According to the agreement, after helping those people kill the elite [Alien Werewolf], Zhang Yi did not take anything except the experience points and left directly.

Then, he continued to post messages in the district to help fight elite monsters for free.

In less than half an hour, he killed three level 30 elite monsters and completed the task.

"Ding~ Congratulations on completing this week's elite survival mission [Elite Hunting] and getting 1 chance to draw a prize on the big wheel! Your survival mission has been upgraded to [Lord Hunting] (Nightmare Level)!"

Lord Hunting: You need to take the final blow of a lord monster of level 30 or above within this week.

Seeing this nightmare-level survival mission refreshed, Zhang Yi couldn't help but secretly rejoice. Fortunately, he refreshed this mission before rushing to the Dragon King's Tomb.

When he went back to the Dragon King's Tomb, he killed the lord-level Dragon Blood Swordsman and just completed this mission.

So Zhang Yi turned on the big wheel.

It was another thrilling moment.


"Ding~ Congratulations, you have won the prize: mysterious item, 1 low-level Warcraft resource pill! 1 wheel experience!"

"Ding~ Congratulations! Your roulette wheel has been upgraded to level 2. You have unlocked new prizes: 3-star equipment, 3-star treasure chest, 200 gold coins, mysterious props... You need 5 experience points to upgrade the roulette wheel next time!"

I actually got the Qualification Pill!

Zhang Yi was pleasantly surprised and immediately opened his backpack. Sure enough, he saw a red pill lying quietly in his backpack.——

【[Warcraft Qualification Pill] (Low Level):

Description: After using it on a Warcraft, it will permanently increase the Warcraft's Qualification by 1 point. It cannot be used on Warcraft with Qualification of 100 points or more.

In the previous life, this was a top-quality item that countless beastmaster players dreamed of. Even if it was a low-level one, it was priceless!

Before getting the Warcraft, I have already obtained the orange skill book [Sword Shadow Storm] and this [Warcraft Qualification Pill]. It seems that if I don't take down the Warcraft in the Dragon Emperor's Tomb as soon as possible, I will be too sorry for the gift of the system.

The time I agreed with King of Glory was 7 o'clock in the evening, and now it's only morning.

So before that, during the daytime today, Zhang Yi helped Han Yarou complete all three of her survival tasks!

Because Han Yarou's strength was judged to be relatively low, her survival tasks were relatively simple. With the help of Zhang Yi, she actually completed them in one day!

And in the process of completing the survival tasks, Han Yarou's level also rose to level 28, and she got three resurrection opportunities.

Soon, it was six o'clock in the evening. Zhang Yi and Han Yarou returned to the safe zone, had dinner, and arrived at the north gate of Hope Town at seven o'clock.

When they arrived there, they found that more than a dozen players from King of Glory had been waiting there for a long time!

Through the generous rewards of the previous Energy City copy, plus a day of leveling today, the average level of King of Glory players has finally caught up gradually. Except for King of Glory, who was killed by Zhang Yi a little bit before, and was only level 27, the levels of the rest of the people have basically reached level 28!

It can be seen that it was in accordance with Zhang Yi's instructions that King of Glory and himself brought a total of 14 people here. Except for himself, the other 13 people are all level 29, and the equipment on their bodies looks relatively sophisticated, as if they have been prepared in advance.

Just as Zhang Yi was sizing up the overall strength of the team and approaching, King of Glory saw it and ran over immediately:"Brother Cheng is here!"

The one who used to call"waste" all the time,"、"The"rubbish" King of Glory now calls Zhang Yi"Brother Cheng", which makes Zhang Yi feel a little uncomfortable.

At this time in the previous life, Zhang Yi and the individual players in District 886 were still suffering from the abuse of King of Glory.

At this time, King of Glory expressed its inner doubts:"Brother Cheng, what map do you want us to help you with?"

"You'll know when you get there." Zhang Yi checked the time and stopped at the north gate, as if he was waiting for someone, but he was in no hurry to leave.

"Brother Cheng, who are we waiting for?"

"Wait for a group of people, wait a little longer, they should be here soon."

Speak of the devil," Zhang Yi said, as soon as a group of players from the safe zone came over. It was not until they got closer and saw the faces of those players that King of Glory was surprised:"Storm Family!"

At the same time, the level 28 archer Storm Angel, who came with 13 senior players from the Storm Family, was also surprised to see the people from King of Glory staying with Zhang Yi.

"Brother Qingcheng, what are you doing?……"Storm Angel looked at Zhang Yi in confusion.

In front of King of Glory and Storm Angel, Zhang Yi said:"This map is a bit difficult to clear, so I invited everyone from both of your teams."

"Whoever helps me the most will get the Undead Suit. Of course, in addition to that, I will give each of you a commission for helping me clear maps, so you won’t lose out."

The Supreme King laughed and said,"Brother Yinuo Qingcheng is really generous!"

Before it even started, King of Glory and Storm Angel were already staring at each other.

King of Glory:"What are you looking at?"

Storm Angel:"What are you looking at?"

King of Glory:"You made my face swollen!"

Storm Angel:"Ugly people are more likely to do bad things!"


Zhang Yi ignored them and led his two teams of 28 elite players, plus Han Yarou, a total of 30 people, to the Dragon King's Tomb.

Because in Apocalypse, dungeons are generally composed of 5 people. If you encounter a special dungeon, the upper limit can reach 30 people, or 100 people.

In the queue, there are 6 warriors, 6 knights, 3 assassins, 4 archers, 4 magicians, 4 priests, and 3 beastmasters including Zhang Yi. The average level of the team is 28. The lineup is perfect.

On the way, Wangzhe Guilai asked in confusion:"Yinuo Qingcheng, where are we going to brush the map? Why don't you tell us? What map are you brushing at night? Why don't you brush it during the day?"

Zhang Yi still answered:"You will know when you get there."

The reason for choosing night is of course to avoid the Ao Shi family.

Zhang Yi couldn't remember when the Ao Shi family discovered the Dragon Emperor's Tomb in his previous life. He only knew that they chose to go to the dungeon during the day because the Dragon Emperor's Tomb dungeon had a setting: the Dragon Emperor's Tomb was blessed by the divine light, and players could get an additional 20% profit when conquering the dungeon during the day. Zhang

Yi didn't care about the extra profit, he only cared about the top-grade monster, as long as no one from the Ao Shi family came to make trouble.

Under the leadership of Zhang Yi, a group of people arrived at the junction of Area 886 and Area 885.

In this neutral area, there was a huge cemetery. The King of Glory and the others did not find any signs about this cemetery on the map, but as they approached the cemetery, they could deeply feel a strong sense of oppression!

Zhang Yi led the way and stepped into the cemetery.

Because the Dragon Emperor's Tomb belongs to a neutral map, it will not be suppressed by the region here.

The King of Glory and the others followed closely with some nervousness.

"Ding~ The system reminds you that you have entered the high-risk map [Dragon Emperor's Tomb]. The death threat of this map to you exceeds 220%. Please consider the consequences carefully!"

Zhang Yi didn't feel anything when he heard this information. After all, compared to the first time he entered the Dragon Emperor's Tomb, the death threat has dropped from 1000% to 220%.

But for King of Glory and Storm Angel, they couldn't help but feel panic.

Entering the Dragon Emperor's Tomb and looking around, the 28th-level warrior Storm Dragon King asked in confusion:"Why is there not a single monster on this map?"

""Wait a minute, the monster is ahead."

As they spoke, they continued to go deeper into the cemetery.

Following Zhang Yi's instructions, the players of King's World and Storm Family quickly completed the formation: 6 knights holding shields were at the front, warriors on the flanks, assassins in the back, and the mages and archers were protected in the middle. The

Storm Dragon King was a little surprised:"There's no need to make such a big fuss to clear a map, it's not like we're going to fight a BOSS.……"

Zhang Yi did not speak until he led them deeper into the Dragon King's Tomb and came to the light curtain in the middle of the two tombs.

Hidden copy, the entrance to the Dragon King's Tomb.

As Zhang Yi and his team arrived, one of the two tombs flashed red.

"Anyone who trespasses into the Dragon Emperor's Tomb will die!"

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