Seeing Zhang Yi being looked down upon, Han Yarou was the first to be dissatisfied and stood up to speak for Zhang Yi, but was stopped by Zhang Yi.

Ignoring the players who were sneering, Zhang Yi continued to shout:"Mages and priests are looking for a group, if you need me, pull me!"

Still no one wanted to form a group with Zhang Yi, but someone took a fancy to Han Yarou.

At this time, a few young men who looked like gangsters came over from the crowd.

Among them, the leading red-armored warrior youth whistled at Han Yarou and said with a smile:"Sister, do you want your brothers to take you through the foggy city?"

Han Yarou frowned slightly and took a step closer to Zhang Yi, as if to say to them: I have a boyfriend, this is my boyfriend.

It was also at this time that the gangsters distracted their extra attention to Zhang Yi.

The beastmaster with the ID"Yinuo Qingcheng" was really useless at first glance, wearing a dull black robe that looked like a shroud.

The red-armored warrior said,"Don't tell me that this rubbish beastmaster is your boyfriend? You are so beautiful, how could you possibly have such a useless beastmaster as your boyfriend?"

At this time, Han Yarou wanted to say,"Yes, he is my boyfriend, so what?" to refute these hooligans, but she was not qualified to say so, because Zhang Yi was not her boyfriend now.

At this time, the red-armored warrior and the other two teammates beside him had already walked in front of Han Yarou.

""Sister, do you want me to take you with you?"

As soon as the voice fell, before Han Yarou could speak, Zhang Yi suddenly said,"I'll give you 3 seconds, get out of here." The red-armored warrior turned to look at Zhang Yi, and was about to curse when he suddenly saw this beastmaster, who he thought was a waste, slowly holding up a dark staff with a faint golden light in his hand!

At this moment, the equipment on other parts of Zhang Yi's body was still dull, only the weapon had all the special effects turned on! A top-level 3-star staff!

And it was a weapon belonging to the Undead Set!

The red-armored warrior saw the level of the staff in Zhang Yi's hand through the luster, and took two steps back in shock, looking at Zhang Yi with a cold expression on his face.

Zhang Yi only turned on the special effects of the Undead Wand for 3 seconds and then turned it off, making the staff become the same as the other equipment on his body, dull.

Putting down the staff, Zhang Yi said in a deep voice to the astonished red-armored warrior,"Watch your mouth, otherwise, you will bear the consequences."

The red-armored warrior nodded quickly, and then asked tentatively:"Can... can we team up with you?"

Zhang Yi pointed at Han Yarou:"Ask her."

So, the red-armored warrior smiled and asked Han Yarou respectfully:"Miss, can... can we team up with you to clear the Misty City?"

These people only realized now that this useless beastmaster who they looked down upon just now was actually a hidden top boss!

They didn't even have all the 2-star equipment on them, and the highest enhancement was only level 20. They had never even seen 3-star equipment.

If they were led by this boss with a 3-star enhanced top-level undead weapon in his hand, they would definitely have no problem passing the Misty City!

However, Han Yarou said:"I don't want to team up with you!"

"Did you hear that?"Zhang Yi shouted at those people:"Get lost!"

The red-armored warriors were so scared that they quickly dispersed.

Then, Zhang Yi continued to shout to form a team as a"useless beastmaster".

And the gangsters who got into the crowd with dusty faces did not dare to speak nonsense, because Zhang Yi just reminded them to shut up.

This is a wild map, not a safe zone.

Perhaps, it is because the profession of beastmaster is really useless. Although the game has only been launched for a week, the weakness and uselessness of beastmasters in the early stage have been fully demonstrated.

Therefore, no one is willing to form a team with a beastmaster.

Zhang Yi shouted for a long time before finally seeing two men and one woman, three players walking towards them.

The three walked up to Zhang Yi and Han Yarou. The leader, a short-haired archer girl in her twenties and with a queen-like style, said to Zhang Yi:"See, you have been shouting for a long time, and no one pays attention to you. We are not very popular. It happens that there are two of you and three of us. Why don't we just form a team together?"

Looking around, I found that in addition to the archer girl with the ID [Gentle as Water], there were two other players around her. One was a young man who looked only about 20 years old, with the ID [Hero], who was also a beastmaster like Zhang Yi.

The other one was a middle-aged warrior uncle who was about 30 years old. He stood silently in the back and didn't say anything. He looked very honest.

Zhang Yi's eyes stayed on the warrior uncle who hid the ID above his head for a long time before he withdrew.

Zhang Yi knew why no one was willing to team up with them.

First of all, this beastmaster [Hero] directly lowered their level by half, and secondly, the special effects of their equipment were not turned off. When the special effects were fully turned on, it can be seen that their equipment is not just bad!

Whoever teams up with them is simply grouping three burdens!

Unexpectedly, when [Gentle as Water] proposed the invitation to team up, Zhang Yi agreed without saying a word:"Okay, let's team up."

So, Rouqingsishui immediately created a team, pulled her two teammates in, and then pulled Zhang Yi and Han Yarou into the team.

Upon seeing the stunningly beautiful Han Yarou, the seemingly uneducated beastmaster hero almost drooled:"Sister is so beautiful!"……"

As soon as the words fell, the tender and gentle woman suddenly grabbed Yingxiong's ear and said,"What did I tell you? I told you to behave yourself outside and not act like a lost soul when you see a pretty girl!"

"Sister, it hurts.……"

It turns out that they are siblings.

As soon as the team was created, she looked at the team's almost all fragile back row members tenderly, especially seeing that Yinuo Qingcheng was a beastmaster as useless as her brother [Hero], she couldn't help but sigh.

"Forget it, I didn't expect to pass the Fog City in one go."Rou Qingsi Shui said directly to Zhang Yi without any cover-up:"I just feel that we can't always sit in the safe zone and wait for death. This time, let's treat it as a visit to explore the Fog City. Next time, we will gather some powerful people to come over."

Zhang Yi smiled:"You and I think the same thing."

Rou Qingsi Shui sighed. Now it seems that this beastmaster is not only useless, but also has no pursuit at all!

A useless waste, it's confirmed.

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