Chapter 308: Sergeants in Unit Operations

Zhenlong and the others nodded hastily, and they responded in a low voice, indicating that they obeyed Su Chen's order, and then the ten people hurried towards their thousand-man camp in the forest.

After all, as a person who set fire, it is easy to be discovered.

Su Chen had to think of a way.

Thirty minutes later, they finally ran back to the small hidden military camp stationed in the jungle.

All the barracks tents of the Yanyun Iron Cavalry Corps were dyed green, thanks to Alisa's paint that dyed all the strong fabrics of 11 this color, and they also picked up a lot of them in the forest Leaves and branches blocked the top of the tent.

The current location of this camp is just outside the area of ​​​​the loggers and hunters, and it will generally not be discovered.

When Su Chen returned to the camp, the sergeants greeted him, and the only general he brought was Zhenlong.

Then he said: "You people have worked hard waiting here."

"We are going to take action online today." Su Chen said in a low voice.

In the battle between the two sides, the federation players would probably withdraw after spending some time with Dao Healing City. This is not the result Su Chen wanted.

Dao Healing City is consumed, the Federation becomes stronger, and Su Chen is in danger.

It will take time for Su Chen's Yan Yunling to develop, the slower the opponent's development time is, the longer his development time will be.

Then Su Chen said: "Will you start a fire?"

They looked at each other and said: "We can only make fire by drilling wood, but we have brought flint, so it should be easy to light the torch."

At this time, Zhenlong took out a piece of flint from his arms, which was picked up by Zhenlong, and later found that it was really good for lighting.

Su Chen said: "Okay, this is it."

"Shall we ride at night?" said a soldier.

"Without riding horses, we can only walk, and only 50 people can participate in this operation. If there are too many people, the army will quickly find our whereabouts." Su Chen said

After hearing this, they immediately went down to prepare. When it was night, they gathered fifty light-footed people, including the ten spies Su Chen had obtained, and they gathered together in the dark.

It was very dark, even lighting a torch in the woods could not illuminate the way ahead, only the cold moonlight could make out the way.

Su Chen led them forward. In order to sneak silently, they made an agreement with each other to convey the news. The fifty people tried to follow the people in front as much as possible so as not to get lost.

Taking advantage of the darkness and listening to the chirping of cicadas, they gradually approached the edge of the federal army camp.

Then Su Chen's people saw the fire, and there were many figures patrolling behind the fire.

Zhenlong suddenly grabbed Su Chen and said: "Master, be careful, you walk behind, we will go first."

"No, we have to wait for this wave of patrolling soldiers to pass by and then go in and set fire to 987." Su Chen said very calmly.

The lords of other people's houses would never rush forward in such a situation, but Su Chen was not afraid.

Zhenlong and others were very impressed.

Finally, the soldiers on patrol that night went forward, found a place to leave, and then Su Chen led the sergeants quietly along the back of the patrol team, and went all the way to hide behind the tent

Then Su Chen said: "You divide into five teams and burn their front-line fortifications."

"Okay, no problem." They immediately bowed their heads and walked forward. Zhenlong and Su Chen walked towards the largest tent in the barracks in the dark. At this time, the tent was brightly lit, and there seemed to be people Talk inside. . 32412211121202090]

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