"How come you are here?"

Storm Angel said in disbelief, because the other party was obviously well prepared, as if they knew that King's World, Storm Family, and Zhang Yi were here.

As soon as Storm Angel finished speaking, the Proud Heroes, who were wearing black archer undead suits, stood out from the crowd of the Proud Family and shouted to the King's Glory players here:"You rubbish, since you are hiding and dare not come out, don't blame me for coming to your area!"

"What kind of hatred or grudge do you have? You still come all the way here to kill us despite the regional suppression of 30% attribute weakening!" King of Glory is unbelievable.

At this time, Ao Shi Qun Xiong then asked:"Where is Yinuo Qingcheng hiding?"

"City Brother……"King of Glory looked around and found that Zhang Yi was gone!

He didn't care about that. Thinking about how the Ao Shi family killed so many of his brothers at the Dragon Emperor's Tomb yesterday and almost robbed the BOSS, and how they were severely abused at the Holy Light Ruins in the morning, King of Glory couldn't help but get angry:"You bastard, I didn't go to seek revenge on you, and you dared to come here and die!"

Seeing that there were only a few dozen people in the Ao Shi Qun Xiong group, King of Glory shouted:"This is our 886 District's territory, can you still act wild here?"

"Your territory, so what?" Ao Si Qun Xiong said indifferently:"How many people do you have now, two hundred or three hundred?"

"Can you defeat my two thousand Ao Shi Legion?"

As Ao Shi Qun Xiong's words fell, there was a commotion in all directions. Suddenly, countless players from the Ao Shi Family rushed out from the surroundings and surrounded more than two hundred players from the King's World and Storm Family!

The King Returned was stunned:"Oh my god, they mobilized the entire Ao Shi Family?!"

"Damn it!" The Storm Dragon King said in horror:"The death-spot resurrection mechanism of the City of Vengeance means we will be killed to level 1 by them today!"

"Don't encourage others to be more confident and destroy your own prestige before the fight even starts!" King of Glory said:"This is our 886 District's territory. Their attributes here are reduced by 30%. Are we still afraid of them?!"

At this time, the Storm Dragon King said to King of Glory:"If you are not afraid, why are your legs shaking?"

King of Glory:"……"

Ao Shi Qun Xiong snorted coldly:"None of you can escape today, all of you will be demoted back to level 1!"

""Brothers, kill!"

Following Ao Shi Qun Xiong's order, the two thousand players of Ao Shi Family from all directions surrounded and killed the two hundred players of Wang Zhe Tian Xia and Feng Bao Family in a burst of overwhelming shouts and killing!


Ao Shi Qun Xiong started with a rain of arrows of at least purple quality, which fell on the front-row players of Wang Zhe Tian Xia and Feng Bao Family, and the battle officially began.

Swish, swish, swish!

Countless arrows and magic balls flew over the heads of the front-row warriors and knights, and flew over from all directions, landing in unison on the crowd of Wang Zhe Tian Xia and Feng Bao Family who were surrounded in a basin. Even though they were suppressed by 30% of their attributes, such a fierce round of concentrated fire bombardment , and instantly killed dozens of players from the King's World and Storm Family on the field.


Dozens of white lights lit up from the crowd, and those who were killed instantly were immediately resurrected on the spot and forced to fight again.

The melee professions of both sides, warriors, knights and assassins, have also started close combat.

In terms of individual combat effectiveness, the players of the Ao Shi Family, whose attributes have been weakened by 30%, are indeed no match for the players of the King's World and Storm Family, but they win because of their large numbers. Relying on the number of people that is more than ten times that of this side, they completely crushed the King's Glory and them!


The King's Glory, who had just died and resurrected on the spot, but died again in 5 seconds, was shocked:"Damn! What the hell are they doing? There are so many of them! Where are our brothers? Hurry up and call for help!"

"Map restrictions mean we can't use the chat function!" With a 25-level 3-star Golden Bow of the Dead, he used a scattered fire to instantly kill the Storm Angel who was facing three assassins who were trying to sneak in. He gritted his teeth and said,"Why would Yinuo Qingcheng choose this map to level up? I'm afraid we're going to die here today!"

As soon as he finished speaking,"boom boom boom" several fireballs fired from all directions, instantly killing the Storm Angel with full health.

"Oh my god!" King of Glory sighed,"You scared me, but luckily it wasn't me who was killed in seconds."

As soon as he finished speaking, countless sharp arrows mixed with magic balls bombarded him, turning King of Glory and several of his mage-shooter teammates into white light!

Just as the players of the Ao Shi family were engaged in a fierce team battle with the King of the World and the Storm Angel, somewhere in the darkness, a pair of eyes were watching the battle calmly.

At the window on the second floor of a building in the center of the battlefield, Zhang Yi stood quietly, scanning the entire field with his height advantage, and his eyes were always on the players of the King of the World and the Storm family. He just watched them being killed again and again by the people of the Ao Shi family, and their levels dropped rapidly, but he was indifferent.

Zhang Yi seemed to be waiting for something.

"No, wait a little longer. Maybe they are deliberately waiting for an opportunity!"

"hold on……"

In the sight, there was a scream, and the two people in front of him, King of Glory and Storm Angel, were killed again. In an instant, their levels had dropped to level 20!

Zhang Yi frowned:"I can't wait any longer."

Picking up the Undead Wand, Zhang Yi flashed and disappeared from the second-floor window.


A 20x20-meter rectangular barrier quietly formed among the crowd of Ao Shi Family. The next moment, the Undead Storm suddenly descended!

Huahuahuahua-- more than 20 Ao Shi Family players in the barrier were immediately swallowed up by the purple storm formed by countless skulls. Accompanied by bursts of screams, 400-600 points of damage jumped on their heads!

When the Undead Storm, which lasted for 3 seconds and caused 6 damages to all hostile targets in the range, stopped, dozens of white lights on the field lit up at the same time. The Ao Shi Family players who had just been in the Undead Storm were not spared and were all killed instantly!

The next moment, Zhang Yi flashed and appeared in the center of the cleared area.

""A promise that will conquer the whole city!"

Someone shouted, and all the players from the Ao Shi family around him immediately turned their attention to Zhang Yi.

"I thought you were hiding somewhere, how dare you come out?" Ao Shi Qun Xiong looked at Zhang Yi, his eyes full of murderous intent:"Today I will kill you to level 1, and you will never be able to stand up again!"

Zhang Yi smiled faintly:"You can give it a try."

As soon as the voice fell, the level 30 3-star enhanced 25-level undead magic wand flashed blue light.

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