"Boss Hengluo, he's not dead."

"Could it be that it wasn't the Dragon Emperor who killed the big boss Hengluo?"

"Yes! As long as he is not killed by the Dragon Emperor, Heng Luo still has a chance to be resurrected!"

"Cough cough... The one who died was the Dragon Emperor 0.."


Silence continued for a moment.

After a brief silence, the entire city, the entire world, and the entire human race broke out at almost the same time.


Everyone hurriedly clicked on the system announcement.

The news that the Dragon Emperor was killed was clearly written in the announcement.

"This tm, six hours after starting the server, kill the Dragon Emperor?"

"Or the one that can't be resurrected?"

"Damn it, I feel like I'm dreaming!"

"I felt like my mood was a roller coaster, so intense."

[Killing decision in progress - Race rewards will be issued in one minute. 】


【Hill Plain】

Lu Cang carried the giant hammer and sat on the Dragon Emperor's corpse.

Around, there are four pure-blooded dragons, dozens of mixed-blooded dragons, thousands of Yalongs, and tens of thousands of mixed-blooded Yalongs.

At this moment, the noisy world became silent.

The dragons seemed to be frozen, their bodies were stiff, but their eyes were fixed on the things in Lu Cang's hands.

"Good stuff, good stuff."

【Dragon Emperor Seal】

[Effect: Holding this seal is regarded as the highest authority of the dragon family, and has the right to interfere in all matters of the dragon family. The life with this seal is the highest priority of the dragon family. 】

"Lord Dragon Emperor, actually died like this?"

"Tell me, it's not real, it's a 1.7 dream!"

"How is it possible! How could Lord Dragon Emperor be killed by weak humans!"

"This must be a fantasy! It's not real!"

[Congratulations on killing the Dragon Emperor - Emperor Sheng]

Congratulations on your reward: Dragon Crown, title [Dragon Slaying Emperor], EXP+1,343,110.

【Congratulations on your level upgrade to 14】

[The current spokesperson of the dragon family is: Ocean Dragon——Hilifin]

[Please complete the subjugation/execution of the dragon race within three days]

On the Dragon Emperor's body, Lu Cang looked at the blue-scaled dragon, Shirley Finn.

"Xilifen, life is just like when we first met, do you choose to surrender? Or do you choose to die?"

Holding the [Dragon Emperor Seal] in his hand, Lu Cang looked at Xilifen with a playful smile.

"However you choose, it doesn't matter. After all, the highest authority of the dragon family is in my hands.".

Chapter [-]: All Clan Rewards!

Damn, this is a choice, isn't it too much to deceive the dragon?

Do they have a choice?

Once it goes against Lu Cang's will, it will be the end of the race.

The pressure on Hilriff was enormous.

Hilriff felt like he was about to collapse.

First, the younger brother was killed, and then the fall of the Dragon Emperor.

Now the burden of the fate of the entire race rests on his dragon.

If you surrender, you will be scolded as a coward by the dragons. The arrogant characteristics of the dragon family make some dragons rather die than surrender.

But if you don't surrender.

Let alone resistance, there is simply no room for resistance.

Only the fate of being destroyed by Lu Cang.

The Dragon Emperor Seal in the opponent's hand is equivalent to being sentenced to death.

It is very easy to eliminate a race.

There are three methods in total.

The first method: annihilation.

Destroy the population of the hostile race to less than 10% of the original, and it is judged to be extinct.

But this method is generally not used by anyone.

The second method: decapitation

Kill the leader of the enemy race and take the race seal.

This is what Lu Cang is doing now.

The third method is the final war.

The final period of World Destruction will unlock the Judgment Authority of all races.

Each race will make a final struggle for the continuation of its own survival.

A darkest melee slaughter began at that time.

[Whether to integrate the dragon crown]


[Dragon Crown has been absorbed, Human Crown has been advanced]

[Human Crown Exclusive (+6) (max) (Race Value: 2)]

Rank: Diamond (Unlocked with milestones, current progress: 0/3)

[Binder: Hengluo (exclusive equipment, cannot be dropped)]

【Type: Head】

[Level: 14 (growth with character level)]

[Strength+2150, Intelligence+2150, Constitution+2150, Agility+2150]

[Effect 100: Destiny deepens - the fate of the human race is closely related to you, luck +10, the luck value of all human races +[-]]

[Effect 100: The protection of growth - the most powerful advantage of the human race is growth, you get [-]% experience points for bonuses]

[Effect [-]: Unyielding Spirit - immune to all controls, immune to all abnormal states, you will not be parasitized by foreign objects, you will not be subject to mental control, you will not be taken away, you will not be cursed]

[Effect [-]: Judgment - The alien player killed by you can directly obliterate the soul of the body. 】

[Effect [-]: All ethnic players, get passive skill: Transformation Dragon Wing]

[Description: A symbol of the luck of the human race]

Compared with the previous human crown, the current human crown luck value has been increased to 100 points, and at the same time, an additional 10 points of luck have been added to the entire human race.

For each player, the initial lucky value is only seven or eight points.

These ten points of luck can almost be said to double the luck of the entire human race.

At the same time, Human Crown has a new skill [Metamorphosis Dragon Wing]

[Metamorphosis Dragon Wing: Consume mana, condense a pair of energy dragon wings, and can fly for a short time. The flight time is linked to the level/agility/highest value attribute. 】

"This is it."

The flying ability that Lu Cang wanted.

[Rewards have been settled - all races, get 200 free attribute points, experience value multiplier +100%, duration: 1 day, unlock extra skill slot: 1]

Race kill rewards are issued.

It seems very few, but for a race, it is a qualitative change.

At this moment, the human race took off directly.

"Big Brother Hengluo is awesome!"

"Fuck, 200 free attribute points, this is the attribute of five pieces of silver equipment, right?"

"I sent it, this emperor really did not choose wrong!"

"Did you choose the emperor? Someone else did it!"

"Cough, I'll just say that, I support it anyway!"

The entire human race is immersed in a happy atmosphere.

Lu Cang glanced through all the rewards, and then turned his attention to Shilifen again.

"Okay, let's choose."

The carnival of the human race, the nightmare of the dragon race.

The world is so cruel.

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