Although Ronan has been fighting hard to kill the harvesting experience, he has also divided some attention and is paying attention to the every move of the tea dolphin.

Seeing that no one could get close to the tea dolphin along the way, Ronan was also secretly guessing in his heart what kind of ability the tea dolphin was.

At this moment, seeing the tea dolphin walking to the center of the island, and took out the hand that had been stuck in his trouser pocket, Ronan also opened the golden bell hood to block all attacks, and stared at the tea dolphin with his whole body instilled, wanting to see what kind of move he would make next!

After coming to the most central location of the island, the tea porpoise stretches. Hands out and jerks upwards!

Immediately afterwards, the ground with a radius of tens of meters below his feet all cracked, splitting into countless earth and rock fragments.

And at this time, the image of the tea dolphin also began to change greatly!

The whole person turned into a dark brown solid, as if it was shaped by earth and stone.

The earth and stone fragments around the tea dolphin seemed to be pulled at this time, and quickly gathered towards the tea dolphin, all fusing into the body of the tea dolphin.

The soil and stone form formed by the tea dolphin is also under the fusion of these gravel and soil blocks, and it continues to increase at an extremely fast speed!

In just a few breaths, he became a giant of earth and rock that was more than ten meters high!

This scene not only stunned the pirate coalition forces in the South China Sea, but also Ronan was a little stunned.

Qingzhi is blue-blue ice, yellow apes are yellow. Colored laser rays, red dogs are red lava, vine tigers are purple gravitational waves…

It can be said that the title of generals is closely related to their ability, and the tea dolphin in front of them looks undoubtedly brown earth stone.

Looking at the tea dolphin that was still growing in front of him, Ronan couldn’t help but think of the other candidate for the general who had not yet met, Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit!

“Peach? What will it be? ”

Just as Ronan frowned and thought about this, he was suddenly woken up by a scream beside him.

When he looked at it, he found that the fragmentation of earth and rock had almost spread to his feet.

Ronan was originally led to the center of the island at the beginning, although the position was offset due to the constant fighting, but it was only a hundred meters away from the original central position!

Today, the ground under the feet is constantly cracking under the power of the tea dolphin, and it has spread here.

For this unknown ability, Ronan did not dare to stand and resist, and quickly stepped into the air under his feet, using the moon step to hover in the air and wait and see!

Where the crack spreads, all the players standing on it have taken some damage, which is not fatal.

However, after the land shattered into tiny gravel blocks, the player’s feet sank into it and were tightly bound in place!

The fear of incapacitation soon spread.

The 200,000 regular troops in the pirate coalition army are okay, but the 300,000 non-mentality is about to collapse.

Many players who are in the outermost periphery will quickly scatter and flee when they see that the momentum is not right.

And at this moment, the earth and rock giant, which had grown many meters tall, directly clenched his fists and smashed into the ground!


Just listen to a roar, and the whole island will be shaken!

In the next second, countless sharp earth thorns protruded from the ground, piercing the players’ bodies!

In an instant, players within a radius of five hundred meters with the tea dolphin as the center disappeared into white light at the same time.

Originally, the entire island was covered by a dense number of players, but at this moment, a huge vacuum suddenly appeared!

Seeing this scene, Ronan, who was hovering in the air using the moon step, couldn’t help but gasp!

He just said that Kapu’s guy wasted experience, and compared with the tea dolphin, Kapu is simply good to the extreme!

The tea porpoise is really a waste of experience!

Ronan saw that the surrounding area was empty, and roughly estimated that the blow of the tea dolphin just now had destroyed at least 780,000 people!

“These powerful natural ability people really have a large-scale killing skill.”

Looking at the shocking scene in front of him, Ronan muttered.

The childish ice age, the yellow ape’s eight-foot qionggouyu, the red dog’s meteor volcano, Anilu’s thunder ying, Ace’s great flame ring…

These are all quite ferocious super wide range killing skills!

“When can I get a Natural Devil Fruit, it will be quite easy to brush up on the experience at that time.”

After muttering a word, Ronan’s gaze focused on the tea dolphin again.

After killing 780,000 people with one blow, the tea dolphin did not intend to stop there, but immediately stepped towards the crowd hundreds of meters away!

With the current height of the tea dolphin, any step is ten or twenty meters, and every step can cause the ground to shake!

The pirate coalition forces in the South China Sea were all dumbfounded at the moment.

Just now, the old man threw shells and caused them to lose 20,000 or 30,000 people, thinking that it was already a very painful loss.

But compared to the earth and rock giant in front of him, the cannonball just now was just an appetizer!

Now looking at the earth and rock giants rushing and carrying out the second stage of the attack, whether it is those ordinary pirates or the regular army of the Southeast Asian administrative region, their faces have changed greatly!

In the face of such an enemy that is impossible to defeat, they have no fighting spirit!

Even the commander of the regular army could only choose to give up after seeing this scene.

Now 100,000 of the 200,000 regular troops have been forcibly sent off the line, and only 100,000 have not yet been destroyed.

If all the deaths are dropped, it will be a huge loss that the Southeast Asian administrative region cannot bear!

In order to stop the loss as much as possible, the commander also gave the order to escape according to the plan in the team channel!

Unfortunately, these regular troops were already in the inner layer of the encirclement.

The 300,000 pirate players in the outer layer did not withdraw, and the regular army in the inner layer could not run out at all!

In such a panic, the earth and rock giant incarnated by the tea dolphin finally caught up!

I saw his huge right foot raised and stomped fiercely!

Seeing this, the earthy rocks that seemed to be a nightmare pierced out again, and tens of thousands of regular troops turned into white light!

Even the commander who could not dodge was directly killed in helplessness and unwillingness! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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