Wow - just like the last time Zhang Yi came, a red light flew out from one of the tombs, then fell down again, and then, a strong red light wave burst out from the tomb.

Fortunately, this time they were prepared in advance, and the sweeping light wave was blocked by the six high-level knight players from the front row of King's World and Storm Family with their shields, successfully protecting their teammates in the back.

And the light wave that once killed Zhang Yi in a second also instantly knocked out one-eighth of the health of those knights!


Han Yarou in the back formation, in cooperation with the other three priest players, quickly cast a spell to restore the health of the teammates in the front row!

The next moment, among the two tombs in front of the line of sight, the tomb on the left flew out red light again, and turned into a warrior wearing a fully enclosed blood-colored helmet and armor, holding a long sword bathed in fire, exuding an extraordinary aura, sitting in front of the light curtain.

Above the head of the red-armored warrior, there was a row of red IDs marked.——

【Dragon King Guardian·Dragon Blood Swordsman】(Physical Department·Lord Monster)!

The sudden appearance of such a level 30 Lord Monster surprised King of Glory and Storm Angel.

"So, Brother Qingcheng, when you asked us to help you clear the map, you meant to help you kill this Overlord monster?"

As soon as the Storm Angel finished speaking, Zhang Yi, who had already started casting spells in the back, said,"Not exactly. After I kill it, I need you to help me pass the hidden dungeon behind it.""

Hidden dungeon!"

The players from the surrounding King's World and Storm Family looked at the white light curtain behind the Dragon Blood Swordsman, their mouths wide open in fear.

"Brother Cheng, is that a hidden copy?!"

Just as King of Glory was extremely shocked, Zhang Yi said:"Its attack power is very high, the back row mages and shooters should not be hit by it, pay attention to your own positioning, and the nurse should add blood at any time, and don't stop nursing."

""It's coming, fight!"

Zhang Yi shouted softly, looking at the Dragon Blood Swordsman who was coming towards them with the Fire-Bathed Long Sword in front of him. He immediately waved the Undead Wand and used [Freeze] to predict the movement of the Dragon Blood Swordsman, and threw it about 3 body lengths in front of it.


The freezing spell successfully hit the Dragon Blood Swordsman, causing the first wave of damage on his head.——


However, it did not trigger the freezing effect of the Freeze spell, but only made the Dragon Blood Swordsman enter a 30% slowdown image that lasted for 3 seconds.

Seeing that Zhang Yi had already taken action, the King of Glory and the others did not think much about it, and immediately cooperated with Zhang Yi to attack the Dragon Blood Swordsman.


Six warriors took long swords or broadswords and axes, and cooperated with the three knights in the queue to approach the Dragon Blood Swordsman, and the other three knights stayed to protect the back row to prevent the enemy from using any skills to suddenly rush in.

This is the difference in consciousness between professional players and casual players. If it were an ordinary player team, not only would they not consider the back row, everyone would just rush forward with their heads down.

At the same time, the eight archers and magicians in the back formation who were within the effective attack range also launched long-range attacks.

Boom boom boom!

Fireballs mixed with flying arrows fell on the Dragon Blood Swordsman, exploding a series of damage on his head.——




-880 crit!

Compared to Zhang Yi, their damage is much lower, but only compared to Zhang Yi.

After the Energy City dungeon ended, the high-level 2-star equipment exchanged by energy points improved the overall strength of the players of King's World and Storm Family.

Strength in numbers, a round of concentrated fire attack by the crowd also instantly knocked down 4,000 HP of the Dragon Blood Swordsman!

The Dragon Blood Swordsman, who had a total of more than 50,000 HP, obviously dropped a section of his HP.

At this time, the warriors and knights also approached and launched a close-range siege on the Dragon Blood Swordsman, while the assassins accelerated from the left and right sides to go around the back and launch a sneak attack.

Compared to the mage shooter, the damage of the warriors and knights is lower, and they can only cause two or three hundred damage to the Dragon Blood Swordsman.

Only the 28th level assassin king supreme with a 25-level enhanced 3-star skeleton king war ring can pose a certain threat to the Dragon Blood Swordsman.

The Supreme King went behind the Dragon Blood Swordsman and launched a backstab, causing a blast on the Dragon Blood Swordsman that dealt more damage than Zhang Yi.——

-1102 Critical Hit!

"Tiny human!

" The Dragon Blood Swordsman, who was attacked by the players, roared:"How dare you trespass into the Dragon King's Tomb? I won't let you get close to Lord Shigula!

" As soon as the words fell, the Dragon Blood Swordsman raised his sword with both hands, and inserted it into the ground with a"whoosh", releasing a strong blood-colored sword energy in all directions, instantly repelling all the players around him, and bursting a series of damage between 500-800 points above their heads!

At the same time, under the effect of the [Bloodsucking] talent, a series of recovery values of one or two hundred points jumped up above the Dragon Blood Swordsman's head, and the blood and qi that were lost before were restored a lot in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, the Dragon Blood Swordsman launched a charge slash. When the slowing effect of the freezing spell had disappeared, he rushed towards an assassin player from the King's World in the back formation, and slashed the unsuspecting assassin to the ground with two swords.——

-786! 197!

-825! 206!

By the time the priest behind finished casting the healing spell, it was too late.

Wow— white light flashed, instant kill!

""Shit!" The Supreme King who was next to the assassin couldn't help but sighed,"Luckily it wasn't me!" As soon as he finished speaking, the Dragon Blood Swordsman turned to look at the Supreme King.

Boom boom boom!

With the 55% attack speed bonus brought by the Undead Suit, Zhang Yi used Flash to rush into the effective attack range, quickly cast [Lightning Chain] in conjunction with [Fireball] and a normal attack, and exploded a series of high damage on the Dragon Blood Swordsman.——

-2024 Critical Hit!


-1364 Critical Hit!

Three attacks with a cumulative damage of 4000 instantly shocked the surrounding players of King's World and Storm Family.

"Oh my god! Is he a mage or an assassin? Not only does the Beastmaster have such high damage, but he also has such a high critical hit rate!"

The hatred of the Dragon Blood Swordsman was successfully attracted to Zhang Yi. He gave up chasing the Supreme King and rushed towards Zhang Yi.

The Knight King Returns and the Warrior Storm Dragon King quickly intercepted the Dragon Blood Swordsman and did not give the Dragon Blood Swordsman a chance to get close to Zhang Yi.

At this time, King of Glory in the back looked at the Storm Angel beside him:"Brother Shit, it's time to show off, rush!"

The Storm Angel glanced at King of Glory unhappily:"Why don't you rush?"

"Okay, don't say I stole your credit later. Brother Cheng said that whoever contributes the most will get the Undead Set!"

After saying that, King of Glory shot an arrow towards the Dragon Blood Swordsman in front.——


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