After a few complaints, Su Bai walked out and attracted the attention of the goblin.

As mentioned in the details, the goblin moves slowly.


Kill! That's it!



The goblin found Su Bai, just chirped, and then was hit by a sword, and the damage number appeared on his head.

The defense is much higher than that of the throwing goblin, and Su Bai's damage is reduced by one point.

It's not a big problem.

The goblin's speed is indeed too slow.

When it raised its hand and swung the stick to attack Su Bai, Su Bai could easily interrupt the attack or dodge it easily.




Soon, the goblin was killed by Su Bai.

A heart exploded, a dozen copper coins, and +80 experience.

Eight more goblin hearts are needed.


It takes a bit of time to find a lone goblin.

After about twenty minutes, Su Bai finally killed the remaining eight goblins.

With 10 goblin hearts in hand, the task assigned by the bar owner was completed.

Continue to move forward and go deeper into the Dark Forest, where the cat demons appear.

You will naturally encounter wild monsters and goblins on the way.

But Su Bai always avoids them, and does not want to waste time at the moment.

Soon, Su Bai went deep into the Dark Forest and came to the cat demon area.

From time to time, you can hear the sound of "meowing" in your ears.

Following the direction of a sound, Su Bai touched it lightly.

Then, he saw a cat demon that was dark all over and as big as a dog.

Its eyes were scarlet, its teeth were long and pointed, and its mouth was dripping with saliva.

"The models of these monsters are really great! They are just like the real ones!"

"It's just a little shabby and a little scary..."

Su Bai muttered to himself and sent a probe!

[Dark Cat Demon]

Level: LV6

Category: Ordinary Monster

HP: 5000

Damage: Physical Attack 78

Skill: Tearing Claw

Details: Agile and bloodthirsty, be careful of its claws, which can easily tear flesh and blood!

[Tearing Claw]

Level: LV1

Cooling: 60

Effect: Normal Attack +30%

Details: The claws of the dark cat demon emit red light, which greatly increases its normal attack damage within 10 seconds. At the same time, if the attack hits, it will cause a tear wound, causing 20 points of bleeding damage per second for 5 seconds.

It was a very strong monster, but Su Bai was not surprised.


In this game, almost every monster is very strong!

High HP, high damage, high defense...

Any monster of the same level can kill Su Bai in one hit.

Hiding in the distance, Su Bai picked up a stone and threw it out as usual.



The stone fell next to the cat demon, and the sound startled the cat demon.

It stood up and turned its head cautiously to sweep around.

Su Bai picked up another stone and threw it out.

Test the cat demon's reaction speed and dodge speed.

After all, just looking at the panel, it is not clear how flexible the cat demon is.

Seeing the stone coming quickly, the cat demon took a step to the right and flexibly dodged.

"Well, the reaction and speed are both good..."

Su Bai raised his eyebrows and looked much more serious.

This kind of flexible monster must be much more difficult to fight.

But no matter how difficult it is, we have to fight!

Holding the sword tightly, Su Bai rushed out from behind the tree.

He stepped quickly and arrived in a flash within a distance of less than ten meters.

Aiming at the cat demon, Su Bai aimed his sword at its neck.


The dark cat demon screamed, its pupils contracted, and it swung violently.

It was too sudden, and it barely moved half a body.


Su Bai's sword pierced the upper part of the cat demon's front legs, causing 322 points of damage.

From this, it can be seen that its defense is very low!


The dark cat demon roared in pain, and its cat eyes became more scarlet.

Its claws began to glow, a misty red.

"Wow, it's using its ultimate move so soon..."

Su Bai was startled and guarded carefully.

If it gets hit, it will definitely die!

After using the ultimate move, the dark cat demon started to attack Su Bai with red eyes.

It kicked its hind legs and rushed directly to Su Bai's face.

It was so fast that Su Bai could only see a black shadow coming.

It was too fast, and he subconsciously held the sword in front of him, but he didn't have time to dodge.

"Ding Ding!!"

There were two consecutive clangs, and Su Bai saw that the cat demon's claws hit the sword.


The overwhelming force was transmitted through the sword, and Su Bai was carried by the force and staggered back several steps.


But he was only slightly injured!

When Su Bai was confused, two brilliant system fonts appeared in the air beside the sword:


When he saw the two words, Su Bai's eyes lit up!

"Fuck, it can actually block?! Can it completely block most of the damage?!"

This was something Su Bai didn't expect.

It's not that there is no block judgment in general online games, but that is in the form of skills.

Only when the block skill is pressed and the monster's damage attack arrives, the block judgment will appear.

After all, when the player and the monster are fighting, how to calculate whether the monster's attack hits the person or the sword? Hit the blocking object?

But virtual reality is different!

It is too strong, almost the same as reality.

As long as Su Bai's sword, or something else, blocks the monster's attack, it is a block!

"Virtual reality is awesome! It's so real!"

Su Bai was so excited!

It's easy to say after the block judgment!

For high-level players, this is almost an extra high damage reduction skill without CD!

Who is a high-level player?

Su Bai: "Yes, it's me!"


It's a long story, but it's actually very short.

The dark cat demon has landed, meowed, and kicked the ground again to attack Su Bai's face.


Su Bai smiled and was prepared. His eyes and reaction speed could keep up with the speed of the cat demon.

He predicted the attack point of the cat demon's claws in his mind, and Su Bai blocked it in front of him with a sword.

"Ding Ding!"

Two more ding dings!


This time Su Bai was prepared, and the damage caused by the cat demon was even lower!

Only 3 points!

"It's my turn!"

The dark cat demon was exhausted, and Su Bai would naturally not let it go.

The long sword turned and cut diagonally towards the neck of the dark cat demon.

-734·Weak point critical hit!

A terrifying damage of up to 734 points jumped out immediately!

A large part of the dark cat demon's health bar suddenly emptied, which made Su Bai feel comfortable!


After the dark cat demon landed, it was stunned for a moment.

It was exactly the same as the performance of being suddenly stunned in the real world.

Of course, Su Bai would not miss this great opportunity and stabbed it with another sword.

This time, it aimed at the heart of the cat demon and used all its strength to attack!

-729·Weak point critical hit!

A terrifying amount of damage jumped out on the head of the dark cat demon, and its health bar dropped sharply again!


The dark cat demon roared, angry, and attacked Su Bai madly.

"Ding Ding!"


"Ding Ding!!"



Su Bai's reaction speed was extremely fast. No matter how furious the cat demon was, he could handle it easily.

Blocking left and right.

After knowing how to block, the cat demon couldn't even touch his hair.


Not long after, the dark cat demon was killed by Su Bai, and some things exploded.

One piece of equipment, a cat demon skin, and more than a dozen copper coins as usual.

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