From the opening of the dungeon the day before yesterday to now, the ultimate treasure that has not been discovered by more than 20,000 players participating in the dungeon in the two major areas is actually here!

Countless viewers in the live broadcast room were puzzled, because Zhang Yi's performance was as if he knew in advance that the ultimate treasure was here!

Fortunately, Zhang Yi remembered correctly.

When the Energy City dungeon in the previous life ended, the system announced the ultimate treasure hiding place of each Energy City that had not been discovered.

This made Zhang Yi, who seemed to have a USB flash drive stored in his mind, remember the burial place of the ultimate treasure of the Energy City in Areas 885 and 886.

The elevator riding password is the opening time of Apocalypse, so it is easier to remember: 2025828, -1 floor represents 0.

Take the elevator in this order to find the ultimate treasure in the end.

At the same time, because the treasure was opened, the seal of the Energy City was also triggered.

And this treasure is prepared for the killer.

Open the backpack and take out one of the 100 [Teleportation Scrolls] rewarded by the treasure

【Teleport Scroll (Normal Magic Scroll):

Description: Write down any player ID in the scroll, and crush the scroll to instantly teleport to that player.

Note: This scroll is a special scroll for the Energy City dungeon and can only be used in the dungeon.

Before that, Zhang Yi took out the buff magic scroll that the Skeleton King had dropped from his bag and used it continuously.——

"Ding~ [Attack buff scroll] has taken effect: increase attack power by 20% for half an hour!"

"Ding~ [Defense buff scroll] has taken effect: increase defense by 20% for half an hour!"

"Ding~ [Speed buff scroll] has taken effect: increase attack speed by 20% and movement speed by 20% for half an hour!"

"Ding~ [Life Buff Scroll] has taken effect: Increases upper limit health by 20% for half an hour!"

Then, writing down Ao Shi Qun Xiong's ID in the teleportation scroll, Zhang Yi crushed the scroll.


With a flash of white light, Zhang Yi was teleported to a corner of the Energy City, 50 meters in front of Ao Shi Qun Xiong who was shooting a player from Zone 886 on the street.

Ao Shi Qun Xiong was not surprised to see"Yinuo Qingcheng" suddenly appearing in front of him, because the dungeon announcement had just released the information that Zhang Yi opened the ultimate treasure and obtained the [Teleportation Scroll].

The teleportation scroll, as the name implies, is used for location teleportation.

On the contrary, Ao Shi Qun Xiong was a little excited when he finally saw Zhang Yi:"You are finally willing to show up? I thought you were shrinking and dared not to come out!"

"Of course."Zhang Yi said,"We can't wait until the dungeon is over before we come."

Ao Shi Qun Xiong held up a black longbow in his hand that exuded a dark aura and looked very valuable, and said to Zhang Yi,"Let me see how strong you are, the number one on the 886th district's Heavenly Ranking!"

Having said that, Ao Shi Qun Xiong's eyes were full of disdain. Obviously, Ao Shi Qun Xiong, who had achieved 788 consecutive kills and had not died once since entering the dungeon, did not take Zhang Yi seriously.

Because Zhang Yi was the number one on the 886th district's Heavenly Ranking, and he was the number one on the 885th district's Heavenly Ranking, he also thought he was not bad, not to mention that the other party's profession was a beastmaster with super low attribute growth, which was basically useless in the early stage.

Of course, Ao Shi Qun Xiong had the capital for his confidence.

The equipment on his body was dark, and it could be seen that it was a full set of undead suits!

But at this stage, if you want to collect all the equipment, you can get a set of undead suits.

A complete set of 2-star undead suits is so difficult to obtain. Most of the equipment on Ao Shi Qun Xiong should be 1-star undead equipment.

Except for weapons.

The weapons should be 3-star, otherwise his strength would not be so different from that of ordinary players.

However, his weapon does not seem to be an undead suit, but an ordinary 3-star weapon. It is conceivable that it should be dropped by the Skeleton King in their area.

The appearance is faintly golden, and the whole body equipment is enhanced by more than 20.

Combined with the legendary talent [Five times attack speed], this has created an almost invincible archer in the Energy City. Ao Shi Qun Xiong! The first place in the Tianbang of District 885 vs. the first place in the Tianbang of District 886.

This strongest duel that is about to break out makes the players watching the battle in the live broadcast room on both sides full of tension and expectation.

Before the battle began, Ao Shi Qun Xiong looked at Zhang Yi with contempt and said,"How about we make a bet? One game to decide the winner. If you lose, you will take the initiative to leave Han Yarou!"

"Boring." Zhang Yi said softly, then holding the Undead Wand, he gradually approached Ao Shi Qun Xiong.

Ao Shi Qun Xiong laughed:"You are a coward, you dare not bet with me, because you know you have no chance of winning!"

The Undead Wand was shining coldly, and a murderous look appeared in Zhang Yi's eyes.

While Ao Shi Qun Xiong was still chattering there, Zhang Yi had already started flashing, and in an instant he entered the effective attack range from 50 meters away. With his own agility attribute of up to 189 points and the 55% casting speed bonus brought by the 2-star mage [Undead Set], a purple [Freeze] blasted towards Ao Shi Qun Xiong.


Ao Shi Qun Xiong did not expect that the opponent's mage would have such a fast speed. He was hit before he could defend himself, and a super high red damage suddenly jumped above his head.——


A 55% chance of freezing was triggered. Ao Shi Qun Xiong, who was hit by the freezing spell, had a burst of frost on his body.

Taking this opportunity, Zhang Yi unceremoniously blasted a fireball spell over him.——

-2568 Critical Hit!

The accumulated 4000 huge damage brought by the Ice and Fire directly cleared the health bar above the head of the Proud Hero, killing him.

"Ding~ You killed the player [Ao Shi Qun Xiong] in area 885, and won 27852 energy points! (including 50% additional bonus)"

Dungeon announcement:"Ding~ The player [Yinuo Qingcheng] in area 886 killed the player [Ao Shi Qun Xiong] in area 885, ending his killing streak and super god!"

Suddenly, countless players in the two live broadcast rooms were stunned.

This damage is unimaginable, and it was actually caused by a beastmaster!

When the Energy City is sealed, once a player dies and leaves the dungeon, he cannot come in again within three hours.

The Ao Shi Qun Xiong who was killed instantly was obviously unwilling, and spent 10 gold coins to buy his life.

"You just attacked me by surprise! I wasn't even ready!"

"You're dead! You can't beat me in a fair fight, because I have a legendary talent!" Ao

Shi Qun Xiong, who had bought his life on the spot, with a revengeful mentality, drew his bow and shot at Zhang Yi!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

With the bonus of the legendary talent [Five Times Attack Speed], Ao Shi Qun Xiong's hand pulled the bowstring frantically as if a cramp had been pulled, and shot out more than a dozen sharp arrows at once!

The extreme attack speed restricted Zhang Yi's movement, causing two-thirds of the arrows to accurately land on Zhang Yi, bringing up a series of damage numbers.——



-196 critical hits!


Ao Shi Qun Xiong was stunned.

Even if [Five Times Attack Speed] had a negative effect of reducing the damage of normal attacks by 50%, with his attack power of more than 700, plus the 20% armor penetration that came with the incomplete 2-star Archer Undead Set, it was impossible for him to cause only this much damage. How high was the opponent's defense?!

Of course, with Ao Shi Qun Xiong's attack power and armor penetration, it was more than enough to break Zhang Yi's defense of 600 with the bonus of [Defense Buff]. What he didn't know was that the [Top Damage Reduction Talent] attached to Zhang Yi's [Undead Robe] could reduce his single injury by 100 points.

Just when Ao Shi Qun Xiong's series of combos that were enough to kill any player in Zone 886 in seconds only knocked off one-third of Zhang Yi's health, Zhang Yi's blue [Lightning Chain] had already bombarded him with a normal attack.——

-2624 critical hit!


The health bar of the hero 2000 was emptied again.

"Ding~ The player [Yinuo Qingcheng] from area 886 killed [Ao Shi Qun Xiong] from area 885, with energy 25068!"

Looking at the corpse of Ao Shi Qun Xiong lying on the ground, Zhang Yi said calmly:"I'm sorry, I have god-level talent."

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