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Zhao Chan stood there, looking at Zhao Poshan, showing a solemn expression.

Zhao Poshan was also looking at her, with the corners of his mouth raised and a sneer on his face.

“It’s really good ability, didn’t expect, you have reached the Lord level.”

“However, if you dare to join the God Slaying Temple to attack my Mountain Breaking Palace, you must have the consciousness of death!”

“Here, you can save your life.”

Zhao Poshan showed an expression of taking everything.

Zhao Chan didn’t move first, she glanced around.

Looking at the dozens of men around him, he couldn’t help frowning.

I saw that every man has divine power to protect him, indicating that these people are God’s people.

However, on everyone’s face, Both eyes are spiritless, as if the soul has been drawn.

At the same time, these people have a Lord level aura that is not weaker than their own.

It is easy to kill a few people, but facing so many people at the same time, the outcome is unpredictable.

Not to mention, there is another Zhao Poshan who is stronger than himself.


Zhao Chan murmured, but his face did not change.

“I wanted to let you go and let you go back to tell Han Xing, didn’t expect, but you wanted to walk right into a trap.”

“Then blame this King for being ruthless.”

After speaking, Zhao Poshan pointed his right hand, “Kill, life or death!”

With this sound.

Dozens of players with sluggish expression moved at the same time.


Dozens of skills, buzzing, rushed towards Zhao Chan.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Chan couldn’t dare to be big, her body was shocked, and a golden tortoise shell appeared on her body.

Immediately afterwards, she rushed back, dodge frantically.

Although the reaction was fast enough, there were still a few skills that hit her.


It rang like a bell.

Zhao Chan’s body, deng deng straight back.

Everyone’s strength is at least 1st Rank Martial Lord.

This time, it’s a bit troublesome.

“hmph! ”

Zhao Chan was coldly snorted, riding Raging Flames Beast, and sprinted back.

Soon, he moved away from them.

There are 4 silhouettes, the speed is much faster than the others, and come away.

“good chance.”

In Zhao Chan’s eyes, the light flashed, the Bloodline Strength was drawn, condensed on the long spear, aimed at a man, and then stabbed in the past.


No surprises.

The long spear instantly submerged in this person’s body and felt a chill.

This person didn’t scream at all, but before dying, stabbed a dagger in his hand.


Tap it on Zhao Chan’s arm.

Blood DC.

Although he could not die, he was also injured.


After the man died, he turned into light and shadow, and went straight down.


Zhao Chan hadn’t reacted yet, at this moment, the sound of metal piercing into flesh and blood sounded.


Zhao Chan yelled angrily.

Long spear in hand, strike out quickly.

“Punch! Punch! Punch!”

After 3 consecutive sounds, these people were all cast into light and shadow.

These lights and shadows also rushed towards the metal shell, disappeared.

“what happened?”

A bad premonition flooded all over the body.

Soon, Zhao Chan was surrounded by everyone again.

Zhao Poshan did not take seriously when Zhao Chan killed 4 people.

“If you want to suffer less, this King advises you to judge yourself.” Zhao Poshan said coldly.

“hehe, are you?”

Zhao Chan smiled coldly and was about to perform the ultimate trick.


The metal opened, and a silhouette rushed out quickly.

He stood in front of Zhao Poshan, respectfully cup one fist in the other hand, “Palace Lord, major event is not good.”

“What is it?”

“Palace Lord, the battle below is fierce. We are not opponents. Several hundred thousand people have died.”


Zhao Poshan almost fell, his face changed and changed.

“what happened?”

“Palace Lord, there is a Lord level powerhouse below, and many people are very abnormal, impervious to sword and spear, they can’t hurt at all.”

“And the bosses of Hongwu Empire and Xiluo Empire all jumped out, we have no power to fight back.”

“Palace Lord, our teleportation center will be destroyed if the power is not adjusted down.”

This is the case.

Zhao Poshan’s mouth twitched slightly.

He glanced at Zhao Chan and said, “Stop it.”

With this sound, those sluggish players who were about to kill Zhao Chan stopped one after another.

Expressionless walked towards Zhao Poshan.

“You five, deal with her here.”

“Others, let me go.”


Zhao Poshan took dozens of people and disappeared in the metal shell.




Five people shot at the same time, and then rushed over again.

Various skills, transformed into gorgeous rays of light, shrouded like Skynet.

When Zhao Chan saw him, he quickly defended, and at the same time, he quickly retreated.

She found the right opportunity, aimed at a player, and went a spear thrust.



A shot pierced the heart, and at the same time, Zhao Chan was also stabbed in the body.

She used the same method to kill 4 other people.

Every time she beheaded, she would be injured once.

These players were also ruthless enough to cut down where there was no armor covering her body.

The arms and legs have been riddled with scars, which looks terrible.


Zhao Chan yelled angrily, took out the medicine pill, swallowed it in his abdomen, and began to sit down and take care of it.

After a while, she recovered as before.

After standing up, Zhao Chan walked to the metal shell.


With a full shot, it pierced the metal shell and split a few spider patterns.

A few shots down.


The metal shell shattered and splashed in 4 directions.

When she was about to go, she stopped her figure quickly.

I saw that 5 players who stayed like a wooden chicken came forward step by step.

These 5 people were exactly the 5 men who had just killed themselves.

“Resurrected so soon?”

Zhao Chan was surprised.

She knew that God’s people could be resurrected, but she didn’t expect to resurrect so quickly.

I’m afraid they were resurrected just after being killed.

If this goes on, how good is it?

How can it be killed?


She rode the Raging Flames Beast, quickly backing away, pulling away from them.

Because the reaction was fast enough and the strength was very strong, he did not let 5 men surround him.

These 5 people resorted to various means and kept catching up.

It looks like that, if you don’t chase Zhao Chan, you won’t be willing.

At the corner of Zhao Chan’s mouth, he raised a seemingly unsmiling smile.

After taking 5 people around in a circle, they came to the place where the metal shell was blasted, not even think, and got in.

Along the way, anyone who dares to block oneself is a spear thrust and sent to the west.

Five men rushed up behind them, getting closer and closer to Zhao Chan.

When he came to a long corridor, Zhao Chan suddenly stopped, long spear like a dragon, spinning rapidly.

A whirlwind formed and blasted towards the ground.


A loud noise.

A huge hole burst in the ground.

5 The human body, like kite with its string cut, fell rapidly and was instantly submerged.

Without the chase of these 5 nasty bugs, Zhao Chan is in a good mood.

She retracted the long spear and ran forward quickly.

After a while, she came into an extremely huge space, seeing everything here, her expression changed drastically.


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