As for epics and legends...

   These two are too terrifying, their ultimate moves almost destroy the world, and this also means that they need huge mana support.

   Throughout the world, the only thing that can support such output is the godhead known as the infinite power source.

  Any godhead can make people have unlimited mana.

   Of course, it’s not that the blue bar is infinite, but it is restored immediately.

   That is, if your mana value is 1 million, then the godhead will not let you increase the mana value, its function is to let you immediately recover 1 million after consuming 1 million mana.

   This is almost the most basic power of the Godhead, and it is also the place where epics (gods) are stronger than epics.

   "It's so beautiful here."

   Gorgon and Harubi also stepped across the space. They looked at the natural landscape with oriental characteristics, bamboo forests, terraces, green mountains and green waters.

   Gorgon has never seen such a scenery before, and Hailubi flew high, looking down from a high altitude: "The green water and green mountains are different from ours. Everywhere is wet."

   The Seven Seas are all sea cities, which are made in Greek style, that is, stone and jade.

   Coupled with the fantasy magical water element and various magical creations, the Capital of the Seven Seas is like a maritime capital that can face any civilization of a country.

   Therefore, Zhuxia Territory and Qiguan Overseas have their own characteristics, and it is impossible to say which one is better.

   "Choose here."

   Ye Chen moved all Jiuding over, and he first asked Nuwa to move the previously stowed Summer Palaces to the bottom of this area.

   Then, the Jiuzhou Ding was placed on the ninth floor of the ground, where the Nuwa Temple was located.

  【Jiuzhou Ding】

  Quality: Myth

   Faction: Land of Dragons

  【Dingding Jiuzhou】

  Effect: Single Jiuzhou tripod effect, can build a nation, proclaim itself the emperor, the soul of the leader is transferred to the lord, and he is absolutely loyal to it.

   Effect 2: Single Jiuzhou Ding effect, territory output and troop rebirth quota, increased by 20%.

   Effect 3: Once a month, the leader with the qualifications below the king's quality can be upgraded to the king's quality.

  【Fenclose the world】

  Effect: When holding multiple Jiuzhou Ding, each additional one will increase the output effect by 20%.

  Effect 2: Once a month, leaders with qualifications below legendary quality can be upgraded to legendary quality.

  【Spring and Autumn Overlord】

   Effect: When holding more than half of the Jiuzhou Ding, each additional holding one will increase the output effect by 30%.

  Effect 2: Once every half a month, the leader with the qualifications below the legendary quality can be upgraded to the legendary quality.

  Effect 3: The power of national destiny can be used to condense all territories. If the imperial capital where the artifact is located, no city buildings and civil servants will be able to obtain it.

  【Ask for China】

   Effect: When holding all Jiuzhou Ding, the total can be the output of the entire country, increasing by 300%.

  Effect 2: Once a week, the leader below the legendary qualification can be upgraded to the legendary quality.

  Effect 3: Once every three months, people with an epic qualification and below can be upgraded to epic quality (subject to the influence of the national fate, if the power of the national fate and territory is strong enough, the cooling time can be reduced)

   Effect 4: Infinite, the effect of the territory's national fortune can be increased by nine times.

   Jiuzhou Ding, has no offensive ability, and does not have very strong defensive ability.

   But its effect is the most terrifying of all the auxiliary divine artifacts in the past and this life that Ye Chen knows, none of them.

   First of all, any one of the Jiuzhou Tripods can help the lord build a country.

   And this country is still orthodox, a country that can compete with the ancient countries of Jiuzhou and Izumo.

   Just like Ye Chen used the Holy Grail of Silver to establish a mortal empire, it is also a more noble and orthodox country than the kings, because the Tree of Freedom recognizes the Holy Grail as orthodox.

   The same reason, Longzhixiang also recognizes Jiuzhou Ding.

   It can even be said that if the ancient country of Jiuzhou does not have a female emperor, then the ancient country of Jiuzhou is a side branch and an anti-thief in front of the Jiuzhou Ding.

   Even the ancient country of Jiuzhou is like this, not to mention Izumo.

  Compared with Jiuzhou Ding, Izumo is simply a small place. It does not have the slightest qualifications to compete with Zhuxia Kingdom for the national fate of the Dragon Land.

   Here, Ye Chen needs to explain the fortune of the country.

   National Fortune is actually the abbreviation for the power of the national territory.

  What's the use of the power of territory?

   This Ye Chen said before, in simple terms, it is the self-recovery ability of a territory and the daily output of soul gold coins.

   Ye Chen has a magic stone mine, but the magic stone mine itself is limited, it can only mine 1 million units.

   However, after having the power of national luck, the magic ore will recover itself in a certain proportion.

  If the national power is prosperous, there may even be a certain amount of daily mining and self-recovery, which will lead to a benign state of endless and inexhaustible resources.

   What is even more terrifying is if the national power really changes to a certain extent.

  Small magic stone mines will become medium-sized, and medium-sized will become large, and so on.

Item 0248

   "Fight now, fight for national power in the future."

   Ye Chen is very clear about the future development route, so he wants to constantly confess his territory and occupy more territory: "Jiuzhou Ding, really a god, can increase national power by nine times out of thin air."

   Jiuzhou Ding's other abilities, in Ye Chen's view, did not have much advantage over other artifacts.

   But the nine times the national power in the end is really a bit scary.

   What is nine times national luck?

   To put it simply, when Ye Chen didn't have the ability to calculate this, if the daily production of gold coins was 1,000.

   With this ability, Ye Chen's Nissan gold coin is 9,000.

   Yes, the effect of the last ability is to double the gold coins nine times!

   "There is one more legendary qualification this week..."

   For this ability, Ye Chen was actually quite embarrassed, because he didn't even use the qualification promotion quota of the Holy Grail of Silver.

   is not not used, but, it is unnecessary.

   Because Ye Chen has no legendary buildings at all!

   You need to know that the strengthening time of the legendary buildings is calculated in half a month, and Ye Chenman has only three legendary buildings in his hands.

   The son of the stars, the reincarnation system, the monthly quota is fixed.

   Titan God, reincarnation system, fixed monthly quota.

   Nine Heavens Profound Girl, reincarnation system, fixed monthly quota.

   懵 forced!

   But are there any enhanced legendary buildings in this world?

   Yes, there must be.

   But it is absolutely impossible to be a top legendary building!

  Legend cannot be brushed!

   Even if there are artifacts, legends are legends, very rare.

   Other people’s families worry that their qualifications are not enough.

   Ye Chen, what he was worried about was that he had the qualifications, but he had no place to reincarnate and strengthen.

   Ye Chen has no shortage of epic and legendary leaders.

   is like the holy grail of silver, Ye Chen can be used by the blood moon people, but the quota of sons of stars is full.

   He can also be used by Anna (the sister of the Snow Queen Aisha), but Ye Chen does not have the legendary unit building of the Free Tree.

   As for the people of Zhu Xia and the people of the storm, who have not seen the epic aptitude Siren and Helubi, are they still kings now?

   is not that the qualifications are not enough.

   There are not enough places for rebirth!

   "There is still a lack of legendary buildings."

   Ye Chen really wanted to find an enhanced system.

   At least one in half a month, with Fuxi and Nuwa's creation supernatural power, reduced to three or four days a legend, there is no big problem.

   If the goddess of Shenluo can also restore the **** of creation, the three powers of creation of Jiuzhou are put together, Ye Chen feels that he can bring out 15 legends in a month.

   "The legendary buildings of the strengthening system are all ordinary legends without exception."

   But ordinary legends are also legends.

   At least hit the lower ranks, such as cutting melons and vegetables, is there any level suppression!

   "Forget it, then, first upgrade Anna's qualifications."

   "In the territory of Zhuxia, choose some excellent ones to improve their qualifications."

   The Holy Grail of Silver has a time limit of one month, and Ye Chen is not in a hurry.

   But Jiuzhou Ding refreshed once a week, Ye Chen had to be anxious, after all, there were only three days left in this week.

   [Do you use Jiuzhou Ding here? 】


  【Please name your territory】


  【Zhuxia Village is established】

   [May I ask whether the country was founded? 】


  【Please name your country】


   Ye Chen took Xia in China as the name of his country, Daxia Dynasty, Daxia Empire.

   "The wind is also."

   Ye Chen called Feng Ye, and then handed him a lot of architectural drawings: "Distribute the architectural drawings and civil drawings."

   "The specific style and layout, I will give you now."

   Ye Chen directly instilled his layout to the Qijingfeng queens through the soul connection.

After    Qi Jingfeng are masters of Yi Shu and Shu Shu, they immediately understood Ye Chen's meaning, and then each assigned the drawings to various places in Zhuxia Village to expand.

   "Yao Ji."

   Ye Chen said: "This is a farmland blueprint. After you put it down, use Shennong's power to transform it, and then sow it."


   Yao Ji and Feng Ye are the close-knit maids chosen by Ye Chen among Shennong and Qi Jing Feng.

   Of course, it's the relationship between the maid.

   Feng Ye and Jiang Kui were naturally anxious, so they immediately urged the second girl to get closer to Ye Chen.

   "I intend to leave Chi You in charge of Zhuxia's affairs."

   Ye Chen said, "Ali, come here for a while."


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