The enemy was defeated, and the enemy's body was broken.

"Hehe... you have no tricks left! It's my turn!"

Su Bai smiled, raised his hand and took a bottle of intermediate life medicine, and swung his sword again.

He wanted to stand and fight the silver ring snake!

It's safer to take a bottle of medicine.




-753· Weak point critical hit!

Lucky, another critical hit.

So far, the blood volume of the silver ring snake has fallen below 50%.

Of course, although it was slowed down, Su Bai still got hit by the silver ring snake's tail without dodging much.


It hurts, but with the effect of the intermediate life potion, as long as Su Bai doesn't get hit four or five times in a row, there will be no problem.




-712·Weak point critical hit!

In the last attack, the effect of Chuiyun disappeared, and the damage suddenly dropped a lot.

Shui Han also disappeared, and the speed of the silver ring snake was restored immediately.

But it's not a big problem, its health is less than 10%.

Soon, the silver ring snake died, and Su Bai's experience +100.

"Hua La~~"

A burst of light, accompanied by several things burst out from the silver ring snake.

There are quite a lot of things.

5 silver coins, 1 silver snake gall, 1 snake skin.

Finally, there is a piece of equipment!

"After killing so many monsters, I finally got another piece of equipment!"

Su Bai complained, "Really... God has eyes..."

He could imagine what the expressions of global players would be when they entered the game and faced this kind of explosion rate...

How many people can be like Su Bai, who has both good operation and a silver artifact?

In the early stage, 99.99999% of players had neither good weapons to fight monsters nor good equipment for defense, and they would lose 10% experience every time they died...

The early upgrade was a nightmare, and the experience was extremely bad!!!

Tsk tsk tsk~~~

No more small talk.

Su Bai put away the snake gall and silver coins, and then checked the information of the snake skin first.

[Flexible mutant snake skin]

Level: LV5

Quality: Rare

Category: Material

Details: Dropped by mutant silver ring snake, can be used to make armor.

"Rare-level production materials should be quite valuable... Sell it to the tailor later?"

Su Bai thought, and put the snake skin into the backpack.

Then, check the equipment that exploded.

[Fang of Corruption]

Level: LV5

Quality: Rare

Category: Weapon/Dagger

Attributes: Strength +12/Intelligence +9

Damage: Physical Attack +51/Magic Attack +23

Affix: Hehehe... I can already smell the smell of your corpse decaying!

Weapon Skill: Corruption


Level: LV1

Cooling: 80 seconds

Attributes: Toxin Damage +22

Details: Stimulate the venom in the dagger, and when the character attacks, add 22 points of fixed toxin damage, which lasts for 10 seconds.

Not a bad weapon!

Although it has nearly 50% less attack output and one less skill than the LV5 Chuiyun Sword.

But for ordinary players, it is a real early artifact!

"Well, I wonder how much it can be sold for..." Su Bai guessed, touching his chin.

He felt very happy, and didn't expect to start making a profit so soon.

After putting away the Corrupted Fang, Su Bai opened the map and looked at it.

His current location is outside the Novice Village, about 500 meters southwest, in the red jungle.

And about 700 meters west and northwest of the Novice Village, there is an area called "Dark Forest", which is the activity area of ​​goblins and cat demons.

After determining the direction, Su Bai ran to the Dark Forest.


It took a long time for Su Bai to arrive.

Just outside the forest, he saw a goblin carrying a bamboo basket, and Su Bai threw a probe.

[Throwing Goblin]

Level: LV5

Category: Ordinary Monster

HP: 4000

Damage: Physical Attack 49

Skill: Eat my stones three times in a row

Details: A goblin who can only throw stones.

[Take my three stones in a row]

Level: LV1

Cooling down: 30 seconds

Damage: Physical attack 58

Details: Throwing Goblin bursts out, within 2.1 seconds, throws out 3 stones in a row, each stone causes 58 fixed damage.

"Hmm... Looking at the information, this goblin only has long-range physical attack methods!"

"According to normal logic, this kind of monster with no melee attack and self-defense ability will be a piece of cake as long as it gets close!"

Su Bai thought and looked at the surrounding terrain.

This is a jungle, so it's not difficult to sneak up to the Throwing Goblin.

So, Su Bai got down, tiptoed, and carefully approached the idle Goblin.


When Su Bai got about 5 meters away from the Goblin, the Goblin's two pointed ears moved, and a chirping sound came out of its pointed mouth.

It heard Su Bai's movement.


Su Bai was not vague, and he jumped out of the bushes and chopped the Goblin's head with a sword.


The Goblin's defense was quite high, and Su Bai's damage was just over 300.

But it was also terrifying, the Goblin's health bar suddenly dropped by 15%!

"Chi Ya!"

The Throwing Goblin screamed angrily, and its claws grabbed the bamboo basket behind it, trying to get a stone.

Su Bai aimed at its claws and chopped it down with a sword.

This was his attempt to see if he could interrupt the monster's attack.


The damage was done, and Su Bai's attempt was also successful.

The goblin's claws were hurt by Su Bai, shaking violently, and the action of grabbing the stone was naturally interrupted.

"Ha! That's much easier!"

Su Bai smiled, and the sword in his hand opened and closed.

Not long after, the throwing goblin died with a scream.

He couldn't even use the skill [Eat my stone three times], and was interrupted by Su Bai.

A dozen copper coins, a task item: Goblin's heart, and 80 experience points were exploded.

It was just like mowing the grass...

Su Bai seemed to be brushing it simply, but in fact, it was not really simple.

If this throwing goblin appeared with a large army, hiding behind and throwing stones, it would be a nightmare for novice players!

Even if you have a high physique and thick blood, you can't withstand a few stones!

It can be called a reaper of novice players!

When the attributes are too weak in the early stage, you really can't pull too many monsters.

The chance of capsizing is too high.

Su Bai naturally knows this, so he started looking for lone goblins.

It's a bit difficult to find, because goblins often appear in groups.

Especially many times, there will be a throwing goblin in a group of goblins.

No, no.

What if I get killed by a stone in seconds...

Ahem, embarrassing...

It took some time for Su Bai to find a lone ordinary goblin.

About half a person's height, with a pointed mouth and ears, and a healthy and sad green all over.

He held a dark big hammer in his hand, and there were some unknown pieces of meat and blood on the stick.

And its attributes are as follows:


Level: LV5

Category: Ordinary Monster

HP: 4000

Damage: Physical Attack 57

Skill: Take my hammer

Details: Looks scary, thick skin, slow movement.

【Take my hammer】

Level: LV1

Cooling down: 30 seconds

Damage: Normal attack*170%

Details: The goblin was angry and swung the hammer in his hand to smash his enemy. Because of his lack of height, the hammer often hits the lower three roads, with a certain chance of triggering fatal damage.


After reading the details, Su Bai's mouth twitched.

So, this goblin and the red-eyed rabbit before are brothers?

The moves are from the same school, specializing in the lower three roads...

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