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Under the metal shell.

Among them is a metal house.

Xiaodie was tied to the pillar and closed his eyes, motionless.

“What a beautiful little girl, do you really want to give her to Divine Race?”

The black clothed man murmured, with a trace of reluctance on his face.

“Palace Lord said, all God’s people will be given to Divine Race!” said the purple clothed man.

“You said, anyway, she will become an idiot in the future, it’s a waste, otherwise, we will take the opportunity…”

The black clothed man gave a wretched smile.

“Don’t try to give her an idea! Let the Palace Lord know, I’ll wait for my life to die!” said the purple clothed man.

“Hey, don’t you tell me, I don’t tell you, who cares about such a little girl, if you don’t, I’ll go first.”

After speaking, the black clothed man stepped forward.

As soon as he raised his head, his expression could not help but stagnate.

He found that Xiaodie, who was tied to the pillar, had disappeared.

“What do you want to do?”

At this time, a silver bell-like sound rang behind him.

This sound shocked the two people.

What means?

Such a strong chain lock can break free.

“Little Sister, what are you not doing? Shall we chase a hideaway?”

After speaking, the black clothed man turned around and rushed towards the source of the sound.


It sounded.

The black clothed man fiercely hit the ground.

Before he could react, at this moment, behind him, there was another sound, “Okay, okay.”


The black clothed man yelled angrily, looked back, and happened to see Xiaodie.

Another purple clothed man also reacted, slowly encircling from behind.

one after the other, just like catching a turtle in a jar.

2 There was a gloomy smile on everyone’s face.

They are getting closer and closer to Xiaodie.

At this moment, Xiaodie is also standing in place, as if we were stupid.

Suddenly, the two accelerated and rushed towards Xiaodie.


A loud noise.

Two people’s heads fiercely bumped together, their mouths bumped, and the whole face was swollen.

The scene is indescribable.

After the scream, I opened my eyes and found that there was Xiaodie’s silhouette.

“I’m here.”

At this time, Xiaodie’s voice came from the corner.


2 people cursed secretly, and rushed towards Xiaodie again.

The results can be imagined.

In this way, Xiaodie started playing “hide and seek” with two people.

At the end of the game, the two people with bloody nose and swollen face were miserable.

“Little Sister, don’t run, only hide in one place, this is hide and seek.” said the black clothed man.


Xiaodie hides in the corner, motionless.

2 people were nodded, facing Xiaodie, slowly approaching.

The wretched and insidious smile did not hide anything.

“You are bad guys, don’t come over, don’t come over.”

“Ah, help…”

Xiaodie closed his eyes and grabbed with both hands frantically.

Seeing this scene, the two people’s faces were full of joy, and they rushed over.


On Xiaodie’s 2 hands, one after another invisible air wave enveloped them. Her hands were like sharp weapons, cutting the bodies of 2 people into all split up and in pieces.


Without even shouting out the struggle, it turned into a pile of meat, scattered all around.

Xiaodie slowly opened his eyes and screamed when he saw the scene in front of him.

Then she stood up, waved her hands, and threw forward.


The thick metal door, like shredded paper, was opened by her.

“deng deng ……”

There was a rush of footsteps. The men of each and everyone Mountain Breaking Palace held an unknown gun, aimed at Xiaodie, and pressed the switch.

“咻 xiu …”

one after another blue rays of light, come straight to Xiaodie.


These beams were all blocked by Xiaodie’s hands, and the metal screamed continuously.

Such a scene scared those men into a silly place.

Before they could react, Xiaodie, who closed his eyes, rushed forward.

Their bodies and guns in their hands, like shredded paper, were caught all split up and in pieces.

Xiaodie opened his eyes, saw the scene before him, and screamed again in fright.

“Dead, many dead.”

very terrifying, who will help me. “

“Big brother Han Xing, where are you?”

“Elder sister, where are you?”

“I miss you so much.”

Xiaodie hid in the corner of the promenade, crying in a low voice.

the other side.

Those who were planning to rush forward, seeing the deadly dead bodies everywhere, did not dare to rush forward.

“Hurry up and report to the elder!”

“There is such a monster, too terrifying, you must report to the elders!”

Soon, this group of people quickly retreated, with a trace of avoided a catastrophe expression on their faces.

In another room.

Ruan Erniang was bound by a barbed chain.

In front of her, there were also two men looking around her.

“You think she is well equipped, should we unplug it?”

“Can’t pull it off, she is God’s people, protected by divine power.”


Just after saying this, Ruan Erniang suddenly opened his eyes and stared at them.

“Let go of my old lady,” Ruan Erniang said.

“Let go? You are our gift to Divine Race! With ability, break free!”

This was just finished.

See you.


The iron chains on Ruan Erniang’s body broke apart one by one.

“Boy, self-decision or my old lady will give you a ride?”

Ruan Erniang drew out the long sword and looked at these two dumbfounded guys coldly.

“You…what do you want to do?”

“wrong answer!”

After finishing speaking, long sword cut.

2 heads, soaring into the sky.

The headless body fell into a daze.

“Hmph! Weak and windy.”

Ruan Erniang was coldly snorted, resisting the discomfort, took the long sword, and walked to the heavy metal door.


Cut it off with a sword, and the metal door was as fragile as a piece of paper, shattering.

Standing in front of the metal promenade, looking at each and everyone men holding guns, Ruan Erniang corner of the mouth raise.

“It’s just right.”


Shouting loudly, dozens of blue beams shot at Ruan Erniang.

“Ding Ding …”

The fire shone, and no harm was left.

“You broken spears are too weak, and my long sword is still easy to use.”

After speaking, Ruan Erniang rushed forward, like tiger among a flock of sheep.

The result can be imagined.


one after another The sound of flesh and blood being cut.

No one can hold on for 2 seconds and become a pile of meat.

“It’s fishy and smelly.”

Ruan Erniang stepped back, walked to a metal door, picked up the long sword and swiped it lightly.


The metal door was opened, and it was a player who was tied inside.

“2 Mother.” The player’s face was all polished.

“Girl, I count you good luck when you see 2 mothers.”

After speaking, Ruan Erniang long sword swiped the iron chain on this person instantly.

After being free, this female player was grateful, “many thanks 2 mother.”

“Don’t be so polite!”

Ruan Erniang waved his hand, “Go, let’s save others.”

“it is good.”

After speaking, the female player followed Ruan Erniang and continued to the next room.


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