this time to make a fortune, when else?

Li Qing smiled and posted a post.

A 10-point question cost 500,000 RMB per question, a 20-point question cost 1 million RMB per question, and there were discounts for bulk purchases!

As soon as this post was posted, the entire forum exploded.

The number of private chat messages in Li Qing's account instantly increased from a few to more than 100,000 per second.

Fortunately, he turned off the pop-up bell.

The machine used to access the forum was also a high-tech machine.

Otherwise, with so much information coming in at once, the server would have to be overwhelmed!

There were too many messages in private chats. Seeing how popular the post was, Li Qing smiled and posted another comment after the post:"There are too many people. If you want to buy, please follow me to the auction house. I will only sell to one person! And, I will only sell at the highest price!"

With just these simple words, the forum auction house, which originally had little traffic, was instantly crowded with players flocking in.

Li Qing uploaded a complete set of answers and wrote down the starting price of the auction: 10 million RMB! After the auction is successful, the player with the highest price will get the answer he uploaded.

As soon as he put it up, the auction price instantly jumped from 10 million to 20 million, and then to 30 million and 50 million! This happened in just a few minutes!

Once the answer reached 50 million, the growth rate became slower, and it slowly climbed up by more than 1 million!

At this time, his post successfully attracted the attention of [Super God Alliance].】、【The Ninja Alliance] and other alliance unions paid attention to them. These alliances wanted to get the answer at all costs, so the alliances started a price war again! The auction price, which had been rising slowly, rose rapidly again!

【Super God Alliance] bid 60 million!

【Ninja Alliance] offered 65 million!

【[Western Vatican] offered 70 million!


In the end, the auction ended with the victory of [Super God Alliance], and the final transaction price was 80 million!

The auction house took a 5% commission, and the rest was his.

"Knowledge changes life.……"

Looking at the 700 million gold coins that arrived, Li Qing couldn't help but sigh as he puffed out his cigarette. Of the 700 million gold coins, Li Qing took out a portion and replaced his [Quadruple Reward] cheat with [Five Times Reward].】,【The [Triple Critical Hit] plug-in was replaced with [Quadruple Critical Hit].

On the plug-in mall, the price of the [Five Times Reward] plug-in has reached an astonishing 300 million, and the [Quadruple Critical Hit] plug-in is also 100 million, which is simply a lion's mouth.

But seeing the incredible reward, Li Qing decided to bite his teeth and buy it.

The theoretical written test lasted for two hours. Soon, at ten o'clock in the evening, the theoretical written test was successfully completed. Many players walked out of the examination room with exhausted bodies.

The questions were too difficult, and many players even handed in blank papers. They had never admired the academic master Uchiha Qing so much...

The second [Intelligence Test] was held at 10 o'clock the next morning. Many players hastily quit the game and planned to take a rest. After all, taking the exam is a strenuous job. However, the players of the major alliance unions did not stop. They mobilized all the energy they could to collect clues for [Please Report for the Exam]. They were determined to become [Genin]!

Of course, they had to win at all costs. After all, if they didn't become Genin, they wouldn't be able to complete many missions. In this way, they would be weaker than other countries in terms of level and strength! And they simply couldn't afford such a loss.

Li Qing was indifferent to the actions of the major forces, and didn't even care.

At this moment, he returned to the back mountain of the Uchiha Mansion and entered the training room that only the Uchiha clan members could enter.

In the training room, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke were sparring there.

Seeing him come in, the two stopped their actions at the same time.

"Brother Qing, you are here too, I haven't seen you for a long time!" Uchiha Sasuke smiled childishly,"I learned the Great Fireball Technique from my brother, why don't we have a competition!"

"Sasuke, you are no match for him. Qing, I haven't seen you for a long time. I don't know how strong you are. Let's have a fight!"Uchiha Itachi smiled.

"Humph, who said I'm not his opponent... I just got the Genin forehead protector, and Brother Qing hasn't got it yet!"Sasuke pouted, crossed his arms, and looked unconvinced.

"Then Sasuke, we go first!"

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