"I, choose to surrender."

"Dragon clan, willing to become a vassal of the human clan."

However, when Shiripen said these words, a lizard-like Argonian jumped out.

"No! Dragons will not become human vassals! Dragons will never be slaves!"


The Yalong people still want to continue clamoring.

And Lu Cang was holding the [Thousand Machine Crossbow] in his hand.

Nodding his head casually.

"Any more?"


This is the most violent repression.

What kind of human feelings, humanitarianism.

It's none of his business with Lu Cang.

Whoever dares to shout will be killed.

However, under the silence, there are several Yalong people who have signs of clamoring.

This time, Lu Cang directly pulled the trigger without waiting for them to speak.

Crossbow arrows shot out and exploded the heads of those Argonians.

Leave no room.

These dragons are much weaker than dragons.

At best, it is similar to the combat power of ordinary humans.

The damage of Lu Cang's normal attack was enough to kill him.

"Choose surrender and sign a contract there."

"Order: Racial vassal agreement application."

A blue magic circle appeared on the ground.

A contract paper appeared in front of Lu Cang.

Lu Cang's thoughts moved slightly, and he wrote words on the paper.

In the previous life, the reason why human beings were able to escape the control of the dragon clan was partly because of their own growth and partly because of their scheming, but there was also the most important factor.

It is that humans played word games on the contract, so that they could successfully get rid of the control of the dragon race.

However, the mistakes of the previous life, Lu Cang naturally couldn't reproduce on the human race in this life.

In later generations, there is a set of the most perfect contract copy, specifically for this kind of vassal contract.

Races that are contracted to become vassals will not have any chance of exploiting loopholes.

Lu Cang drafted the agreement, and soon, it was made in duplicate, one was given to Hilriff and the other was in his own hands.

"Sign the name, and the dragons are the vassals of the humans."

Lu Cang first wrote his name on the contract.

Shiripen hesitated again and again, and finally, he used his spirit to engrave his name on the contract.

[The racial contract has been established]

[Current vassal race: Dragon Race]

"Fuck, did you really subdue the Dragon Clan?"

A player named [Miki] stared blankly at the system announcement.

"It turns out that I was the one who was taken by the emperor, and I can blow this for a lifetime."

------------------------------twenty two-------

【Black Moon Forest】

The elf pushed through the dense bushes.

A huge spider appeared in front of him.

"Report to the patriarch, I found a creature that looks like a boss."

The elf patriarch was overjoyed and immediately replied, "I'll be there soon."


【Fusing Mountains】

One by one demons flew in the sky, laughed wildly, and threw ghost flames toward the ground, and the entire blackened earth was burned by the flames.

"Hahaha, destroy it! Destruction is the most beautiful fireworks!"

On the ground, a white archangel was being burned by the endless flames of hell.

"Brothers! Hurry up and kill this angel! Go to a new world to conquer the world!"


【Huangsha Town】

After the racial rewards were distributed, the Feisha Guild immediately organized a raid.

"Set the head of the Volcano Ridge Giant!"

"The mountain giant is about to attack the ground! Fly quickly!"

"Increase the output! The strategy can be successfully completed immediately!"


In the world, every race is in a hurry.

At this time, the human emperor Lu Cang stared blankly at his experience bar.

The distance to level 5 is only [-]% of experience points.

Why is this experience value always a little bit worse? .

Chapter [-]: Racial Talent

[Congratulations to Feisha Town for completing the guardian BOSS kill! 】

【The portal has been opened! 】

"Oh? Came out?"

Lu Cang looked at the time. After all the stat points were increased by 200, it was as if each player was wearing four or five pieces of silver equipment and had the ability to fly.

Naturally meet the conditions of Raiders BOSS.

[Feisha Town] became the second liberated novice village.

Lu Cang was riding a pure-blooded dragon with white scales under his seat.

This is the mount he picked.

and has signed a contract.

Dragons become vassal races, but it is not that they do not need to perform any obligations.

Otherwise, no matter who chooses to surrender, isn't it the end of Datong where all races can survive?

The main race has absolute dominance over the vassal races. In theory, the human race is free to find the dragon race to sign a contract and make it a pet.

No matter how bad it is, you can have a hybrid Yalong as a pet.

If you can sign a contract with several pure-blooded dragons, your strength will definitely skyrocket.

Moreover, a race that becomes a vassal should pay a certain amount of sacrifices for the human race.

Moreover, all the territories of the dragon race are managed by the human race, and the human race can receive additional tasks from the dragon race.

There are more benefits to subjugating the race than completely eradicating it.

Of course, subjugating weak races is much less beneficial for powerful races.

For example, if humans let ants surrender, how much benefit can they get?

After all, the undead knight was killed by the aftermath of the battle.

However, how could the speed of riding a horse be comparable to that of riding a dragon.

[Congratulations to the fragrant flower bush for killing the guardian boss! 】

【The portal has been opened! 】

Another novice village liberated.

More and more human races came to the cold moon world.

Lu Cang opened the system list.

As a human emperor, he has more authority.

His system list has more functions than the average human.

Among them, a menu called [Racial Talent] appeared in front of him.

Lu Cang clicked on the menu.

【Human Race】

[Current talent: infinite passive skill slot, infinite active skill slot (unlocked at level 50)]

[Current race point: 2]

[Unlocked Race: Dragon Race]

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