Boom boom boom!

Zhang Yi launched multiple attacks, relying on his super-fast attack speed, and bombarded the surrounding 25-level Skeleton Shield Guards and Undead Paladins with magic balls. The extremely high damage caused one shield guard and paladin after another to fall under the bombardment of the streamer staff.

Under the influence of the Skeleton Shield Guards' [Retaliation] talent and the Undead Paladins' [Undead Shooting] talent, Zhang Yi's health bar also dropped rapidly.

Han Yarou, who was in the back, immediately cast a spell, and applied a series of healing skills to Zhang Yi.

"Ding~ You have been healed by your teammate Yarou's [Healing], and your health points are 296!"

"Ding~ You are healed by your teammate Yarou's [Slow Healing], and your health is 148! And your health increases by 49 per second for 5 seconds!"


Under Han Yarou's powerful recovery, Zhang Yi's blood and qi always remained above 60%!

Zhang Yi was a little pleased. The little nurse he had invested more than 120 gold coins to cultivate finally began to work!

Han Yarou was only level 20 now, and she was wearing a set of low-level 1-star equipment.

He had originally thought that he could not ignore Han Yarou, but now it seems that Han Yarou may play a great auxiliary role in various battles in the future.

The addition of Han Yarou also made Zhang Yi's monster-killing efficiency much higher.

Although Han Yarou did not contribute damage, her powerful treatment brought great endurance to Zhang Yi. During the period, he did not have to consider the damage he suffered. Zhang Yi just opened fire and output crazily!

Just like when he was on the first floor, countless players around him cast envious eyes.

The level 25 Skeleton Shield Guard and the Undead Paladin were only one level lower than Zhang Yi, so during the hunting process, Zhang Yi could also get a lot of experience points.

After working tirelessly in the City of the Dead for a whole day, Han Yarou finally completed the challenge of the second floor until 10 o'clock in the evening!

With the extremely generous experience rewards, Han Yarou's level also soared to level 22! It is equivalent to her leveling up 4 levels in one day!

With the help of Zhang Yi, Han Yarou's leveling speed is so terrifying.

At this time, Zhang Yi could continue to persist for another night, but it can be seen that Han Yarou is in a state of tiredness and hunger, although she has tried very hard not to show this state in front of Zhang Yi.

"Let's go back and have a meal and take a rest."

Hearing this, Han Yarou shook her head and said,"No, let's brush for a while longer! Go back later?"

"Don't be so stubborn."

After saying that, Zhang Yi took Han Yarou to the Undead Merchant to submit the task, and then gave Han Yarou a return scroll, and they each crushed it and returned to the city.

After returning to the city, Han Yarou immediately opened her backpack, took out all the money she got from killing monsters today and the task rewards, and gave it to Zhang Yi:"You spent so much money on me, and I can't pay it back all at once.……"

""Silly, who asked you to pay it back?"

Having said that, Zhang Yi took Han Yarou to the restaurant for dinner without taking Han Yarou's money, and then tricked her into going to bed together. He booked two rooms. After settling Han Yarou down, Zhang Yi returned to his room and rested for only two hours to recover some fatigue. At about twelve o'clock, he went to the City of the Dead alone again...

Amid the nervous and expectant mood of countless players, Saturday finally arrived. The much-anticipated regional dungeon [Energy City] will be opened at ten o'clock this morning.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Zhang Yi, who had returned from the City of the Dead at five o'clock to rest and recover his fatigue, had just woken up when he heard a noise coming from outside the hotel.

Countless players were enthusiastically discussing the [Energy City]...

The Storm Family and King of Glory are also preparing for the battle of [Energy City]. Through the efforts of the past few days, the two teams finally pulled the members' levels back to level 23, reaching the average level of players in District

886. As for Zhang Yi, he is already level 27 at this time, ranking first on the list of District 886, 3 levels ahead of the second place, but he is still called a"bug" by the players in District 886. In the past two days, the players of King of Glory have not been attacked by Yinuo Qingcheng in the wild, which makes King of Glory feel that the strategy of turning enemies into friends is indeed more effective than revenge against Yinuo Qingcheng. In addition

, the dual-area chat channel temporarily opened by the system has received many messages from District 885 and District 886. The players in zone 886 were also quarreling fiercely, calling each other trash, showing off their own strength, playing psychological warfare, and trying to make the other players lose 10% psychologically before the dungeon opens.

In addition to the free dual-zone chat channels, the chat channel of zone 8, which requires payment to send messages, is also very lively. Players from all the major security zones are discussing topics surrounding the Energy City.

Some are discussing how to play this dungeon to get energy the fastest, some are exchanging ideas, and there are players selling dungeon strategies... but he was immediately seen as a charlatan. After all, the dungeon hasn't even opened yet, so how could there be a strategy? If we really want to talk about strategies... In the whole world of Apocalypse, only one person knew about this, and that was Zhang Yi, who had participated in the Energy City dungeon in his previous life.

Now, almost all players in the world are paying attention to the Energy City. In the Apocalypse online forum, the most popular posts are all about the Energy City, which has overshadowed the popular posts about the Skeleton King's invasion defense war a few days ago.

Players regard this as a huge benefit, and the threshold for entering the dungeon is low. As long as you reach level 20, you can enter. At this stage, almost all players have met this condition.

In Zhang Yi's view, these are like children playing house, so he did not participate in them. After having breakfast with Han Yarou early, he went to the City of the Undead.

Rushing to the City of the Undead���On the way to the city, Han Yarou asked,"Zhang Yi, everyone is preparing to play the Energy City dungeon, aren't we going to play the dungeon?"

"Don't worry."Zhang Yi said,"Let's continue to do our work."

Although Han Yarou didn't understand Zhang Yi's thoughts, she didn't ask much. She listened to Zhang Yi very much now. Whatever Zhang Yi did, she did it. If nothing else, she just liked the feeling of being with Zhang Yi.

Along the way, it was rare to see players leveling up in the wild, because it was already eight o'clock, and there were only two hours before the opening of the Energy City. At this moment, all players were in the safe zone, waiting for the dungeon to open, and then enter the dungeon as soon as possible to grab the dungeon resources.

After Zhang Yi and Han Yarou came to the City of the Dead, they went directly to the third floor and started leveling with those 26-30 level skeleton guards and undead guardians.

Until the arrival of ten o'clock in the morning, a loud system prompt fell from the sky- an announcement for the whole server:"Ding~ All players, please note that the [Energy City] dungeon has been opened. Players can enter the dungeon through the teleportation arrays opened in the major safe zones. I wish all players a happy dungeon journey!"

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