The old man was so angry that he was about to die.

"Oh, the equipment exploded!"

Su Bai raised his eyebrows, picked up everything, and then looked at the equipment.

He just took a look and frowned in disdain...

The equipment is pale, and the quality is definitely not high.

[Damaged Sprouting Cloth Armor Belt]

Level: LV4

Quality: Ordinary

Category: Cloth Armor/Belt

Attributes: Intelligence +1

Defense: Physical Defense +19/Magic Defense +11

Affix: This... What is this made of? It actually grew bean sprouts...

"Sure enough..."

After looking at the information, Su Bai said to himself.

The attributes are very poor.

It makes sense. It's just an ordinary monster. What good equipment can it produce?

Just throw it into the backpack and keep it to sell to players when the server is launched. Even a mosquito leg is meat.

Su Bai continued to move forward.

Next, he tried to consciously practice blocking.

After all, this thing is not something that can be done just by knowing it. It still requires a lot of practice.

Among them, of course, there are almost rollovers!

Su Bai even rolled over once, because the time of horizontal sword blocking was not good!

Fortunately, only 40 points of damage were dealt.

Take a bottle of potion and continue.








With repeated blocking practice, Su Bai became more and more skilled!

According to the adjustment of blocking posture and strength, the damage after blocking is also reduced, and the minimum can be reduced to 1 point!

As for the success rate of blocking...

As long as he can see the cat demon's movements clearly and there is no interference, he will definitely be able to react and block!

There is no 100% blocking success rate, but there is 99%!

In this way, Su Bai is very comfortable when killing monsters!

Facing the cat demon's attack, just move slightly.

Just wait for the cat demon to attack, then block and counterattack.

It's basically standing and shooting!

"Are there any other hidden settings?"

After killing a cat demon, Su Bai picked up something while thinking.

Generally, there will be a "rebound" mechanism in hardcore fighting action games.

In short, when the monster attacks the game character, it is instantly blocked and the enemy's attack is deflected.

The enemy's attack posture is deflected, and naturally it cannot maintain a smooth balance, and there will be a short period of "stiffness" and "stiffness".

The combo may also be interrupted, and it takes a short or long time to adjust the stiff body posture.

And this time is naturally a good time to output!

"Well, it seems that when I first discovered blocking, it was an instant block."

"But, it did not trigger a mechanism similar to a bounce..."

"Could it be that this game does not have a bounce mechanism?"

Su Bai touched his chin, feeling a little disappointed with such a guess.

But soon, he was excited again and thought of a possible reason: "That's not right, I was knocked back at that time."

"I still took all the strength of the cat demon, but I just blocked the damage."

"In theory, if I want to cause the attacker to be paralyzed, I should also cause a certain amount of recoil when the cat demon attacks me, so that the cat demon can be unbalanced!"

"It's similar to, if I punch someone and he is knocked back, I will be fine and will not suffer much recoil."

"If I punch him and he bears it and does not retreat, the force will be rebounded, and I will retreat instead!"

The more he thought about it, the brighter Su Bai's eyes became.

He was basically sure that this was the reason.

"Hurry up, find a cat demon and try it!"

Su Bai did it as he said, and started searching in the jungle.

A few minutes later, he saw a dark cat demon again.


Su Bai shouted loudly, attracting the attention of the cat demon.


The dark cat demon roared in a low voice, staring at Su Bai.

Su Bai smiled and hooked his finger at him.


The dark cat demon roared, suddenly jumped up, and still pounced on Su Bai's face.

Su Bai stood with his legs apart, shoulder-width apart, and stood tall!

Looking at the cat demon rushing at him, he was not panicked at all, and was very steady!

In just two or three seconds, the cat demon's claws flashing with cold light reached his face, and grabbed him from top to bottom.

Su Bai stood up with his sword horizontally.

Holding the sword horizontally with his right hand, the back of his left hand rested on the ridge of the sword to increase the stability of the block.

"Ding ding!!"

Two clangs sounded, and a strong force came through the sword.

If Su Bai had not been prepared and determined not to retreat, he would have retreated with this force.

Now, Su Bai stood firmly on the ground and blocked it!


A damage number appeared above his head, which was much higher than the previous smooth backward blocking!

But the dark cat demon flew backwards.


In the air, the cat demon twisted, adjusted its posture, and landed safely.

Su Bai frowned, this was not what he expected!

What he thought was that the cat demon's body would be stiff when it was bounced, and it would not be able to adjust its posture in a short time.

There is a stiffness time, which is called a rebound.

If it is adjusted quickly, there is no time for output, and it can't be called a rebound.

"What's wrong?"

Su Bai took a few steps back to prevent the cat demon from rushing in again, while thinking.

"Bounce, rebound, counter..."

Su Bai's mind raced, thinking about what went wrong.

After only a second or two of thinking, Su Bai came up with a possibility: "Is it that when I block, I can't simply bear the power of the cat demon?"

"When the cat demon attacks me, my sword is blocking, but in fact, when blocking, I also need to exert force and push forward?!"

"Try it!"

This time, it finally succeeded!

The cat demon jumped and attacked Su Bai again.

When it was about to scratch his face, Su Bai blocked it fiercely!

It was no longer just bearing the power of the cat demon before, but there was a hidden force!

It looked like blocking, but in fact, Su Bai's sword was attacking and lifting up!


This time the collision was much bigger, loud, and even a little harsh.

No damage appeared on Su Bai's head!


And the cat demon, it hummed and flew backwards!

Su Bai was unable to cause any damage to it, but when it flew backwards, it stiffened!

Hanging in the air, the posture could not counterattack or adjust!

This is the anti-shock mechanism and the rebound mechanism!


Su Bai laughed, stepped quickly, and chopped the cat demon's belly with a sword.


Although there was no bonus, the damage was interestingly increased a little, about 30.

Su Bai guessed that this was a special damage bonus.

It might be related to the imbalance of the dark cat demon's posture.


But this is not the time to care, because the dark cat demon has just landed and has not adjusted its posture.


Su Bai slashed another sword!

One rebound, there is the output time of two swords, it's so cool!

After the second sword, the dark cat demon finally adjusted.

He jumped back suddenly and jumped out of Su Bai's attack range.

Su Bai did not chase, just stood there waiting for the cat demon's next attack.

"Hiss! Meow!!!"

The dark cat demon lowered its front body, its hair exploded, and it roared in a low voice.

"Come on!"

Su Bai smiled and hooked his finger at it again.



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