Chi Youli was sitting on the huge head of a panda at this time. She was smoking a cigarette and looked like an enlightened Buddha-type salted fish.

   "I'm not good at management, please stop looking for me."

   As the giant panda crawled, Chi Youli, who was sitting on it, was swaying, but could not fall off.

   "If you do this, Chi You's reputation will be lost by you."

   "Isn't it all gone long ago?"

   Chi Youli has a completely indifferent attitude: "You know all about my dark history, anyway, I don't have much face."


The soldiers under    had different personalities, and Ye Chen couldn't treat them in the same way.

   Therefore, Ye Chen intends to persuade and comfort Chi Youli in a soft voice.

   "I just want you to help me take care of Zhuxia," Ye Chen said: "Your reputation and strength, with my support, even the current Xiaowa may not be able to fight."

   "You are my number one master!"

   If Ye Chen relied on his own output, even if there were five of them, he would definitely not be as powerful as Ye Chen carrying Chi Youli and using her as a tool man.

   Chi Youli is very good at fighting, and the ability to fight is beyond Ye Chen's imagination.

   "Does force deter you?"


   Ye Chen said: "I will give you all the strength of Zhu Xia."

   Chi Youli is bound to Ye Chen's soul, and because of Fuxi's relationship, she doesn't need to be slapped, and her affection is directly full.

   loyalty and goodwill are full, coupled with Chi Youli's character, Ye Chen is very relieved of her.

   But Chi Youli is really not good at management, and she doesn't like to take care of others.

Therefore, Ye Chen intends to separate the relations between the territories of Zhu Xia: "You will lead the troops to ensure the absolute security of the territories. In terms of internal affairs, the agricultural affairs will be handed over to Jiang Kui, diplomacy will be handed over to Feng Ye, and the enemy will be killed by war. If you are tired, you can also hand it over to the Shapolang brothers, they are experts."

   Chi Youli is now a complete Buddha, and he doesn't even want to go to battle to kill the enemy.

   "Well, I see, that's okay."

   Chi Youli agreed, she is also Ye Chen's person no matter how, the boss has an order, she must do it.

   Otherwise, family law is indispensable.

   Chi Youli doesn't want to get out of bed tomorrow: "What does the Nine Heavens Profound Girl do?"

   "They are in charge of politics and command the people."

   "Xiaowa can create 10,000 leaders in a day, so many people will break one million in three months."

   "The Nine Heavens Profound Girl needs to manage them, and the task is not small."

   These people are Ye Chen's core leaders, absolute fanatics, and they are talents that Ye Chen must cultivate.

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   Chi Youli took another sip and said lazily: "Okay, I know, you go."


   Ye Chen wanted to complain a little bit inexplicably, who is the Emperor Daxia?

   How do you feel that you are bigger than me?

   "I think you have been smoking, it is better for girls to smoke less."

   "How do you know if you haven't smoked?"

   Chi Youli handed the amber-colored flame-like long pipe to Ye Chen: "Come on?"

"Let me try."

   Ye Chen did not refuse, because he found that Chi Youli was right.


   Ye Chen and Chi Youli are not male or female, and they face each other directly.

   Although Ali did not dare to have **** with Ye Chen, she did regard herself as Ye Chen's woman.


   Ye Chen spit out a light red flame.

   After a pause, he only felt a mellow scent in his mouth, and his consciousness was a little floating, but he was more awake, as if he was soaring.

   "How is it? How do you feel?"

   "This is not smoke?"

   Ye Chen can be sure that this is not a cigarette among ordinary people, because its taste is sweet and refreshing, and there is no pungent smoke.

   "Of course this is not smoke, this is the Great Wilderness Flame."

   Chi Youli naturally does not smoke. What she breathes is the ancient flame, which symbolizes the power of the ancestors of the Great Xia civilization.

   "But when this thing is smoked, it is indeed almost like a cigarette, refreshing, and floating like an immortal."

   "And it tastes good, just like snacking."

   "Do you have any more?"

   Ye Chen asked, "Give me one too."

   "Exclusive artifact, wood must be given."

   "Then give this to me."


   "No way!"

   Chi Youli was shocked, and quickly covered Dahuang Yanbi tightly: "Well, how can the boss grab something from the younger brother? I only have this one. I really can't give it."

   "I'm joking with you, I'm serious."

   Chi Youli knew that Ye Chen was not joking. If she doesn't work well, Ye Chen might confiscate her things.

   "I see, I will work hard."

   Chi Youli said, and asked: "Have you decided which demon **** to resurrect first?"

   Ye Chen now has Jiuzhou Ding, and with Jiuzhou Ding's national destiny, he can choose to resurrect one demon god, or revive four demon gods in a short time, and let them take action together.

   Ye Chen had a deep understanding of the power of the four demon gods when they shot.

   Xing Tian released the water, Gong Gong only made one move, and Da Yi was also playing, not serious at all.

   But that's it, still making Ye Chen almost pounce on the seventh floor.

   Therefore, the four great demon gods really broke out. The four of them joined forces, and the legend dared to come over.

  With the four of them, it is equivalent to deploying an extremely powerful formation in the territory of Zhuxia.

   Counting Chi Youli, the five great demon gods are here, who dares to make a mistake? !

   "Wake up the four first, sign the soul contract, and then think of a solution."

   Ye Chen actually wanted to resurrect Da Yi, because Da Yi had the strongest output, and she was a pretty girl.

   "The man is really the reincarnation of a pig's hoof."

   "Hey," Ye Chen: "I didn't think of you, can you know what I was thinking?"

   "You can tell by looking at your expression," Chi Youli said, "You must want to resurrect Da Yi, right?"

   "Oh, man, yeah!"

   Chi Youli did not finish speaking, he put one hand behind him, looked at Ye Chen blushingly: "You!"

   "The boss beats the younger brother, it's righteous!"

   "I don't care about you."

   Chi Youli began to change the subject: "Da Yi is not a good strategy. She has a cold temper. Back then, a bunch of people lined up to pursue her, but she was beaten away."

   "I really don't know this."

   Ye Chen said: "In the fairy tales of the Eighth Kingdom, Dayi is not a woman, but his wife is a great beauty."


   Chi Youli smokes a cigarette. She doesn't like gossip, so she is very indifferent: "Da Yi has a wife. It is totally unimaginable. In your myth, what is her wife's name?"


   Ye Chen: "The famous one!"

   Actually, the Chinese always confuse Dayi and Houyi. Houyi is the king of a poor country, and Dayi is the one who shoots the sun, and his wife is called Chang'e.


   Chi Youli frowned slightly. She looked at Ye Chen and said: "When your Eighth Kingdom received information, it was really strange."

"what's happenin?"

   Ye Chen asked puzzledly: "Where is the blame?"

   "In the Hometown of Dragon, Dayi does not have a wife, but there is indeed one named Chang'e."

   "There really is Chang'e?!"

   Chang'e is a big beauty in myths and legends, she can definitely be in the top ten on the list of ancient and modern female fairies.

   Ye Chen is also interested now, you said that he even subdued Nuwa and Chi Youli, why not come to a collection of goddess in the land of dragons.




   Chi Youli pointed to one of the four stone statues of the Demon God placed in the center of the Jiuzhou Cauldron: "That's the one with the bow."

   "Da Yi?"

   Ye Chen was a little dazed: "No, Da Yi and Chang'e are alone?"


   Chi Youli said: "Da Yi is her godhead, and her real name is Chang'e, oh, I see the Chang'e in your impression. How come she looks like a goddess and wears white clothes?"

   "At that time, we only had animal skins. Where did the white clothes come from?"

   After hearing Chi Youli's words, Ye Chen suddenly realized: "Yes, even if there is Chang'e, that Chang'e definitely cannot be a fairy in white, she should be an ancient beauty in animal skins. ’

   Therefore, Dayi's appearance and temperament, seemingly, really fit the real image of Chang'e.

   "Da Yi is equal to Chang'e, Chang'e, can you fight then?"

   "I can play quite well."

   Chi Youli said: "If I fight her, I don't dare to let her get away. Once I let her seize the opportunity to output, I might rush to the street."

   "Don't be depressed, boss."

   Chi Youli is not taboo, and directly hugs Ye Chen: "You have to see Chang'e in the fluttering white dress. Just let Da Yi don't wear it."

   "Our great wild beauty, she is definitely in the top five."

   Chi Youli: "I admit, it's much more beautiful than me."

   "How is it, are you greedy?"


   Will Ye Chen admit that he is greedy?

   A man is gluttonous, is that called gluttony? That's meanness!

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