
Amid the shouts, countless players from the Ao Shi Family surrounded and attacked Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi stood still and waved his staff.

Boom boom boom!

Lightning chains, combined with freezing and fireball spells, exploded among the group of players approaching, causing extremely high damage.——


-2076 Critical Hit

-2144 critical hit!




At the same time, the [Undead Wand] talent [Splash Attack] was triggered, and a beam of light burst out. All the Ao Shi Family players within a 50-meter radius around Zhang Yi all jumped up with a 400-500 damage!

Under the 30% attribute suppression, the overall strength of the Ao Shi Family players dropped significantly, and almost no one could withstand Zhang Yi's damage.

At this moment, Zhang Yi's general attack triggered the Hell Dragon Flame...


The violent dragon roar that resounded through the sky was mixed with a scorching dragon flame, pouring down from the air, instantly covering hundreds of Ao Shi Family players within a radius of 100 meters around Zhang Yi.

Lv1 Hell Dragon Flame, 150% true damage plus 30% true burning damage that lasts for 5 seconds, even if���The knights of the Ao Shi family, with all their attributes weakened by 30%, could only be killed instantly.

So, Zhang Yi sent down a hell dragon flame, and within a radius of 100 meters, no grass grew. Even the Ao Shi Qun Xiong within this range was killed instantly!

Hundreds of white lights illuminated the entire Vengeance City. The spectacular scene stunned the players of the King's World and Storm Family who were selected by Zhang Yi as the protection targets.

The King Returns:"Oh my god... Yinuo Qingcheng is simply a pervert!"

Storm Dragon King:"Fortunately, we are in the same camp as him."……"

But Zhang Yi knew that two fists could not defeat four hands. Even if the attributes of all the opponents were weakened by 30%, they had 2,000 people, and it was absolutely impossible for the King's World and the Storm Family, with only 200 people plus Zhang Yi, to deal with them.

So Zhang Yi was well prepared.

In a blink of an eye, the Ao Shi Family player who had just been killed by Zhang Yi, revived again after losing 1 level.

At this time, Zhang Yi took out a scroll from his bag and crushed it.

"Ding~ You used [Revenge Scroll】,【The map of Revenge City will be unsealed in 30 seconds, and the Undead Army will be dispatched!"

At the same time, all the players of the three major teams in Revenge City received a system prompt.——

"Ding~Please note that the player [Yinuo Qingcheng] has used the magic scroll [Revenge Scroll】,【The [City of Revenge] map will be sealed in 30 seconds and will last for 4 hours. During this period, all players will not be able to leave the [City of Revenge] map!"

"Ding~ The Undead Army is about to be dispatched! Players please be prepared!"

Hearing this system prompt, the newly resurrected Ao Shi Qun Xiong was shocked:"How can there be such a scroll? It can also seal the map? ?"

"What is the Undead Legion? ?"

Just as Ao Shi Qun Xiong was puzzled, the 29th-level warrior Ao Shi Shen Jian next to him had an ominous premonition and said in a deep voice:"Captain, we'd better evacuate here before the seal of the map is opened. I feel... something seems to be wrong"

"Get out of here!" Ao Shi Qun Xiong disagreed:"This is a rare opportunity. Here, I can kill Yinuo Qingcheng to level 1. Once I miss this opportunity, there will be no such good thing next time!"

As he said, Ao Shi Qun Xiong gave an order:"There are so many of us, don't be afraid, kill them all!" As soon as the voice fell, the players of the Ao Shi family had not yet taken action. In the air, countless level 30 immortal ghosts appeared and attacked the players of the Ao Shi family without saying a word!

Suppressed by the region, the overall strength of the Ao Shi family is now only around level 25, so it is no match for these extremely high-damage level 30 immortal ghosts.

After the thousands of immortal ghosts appeared out of thin air, they immediately brought heavy damage to the players of the Ao Shi family. The screams were continuous, and countless players of the Ao Shi family died tragically in the hands of the immortal ghosts from all directions. Ao

Shi Qun Xiong was shocked:"Why don't these monsters attack the people of Wangzhe Tianxia and Fengbao Family, and Yinuo Qingcheng?!"

Zhang Yi on the opposite side showed a somewhat weird smile:"Because I summoned them."

Those who use the [Scroll of Revenge] to summon the Immortal Legion will have the ability to control the Immortal Legion during the seal of the City of Vengeance. This is a secret setting of the map [City of Vengeance] that is difficult for ordinary people to discover. The way to obtain the [Scroll of Revenge] and activate it is to go to the previous mass grave map [Avengers Cemetery].

The only rare quality Scroll of Revenge is hidden on the Avengers Cemetery map. Players who find and use the Scroll of Revenge can obtain a special task [Road to Revenge]. Killing 1,000 dark corpses and getting 1,000 revenge points can activate the Scroll of Revenge.

Using the Scroll of Revenge on the City of Vengeance map can seal the City of Vengeance and summon the Immortal Legion!

So Zhang Yi had already made sufficient preparations for tonight!

The opportunity for the City of Revenge map came from Zhang Yi's memory in his previous life. Players from other regions triggered this opportunity and showed off in the cross-region channel, which was accidentally recorded by Zhang Yi. He never thought that he could use this memory in this life.

So, under Zhang Yi's command, the Immortal Legion launched a massive attack on the players of the Ao Shi Family.

At the same time, they had to face the players of the King's World and the Storm Family, as well as the Ao Shi Family attacked by Zhang Yi, who could not resist the invasion at all. Countless white lights lit up in the crowd one after another.

Restricted by the map, death, and resurrection, what awaited them was still death!

The Proud Heroes were horrified:"Is there any way to withdraw!" The

Proud Sword said:"Try targeting Yinuo Qingcheng? Since the Immortal Legion was summoned by him, maybe killing him can break the Immortal Legion!"

The Proud Heroes:"Good idea, you go kill him!"

The Proud Sword:"I can't beat him……"

Ao Shi Qun Xiong:"Waste, I spent a million to dig you out of the studio, and now you tell me that you, a professional warrior, can't beat a part-time beastmaster?!" Ao

Shi Shen Jian was silent for a moment:"Wish me good luck."

After that, Ao Shi Shen Jian rushed towards Zhang Yi who was killing crazily in front of him with a long sword.

Three seconds later, a white light came on, and Ao Shi Shen Jian was killed 40 meters away from Zhang Yi.

The battle is still going on.

This war, which is enough to be recorded in the history books, brought a devastating blow to the Ao Shi family under the advantage of Zhang Yi's clever use of the map opportunity and the use of the Immortal Legion.

The battle lasted for more than three hours. The map seal had not yet been unlocked, and the two thousand players of the Ao Shi family had all been killed to level 1 and then forcibly teleported out.

The entire Vengeance City was full of piles of spoils on the ground. There was almost no open space around Zhang Yi where he could stand.

In the 885th safe zone, he was killed from level 30 to level 1. All his equipment was destroyed, leaving only a pair of pants. It was only then that he finally realized something. He immediately opened his friend list and sent a message to Han Yarou in great anger:"Fuck! You're hurting me!"

The system prompts:"Ding~ You have been added to the blacklist by the other party, and the message cannot be sent!"

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