With Ronan’s click, a third-rate page game-style mall interface appeared in front of him.

“The game is so real, the mall page doesn’t know how to use dim sum, how it was designed so ugly!”

Very unhappy shook his head and forced himself to close directly. Looking, Ronan forced himself to continue watching.

This look, Ronan affirmed his own ideas, this is definitely a page game of money, the things peddled in the mall are completely copied from other novels and anime, and even the name is too lazy to change!

What Lingbo microstep one yang finger, what eight-door Dun Jia Soul Slashing Knife, and even infinite sword system and writing wheel eye, in addition, what is the Saitama teacher experience card?

“This mall is simply extreme, there are more in it than I know, and all these literary and artistic works have disappeared from the cultural fault line?”

Ronan rolled his eyes, he really couldn’t suppress his complaining soul.

But at this moment, an emotionless electronic voice suddenly came from his ears.

“The god-level mall system has been activated and is binding the host… Bound successfully, give a newbie gift bag…”

“Current Conversion Currency: 0. Currently redeemable items: 0. ”

“Redeem coins can be exchanged for in-game currency or real-world currency, have a good game!”

After saying three words, the voice disappeared directly, leaving a confused Ronan.

After that, regardless of how Ronan asked, this voice did not appear again.

At the same time, Ronan found that the mall interface was empty and there was nothing.

This sudden change made Ronan frown, and the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became.

No matter how you look at this mall, it reveals a strange atmosphere, not to mention anything else, just the like a rotten interface is completely inconsistent with such a real game!

At this moment, because the game has been on for a few minutes, there are many more players around Ronan who have logged in.

After grabbing a player casually, Ronan asked directly: “Brother, what are there in your game store?” ”

The player who was asked was first stunned, and then he glanced at Ronan very cautiously: “Big brother, your fishing skills are inevitably too pompous, where the other is this game?” ”

These words made Ronan suddenly stunned in place, his eyes widened, and his heart was very uncalm.

After swallowing a mouthful of spit, Ronan grabbed a few more people and asked the same question.

And after getting a look like an idiot, Ronan finally affirmed that this ugly mall was really only him!

After discovering this, Ronan was so excited that he almost jumped.

Originally, with his prophetic foresight of the pirate world, he already had a great advantage over other players.

And now, he has a unique mall in the world!

Although the page is a little ugly, the things in it can be all famous!

You know, in the pirate world, there is no mature cultivation system.

Except for the six styles of the navy, others can only comprehend them on their own if they want to acquire skills.

Even those with Devil Fruit abilities develop their abilities entirely depending on how big their brain holes are.

Nowadays, billions of players from all over the world have poured into the pirate world, but there are so many devil fruits, so they must be very precious!

This means that the vast majority of players can only understand their skills by relying on long-term battles!

Not to mention that the skills he comprehended on his own are not powerful, this acquisition speed alone is definitely exploded by Ronan, who owns the mall!

“Originally, I just wanted to be an ordinary high-end player and change my current situation in reality, but now it seems that I am going to completely turn over the rhythm of serfs and sing!”

Thinking of this, the excitement in Ronan’s heart could not be suppressed at all.

Before crossing, he was a very ordinary ordinary person, belonging to the type that few people would know about if he suddenly died.

But now, he has a chance to fly into the sky!

“If I can’t seize this opportunity, I can jump directly into the sea to feed the sea kings!”

After muttering, Ronan opened his backpack.

If memory serves, just now the mall gave itself a newbie package.

At this moment, a gift box with a very cheap package was lying in Ronan’s backpack.

Seeing this and the mall page ugly out of the same style of gift box, Ronan even complained about the desire. The hope was gone, and after a glance, he chose to open it.

“Ding, get Klad’s badge, all neutral NPCs and faction reputation +3000, all hate NPCs and faction reputation -3000!”

Seeing the attributes of this thing, Ronan was still quite satisfied, but this Klad, he wanted to hurt his head and didn’t think where the mall plagiarized from.

In the game, reputation is divided into five levels: hate, neutrality, friendliness, respect, reverence, and worship!

Reputation is hatred when it is negative, from neutrality to friendliness requires 3,000 prestige, from friendliness to respect requires 6,000 points, respect to longing 12,000 points, reverence to worship 21,000 points!

With Klad’s badge, all neutral NPCs add 3000 to Ronan’s reputation, which means that it can directly become friendly, which is a huge improvement in the early stage of the game, and you can get a lot of benefits from NPCs!

After putting the badge on his body without hesitation, an old man’s voice sounded in Ronan’s ears.

“Young man standing over there, can you do the old man me a favor?”

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