Seeing that there were enough shells flying towards his side, Ronan also hurriedly adjusted his position in the air to ensure that he avoided those oncoming shells.

At the same time, Ronan also took this opportunity to climb to a higher position, ready to appreciate how much damage Karp’s set of random shots could cause to the 500,000 coalition troops in front of him!

Soon, Ronan secretly smacked at the effect of Karp.

Because the 500,000 coalition troops were gathered so closely together that Karp could kill nearly a hundred people with every shell that fell.

And when all the five hundred shells carried by General Karp were fired, tens of thousands of people in the coalition army had disappeared into white light.

Seeing this scene, Ronan’s heart was also quite envious, when can his super electromagnetic gun have the power of Karp, then the brushing experience is not too simple?

These players in front of them are all more than a hundred levels, based on an average of 5,000 experience per player.

10,000 people is 50 million experience!

If you change Karp to Ronan, the experience gained in just a few minutes is already hundreds of millions!

“Damn it, hundreds of millions of experience, just ruined by this old product of Karp!”

Ronan, who stayed in the air with the moon steps, said with a pitying face.

However, this attack method also has limitations, and it is also that the South China Sea coalition forces here are very dense and generally weak, so they will be bombarded like this.

If the player is stronger, they can intercept the cannon fire before it hits the ground, and the damage caused by the cannon fire will be quite small.

Unfortunately, there is no such if.

Under the condition that both conditions were met, Karp’s artillery fire inflicted considerable losses on the Pirate Coalition Army!

At this time, the coalition forces on the island had fallen into a chaos.

They originally gathered half a million people to consume Ronan.

If it is really only Ronan, then this matter is undoubtedly stable, and there will be no accidents.

Even though he had been killed for the first ten minutes and had not been able to touch Ronan at all, the commander of the coalition army was not anxious.

Because there will always be a time when manpower will run out, they sit on half a million people, and they can wait!

However, Karp’s appearance exceeded everyone’s expectations.

They knew that Ronan had come on a warship, but it was a medium-sized warship, carrying up to five hundred people!

Five hundred people, in front of their half a million people is not worth mentioning at all.

Unless these five hundred people are all the same strength as Ronan, but that is obviously impossible.

Looking at the South China Sea and the East China Sea, Ronan’s can’t find a second one, that is, the thirteen kings may be able to match it.

It is precisely because of this that the South China Sea coalition forces did not pay attention to the warship on which Nan was riding.

But at this moment, an old man suddenly appeared on this warship, and it seemed to be even fiercer than Ronan!

That flood of waste walking the whole island directly turned tens of thousands of them into white light and went directly offline.

Under such an attack, let alone 500,000 people, even 5 million people are not enough to kill!

And at this worried time, the commander-in-chief of the pirate coalition army found that the artillery fire in the sky suddenly stopped.

As if suddenly thinking of something, the commander-in-chief immediately roared in the team channel: “There are not many shells on the warship, it has been fired at this moment, we will do our best to besiege the Night Lord, we must kill it!” ”

After hearing the commander-in-chief’s shout, the pirate coalition army, which had been somewhat weakened, once again had high morale.

Just at this moment, Ronan had no spare strength in the air and fell.

Seeing this scene, the red-eyed pirate coalition army rushed towards Ronan like mad dogs!

Seeing this, Ronan shouted in his heart and began to fight again!

While the tea dolphin next to Karp has not yet made a move, it is one who can kill one more!

After all, killing one more is five thousand more experience!

And just when Ronan’s side frantically used skills to slaughter harvesting experience.

On the warship, Karp also closed his hand.

“After the muscles and bones are over, the old man will start to challenge the new donut record, and the rest will be left to you!”

Saying that, Karp took out a donut from his arms and threw it into the zui.

“Yes, Lieutenant General Karp!”

After the two rear admirals on the warship received the order, they immediately jumped off the warship with more than a hundred colonel-level officers and killed into the crowd.

These school-level officers are all real strengths, and their combat power far exceeds more than a hundred level players.

After starting it, it was as if several sharp knives were inserted behind the coalition army, so that the periphery of the pirate coalition army directly began to collapse.

“Hey, aren’t you going over?”

After tossing the tenth doughnut into the zui, Karp asked to the tea dolphin who was still standing on the side.

“I’m thinking about something very important.”

The tea dolphin squinted his small eyes and said.

“Don’t think about it, Peach Rabbit won’t marry you!” After Kapu threw another doughnut into the zui, he said very bluntly.

When the tea dolphin heard this, he rubbed his chin: “Mr. Karp, I can’t say that, I’m ready to start confessing for the hundredth time the next time I see Peach Rabbit, what if it succeeds?” ”

Hearing this, Karp couldn’t help but roll his eyes and began to break his donut record with peace of mind.

As for the tea dolphin, he stood in place and sighed for a while, and then jumped off the warship, leaving only the sentence “Why didn’t Peach Rabbit promise me…”

After landing, the tea dolphin walked forward, with his hands in his trouser pockets and his neck shrunk.

The surrounding pirate coalition saw such a lewd man acting alone, and he directly killed the tea dolphin with a fierce heart in his heart.

However, after approaching within ten meters of the tea dolphin, these pirate players only felt that their feet were sinking, and they could no longer move.

Immediately afterwards, sharp spikes protruded from the ground, directly piercing their bodies, turning them into white light!

The tea dolphin went all the way, but all the pirate players who dared to approach died tragically without exception, and no one could get close to within ten meters of the tea dolphin.

In this way, the tea dolphin walked all the way to the center of the island.

Until this time, his hands that had been in his trouser pockets were slowly taken out! _

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