As this announcement appeared, the cross-region chat channel, which had just been extremely quiet, was immediately flooded with messages from countless players.——

【I love rice grains] (District 886, male, level 25 warrior):"Oh my god! Our District 886 master is here! (Excited) (Excited)"

【Autumn Wind Sweeps Fallen Leaves] (District 886, Female, Level 25 Magician):"Brother Qingcheng is finally here! (Lewd) (Lewd)"

【Storm Dragon King】:"Come on, big brother, give us revenge! (Come on)"

【Honor of Kings】:"Welcome, Boss! All the trash in District 885, get ready to tremble!"

At the same time, the players in District 885 who saw this announcement did not take it seriously.

【The Arrogant Madman】:"Hey, the coward from your 886th district finally came out? No longer cowering?"

【Proud and bloodthirsty】:"I guess he came in to grab a piece of the spoils since the dungeon was about to end, hoping to get a chance to win the dungeon participation prize?"

【Stand out from the crowd】:"I didn't expect you to have the courage to come out. It's a pity that the dungeon is about to end. What's the point of you coming in at this time? Do you still think you can turn the tide?"

At this time, Zhang Yi spoke.

【Yinuo Qingcheng] (District 886, male, level 30 beastmaster):"Is it going to end? Isn't the dungeon just beginning?"

""Shit! Level 30!"

Zhang Yi's identity and level icon in the regional channel shocked countless players in the two regions.

Even Ao Shi Qun Xiong was a little surprised, but he quickly calmed down:"I spent three days outside doing quests and fighting in the wild, so I naturally leveled up quickly, but a high level is useless."

【A promise to the city】:"Really? Are you ready? I'm coming to find you."

He had long wanted to use the Energy City dungeon to kill Zhang Yi and let Han Yarou see who was the strongest. When he saw Zhang Yi's words in the regional channel, he immediately responded,"Okay, send me the coordinates, and I'll find you."

【A promise to the city】:"Please wait a moment, I have something to do."

Although he didn't know what Zhang Yi was up to, Ao Shi Qun Xiong was not in a hurry and took this opportunity to open the cross-region live broadcast. The cross-region live broadcast is only available during a specific period, and the consumption is ten times that of ordinary live broadcast.

As the average level of players increases, the consumption of live broadcast also increases. At this stage, the consumption of ordinary live broadcast reaches 2 silver coins per second. For cross-region live broadcast, it is equivalent to consuming 12 gold coins per minute!

Many players lamented that Ao Shi Qun Xiong was rich, and the purpose of Ao Shi Qun Xiong doing this was nothing more than to let Han Yarou see how he killed Zhang Yi, the waste.

At the same time, Han Yarou, who was in the hotel, learned from the chat channel that Zhang Yi had entered the dungeon, and immediately sent a private message to Zhang Yi:"Didn't you say you wouldn't enter the dungeon?"

Zhang Yi, who didn't kill monsters in the dungeon and was just wandering around, replied to Han Yarou's message slowly:"Did I say that? I didn't say it, it seems"

"Didn't you say that?"Han Yarou thought about it carefully, and it seemed that she had not heard Zhang Yi clearly say before that he would not enter the dungeon.

So, Han Yarou, who was a little anxious, opened the live broadcast interface and found that Zhang Yi had not turned on the live broadcast. After hesitating for a while, she clicked on the [Ao Shi Qun Xiong Live Broadcast Room] which had just been opened and was so popular that it was pinned to the top.

Because Zhang Yi just said that he would go to find Ao Shi Qun Xiong soon, he would be able to see Zhang Yi from the perspective of Ao Shi Qun Xiong in a while.

At the same time, while slaying monsters in the dungeon, he kept an eye on Ao Shi Qun Xiong in the live broadcast room. From the quickly refreshed message, he saw the message"Player [Yaro] entered the live broadcast room", and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Wait and see, Han Yarou, I will prove to you with my strength that I am more qualified to have you than that waste who once abandoned you!"

On the other side, Zhang Yi, who was walking on the street of Energy City, saw the message refreshed in the chat channel of Area 886.——

【Love you duck] (Female, Level 24 Priest):"Brother Qingcheng, why don't you start live streaming? Now many people in our district have no choice but to enter the Ao Shi Qun Xiong live streaming room just to see you!"

【Disappearing Love] (Female, Level 25 Knight):"Yeah, why don't you start a live broadcast? We'll all go to your live broadcast room and give you gifts!"

The words of several girls in the area reminded Zhang Yi.

"This is a great opportunity to make money!"

While saying this, Zhang Yi also started the first live broadcast in his life.

As soon as the live broadcast room was opened, players from District 886 rushed in crazily, and countless people switched from Ao Shi Qun Xiong's live broadcast room to Zhang Yi's, including Han Yarou.

When Ao Shi Qun Xiong saw the message"Player [Yarou] exited the live broadcast room", he felt instantly disappointed, and couldn't help but get angry and ashamed:"Okay, then you go over there and watch how he dies!"

After saying that, Ao Shi Qun Xiong couldn't wait to shout in the district, asking Zhang Yi to send his location, but after shouting for a long time, Zhang Yi didn't reply.

Could this guy be hiding somewhere to swipe monsters?

The people in District 886 were originally very enthusiastic. They all entered Zhang Yi's live broadcast room with the mentality of seeing how the big guys in their district's Tianbang would kill the Ao Shi family. However, after entering the live broadcast room, they saw Zhang Yi doing nothing and just wandering around the street. Everyone was stunned

"What is Yinuo Qingcheng doing? Is he lost?"

"Who knows, he seems to be looking for something……"

Energy City, deliberately chose a deserted and remote road. After walking aimlessly for more than ten minutes alone, Zhang Yi arrived at a building more than 20 stories high and stopped.

"It should be here.……"

Zhang Yi muttered to himself, then turned and walked into the building.

After entering the empty building without a single monster, Zhang Yi walked into the elevator and pressed the 2nd floor button.

No one in the live broadcast room could understand what Zhang Yi was doing.

Zhang Yi took the elevator to the 2nd floor, then pressed the -1st floor button, and then the 2nd floor button again...

The live broadcast room audience was completely stunned.

"What is Yinuo Qingcheng doing?"

"I don't know... I just remember that the last time we fought Skeleton King, while everyone else was busy fighting the BOSS outside, he ran to the noodle shop to eat ramen.……"


Zhang Yi pressed seven floors in the elevator in order, and finally stopped when he reached the 8th floor.


As the elevator door opened, a black treasure chest came into view. Zhang Yi squatted down without hesitation and opened the treasure chest at the elevator door.

Dungeon announcement:"Ding~ Congratulations to the player [Yinuo Qingcheng] for discovering the ultimate treasure of the Energy City. Reward: Until the end of the dungeon, the energy gain is 50%, and [Teleportation Scroll] 100! The treasure evil spirit has been released, and the seal of the Energy City has been opened: From now on for three hours, all players in the dungeon cannot voluntarily exit the dungeon without dying!"

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