When he woke up, Ronan looked at the holographic projection TV in front of him a little confused.

This kind of technology, which only exists in science fiction, should never appear in front of him.

After pinching his arm, the real pain made it clear to Ronan that he was not dreaming at the moment.

And at this moment, a memory that did not belong to him flooded into Ronan’s mind.

After receiving these memories, Ronan affirmed one thing, that is, he somehow suddenly crossed over.

The original owner of his current body, also named Ronan, is a student who has just graduated from high school.

My parents died in an accident in my freshman year of high school, but I also received an insurance compensation for it.

So although I live alone, the living conditions are also passable, at least I will not suffer from freezing and starvation.

As for the present era, it is the thirty-first century, 3016 AD to be exact, exactly a thousand years after he traveled.

Five hundred years ago, for unknown reasons, a terrifying particle radiation erupted in the universe.

The violent cosmic wind swept the earth, causing a huge disaster to suddenly break out on the earth, countless human beings died tragically, and civilization was faulted.

Except for some necessary science and technology, all literary and artistic works have all died out in the long river of history.

And now, five hundred years later, although technology has been fully restored and advanced a lot, the situation of human beings on the earth is not safe.

Because of that cosmic radiation, many creatures on the earth began to evolve and mutate rapidly, becoming very terrifying monsters.

In the face of external troubles, the countries of the earth are also unprecedentedly united, forming the Earth Federation, which has four administrative regions under its jurisdiction.

They are the administrative region of China, the administrative region of Europe, the administrative region of the Americas and the administrative region of Southeast Asia.

After figuring out the general situation of the world today, Ronan couldn’t help but sigh.

Crossing is crossing, actually crossed into such a dangerous era, it is not good to know when the monster launches a general attack, he will be forced to join the army and die on the battlefield.

Just when Ronan sighed at the uneven luck, in the holographic projection TV in front of him, the beautiful female announcer suddenly broadcast such a news!

“The Earth Federal Government reminds everyone that the much-anticipated cross-era online game “One Piece” will start public beta at 12 noon tomorrow, please go to the nearest government department to get it for free as soon as possible if you have not yet claimed the game warehouse.”

“This station hereby reminds you that the online game “One Piece” has been confirmed by many experts in the Federation, and the abilities obtained in it can be synchronized with reality, which may be an opportunity for humans to retake the earth from monsters, tomorrow at twelve o’clock at noon, I hope everyone can enter enthusiastically!”

Hearing the news broadcast on the TV station, Ronan was directly shocked!

“One Piece? What the hell is this! ”

According to the memory just obtained, these literary and artistic works of One Piece should have completely disappeared in the catastrophe five hundred years ago.

What is going on with this online game “One Piece” now?

Ronan frowned and pondered, and found that his memory did not have any information about the online game “One Piece”, so he also hurriedly went online to find relevant information.

After only ten minutes, Ronan figured out the cause and effect.

This online game “One Piece” was not developed by any game company on the earth at all, but suddenly appeared on the Internet.

Experts around the world have studied it, but they have found that they cannot find its servers, let alone artificially clean its information on the Internet.

This strange phenomenon attracted the attention of everyone in the world as soon as it appeared.

In the promotion of the game, it is written that the abilities in the game can be synchronized to reality.

In other words, how strong you are in the game, how strong you are in reality!

Therefore, the whole world is looking forward to the launch of this game!

And after reading the promotional introduction of the game, Ronan is almost certain that this online game is the step of comics that he knows in his memory!

“In this way, I am the only one in the world who knows the background and plot of this game best, and I know the weaknesses of the characters in One Piece, so as long as the game is served, I can use the prophet to have a great advantage!”

Thinking of this, Ronan’s eyes lit up!

He was a veteran comic book fan and gamer before he crossed over, but in the twenty-first century, playing games is just playing games.

But in this day and age, playing games can really make your own destiny and become a human being!

After being excited for a while, Ronan remembered that he didn’t seem to have received the free game warehouse yet.

So at the moment, I also dressed directly and went to the nearest government department.


At noon the next day, seeing that the start time was about to arrive, Ronan lay down in the game warehouse and entered the game.

Ronan only felt a flower in front of him, and appeared in a pure white space, in front of a panel creating characters.

“Friendly reminder, each person only has one chance to create a character, once created, it will be genetically bound, if the game mission dies, it will be respawned after twenty-four hours in real time, and the character level and skill level will be reduced by ten percent!”

Hearing the system prompt sound in his ear, Ronan secretly said in his heart: It’s really cruel!

Then start creating your own characters.

Because there are really not many options to choose from, Ronan just adjusted the character’s face to be only seven points like himself and logged into the game.

With a flash of white light, immediately after, a beautiful scene of green mountains and green water appeared in front of Ronan.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air without any pollution, Ronan couldn’t help but sigh, the realism of this game is simply explosive!

After that, Ronan began to examine his current situation.

In the operable interface, there are only two simple buttons, one is the character panel and the other is the mall button.

In addition to character attributes, the character panel also integrates skills, tasks, equipment, prestige and everything else that an online game should have, and as for another mall button, it aroused Ronan’s interest.

As someone who grew up in the twenty-first century, Ronan has seen a lot of built-in stores in games, and it is almost a must-have for all kinds of money page games.

Isn’t there a saying that creates dreams with your heart, and you don’t have money to play NMB!

“This game is so mysterious, it won’t be essentially a money game, right?”

After secretly complaining, Ronan clicked on the mall button….

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