Combined with the previous challenges, Han Yarou finally completed the challenge of the first floor.

While following the teleportation array to the second floor, Han Yarou took out the undead suit from her bag and completed the equipment.

Armed with the dark hat, robe and staff full of the breath of darkness and death, Han Yarou seemed to have transformed from a girl into a queen.

In Zhang Yi's impression, Han Yarou's dress is mostly JK, because of her figure and sweet looks, she can wear JK to the beautiful effect that countless girls fantasize about. The first time I saw Han Yarou dressed in this style, I didn't expect it to be quite good-looking. So much so that as soon as Han Yarou changed into the undead suit, she immediately attracted the attention of many male players who were brushing monsters on the second floor.

"Look at that girl, she's so charming! When other women put on the undead suit, they look like the landlady. How come she looks so beautiful in it?"

"Isn't it because people are good-looking that they look good in anything? With her looks, she looks good even without clothes!"

"Damn, she has good looks and a good figure. If I had a girlfriend like her, I would hold her in the palm of my hand and pamper her!"

"Stop dreaming, look at who is next to her, the top god Yinuo Qingcheng in our 886th district! They are a perfect match for each other, to be honest, Yinuo Qingcheng has such a girlfriend, it's because of his ability! I don't envy her at all, because I don't have such ability anyway! And even if we are losers, we can't afford to support a goddess-level girl like her~"

"Look at the equipment she has on. At this stage, a full set of 1-star undead suit costs at least 20 to 30 gold coins, and all of them are flash. All seven pieces are enhanced to the top 25. This whole set is worth at least 100 gold coins!"

"I understand. No wonder someone suddenly bought all the enhancement stones in the auction house. It must be Yinuo Qingcheng! He bought so many enhancements just to enhance his girlfriend's undead suit! I finally understand what it means when rich people finally get married, and the poor people have witnessed it with their own eyes.……"


Ignoring the discussions of the players around her, Han Yarou focused all her attention on Zhang Yi.

Wearing a Undead suit, Han Yarou came in front of Zhang Yi, turned around, smiled and said,"Does it look good?"

"" It looks good." Zhang Yi said without hesitation.

Thinking back, when he was with Han Yarou, every time she bought new clothes, she would wear them first to show Zhang Yi, and would ask Zhang Yi: Do they look good?

Since the first time he answered"so-so" and was pulled by Han Yarou's ears, Zhang Yi's subsequent answers were"good-looking","very pretty","verygood","super good"...

Han Yarou smiled happily, because Zhang Yi's answer made her feel that the relationship between her and Zhang Yi seemed to have returned to three years ago.

After changing into the Undead Suit, Han Yarou's attributes were also greatly improved. Zhang Yi asked Han Yarou to try it. A white [Healing Spell] came down, combined with the 30% healing amount bonus of the Undead Suit, it could bring Zhang Yi nearly 300 points of recovery!

The priest's healing spell has a cooling time of only 4 seconds.

Therefore, in the next battle, Han Yarou can already help Zhang Yi, and is no longer just a person who does nothing in the back and purely steals experience.

At this moment, as if remembering something, Zhang Yi asked Han Yarou:"How many skills do you have?"

Han Yarou opened the skill list and looked at it, and said:"6!"

Zhang Yi was stunned for a moment and was a little surprised:"You learned 6 white skills?"

"Um……"Han Yarou didn't quite understand why Zhang Yi was so shocked:"Aren't the more skills the better?"

"Scarcity makes things valuable. No matter how many white skills you have, they are still just white."

As he spoke, Zhang Yi opened his backpack, took out the blue skill book [Undead Healing] dropped by the Skeleton King, and gave it to Han Yarou.

"Blue Skills……"Han Yarou was a little surprised

"Just cover three skills at random. Too many white skills are useless. Five white skills are not as good as one blue one."

Zhang Yi deliberately kept the Undead Healing skill for Han Yarou.

So, Han Yarou followed Zhang Yi's instructions and randomly selected three useless white skills from the skill list, and then covered them with [Undead Healing].

"Ding~ Congratulations, you have mastered the new skill [Healing of the Undead] (blue)!"

"Come, try the effect."

As Zhang Yi finished speaking, Han Yarou waved her staff lightly. After a short spell, a black light fell from Zhang Yi's head, and a green recovery value of more than 200 points jumped up. At the same time, a skull mark appeared behind the ID.

Han Yarou, who did not read the skill introduction carefully, curled her lips and said,"The healing amount of this blue skill is not as high as my white [Healing Technique]!"

"You can talk later." Zhang Yi smiled faintly, and with the skull mark on his head, he cast a [Fireball] spell to bombard a nearby level 25 Undead Paladin.

Boom - a critical hit of more than 1,700 points of damage, almost killing the Undead Paladin instantly!

After that, Zhang Yi deliberately did not continue to attack.

The Undead Paladin, who only had a trace of blood left, drew his bow and shot an arrow, hitting Zhang Yi who was standing still.——


Immediately after this red damage, another recovery value appeared on Zhang Yi's head, the same as when Han Yarou cast the [Undead Healing] spell just now -


It was not until he was attacked three times in a row that three 239 points of recovery appeared on Zhang Yi's head in a row, and the skull mark behind the ID disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Han Yarou finally understood that the strongest point of Undead Healing was the subsequent injury recovery!

Undead Healing: Immediately restore 95% of the target's attack power after casting, and apply the Undead Mark, so that the target will restore 95% of the caster's attack power when it is attacked three times within 10 seconds!

In other words, Han Yarou's Undead Healing just now brought Zhang Yi 956 points of recovery!

Han Yarou's mouth opened into an O shape.

"How about it, do you think there is a big gap between blue skills and white skills now?"

Hearing what Zhang Yi said, Han Yarou shook her head, then nodded immediately, and then smiled happily:"This skill's continuous recovery is so powerful!"

Zhang Yi said:"I will help you finish the second-level challenge as soon as possible. I'm going to start group brushing. Please pay attention to help me add blood."

After speaking, Zhang Yi waved the streamer staff, and a lightning chain suddenly attracted the hatred of three skeleton shield guards and the undead paladin at the same time!

Relying on a powerful nurse in a 25-level undead suit to heal him behind, Zhang Yi was not afraid at all and directly turned on the standing mode.

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