After forming a team, several people followed other players' teams around them and entered the foggy city.

"Ding~ The system reminds you that you have entered the high-risk map [City of Mist]. The death threat of this map to you exceeds 200%. Please be careful of enemies who may come out of the mist at any time while moving forward, and look for the exit. When the number of team survivors is less than 3, the whole team is eliminated!"

The 200% death threat is only 20% lower than that of the Dragon Emperor's Tomb. However, this is only for Zhang Yi. The system's assessment is based on personal strength.

So, as soon as the system's prompt sounded, the young beastmaster"Hero" in the team immediately shouted:"Damn it! What the hell is a 700% death threat? Doesn't that mean death?"

His sister glanced at the hero tenderly:"That means you are too weak. My threat coefficient is only 500.%"

""Tsk, uncle has more than 600!" As he said that, Yingxiong smiled at Zhang Yi beside him and asked,"Brother, what is your threat factor? It must be higher than mine, right? Look at you wearing a tablet, I feel that you are worse than me!"

"One thousand."Zhang Yi said casually.

The hero laughed:"You are worse than me. I feel psychologically balanced immediately, hahaha!"

Rouqingsishui shook her head helplessly: This is really a failure!

Just after entering the foggy city, visibility quickly dropped to ten meters. The thick fog seemed to be full of dangers.

Around, many player teams were moving forward in groups along the street.

Rouqingsishui was like a big sister, holding a bow and arrow and walking in front, protecting Zhang Yi and his brothers and sisters behind him.

The warrior uncle followed silently behind.

While walking carefully along the street, seeing that he had not encountered a monster for a long time, the hero found Zhang Yi and chatted with him.

"Hey buddy, how did you get to level 30 when you are such a noob?"

Zhang Yi asked the hero,"How did you get to level 30 when you are such a noob?"

"To be honest, I used to be very ashamed, but after seeing you, I felt much more balanced. My sisters always looked down on me for being a loser, but now I finally meet someone who is even worse than me!" The hero couldn't stop laughing:"But it doesn't matter, I won't laugh at you, hahahahahaha……"

Zhang Yi:"……"

After a pause, Zhang Yi suddenly glanced at the soldier who was following silently at the back and asked Yingxiong,"What is your relationship with him?"

"Amateur."The hero said:"It's just the teammates we just formed outside before we came in."

Zhang Yi nodded without saying anything. He continued to move forward until a low roar came from the fog in front of him. Zhang Yi knew that he was about to enter the danger zone.

At this moment, several screams came from the front, accompanied by bursts of fighting.

After a while, the fighting stopped, and it seemed that several white lights were lit up from the front, and then only the roar of the monsters was left.

Obviously, a team in front was wiped out.

So, Rouqingsishui, who was walking in front, stopped and dared not move forward.

Although he didn't expect to pass through the foggy city in one go, it would be too worthless to die so quickly without knowing anything about the situation.

The hero couldn't help but sigh:"What kind of monsters are there in this fog? Are they really that fierce?"

"If we encounter those monsters, we will definitely die." Rouqingsishui frowned and said,"It would be great if there was a way to avoid them." As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Yi suddenly walked to a blind path on the sidewalk by the road:"Why don't you follow me and try?"

Rouqingsishui and the others were still hesitating, but Han Yarou followed Zhang Yi without hesitation.

"Can we avoid those monsters by walking there?"

Rouqingsishui and the others were half-believing and half-doubting, and they set foot on the blind path together.

Unexpectedly, while walking on the blind path, the various huge level 30 biochemical monsters they encountered on the way did not attack Zhang Yi and his team!

So, Zhang Yi and his team walked on the safe blind path while witnessing the massacre of other player teams on the street.

At this time, the hero following behind asked curiously:"Dude, how do you know that you won't be attacked by monsters if you walk on it?"

Without waiting for Zhang Yi to speak, the hero seemed to suddenly realize:"I see, you have been here once before and died, right? So you know this place!"

"So if we keep following this blind path, can we pass through the foggy city?"

"You think too much." Zhang Yi said:"This can only temporarily guarantee our safety until we enter the next safe area."

Amid the words, several more screams were heard. Not far ahead, another player team was wiped out...

These level 30 biochemical monsters themselves were not very strong, just like the normal level 30 monsters outside. Their strength lies in the talent [Mist Enhancement]. Combined with the thick fog in the Fog City, their data can be improved by up to 30% in the fog area!

This means that these level 30 biochemical monsters actually have the strength level of level 35-40 monsters.

Player teams with weak overall strength will have difficulty moving in the Fog City.

Zhang Yi and his team followed the blind path and walked for more than ten minutes until they arrived at the entrance of the city government in the city. The blind path disappeared and they stopped.

It can be seen that there was thick fog in all directions, only the government was not shrouded in white fog, and the surrounding biochemical monsters did not dare to enter the government. They seemed to be able to move only in the fog area.

Zhang Yi and his team quickly stepped into the government.

Under Zhang Yi's guidance, several people actually found an NPC with a question mark on his head in the government!

The NPC was a soldier named"Mu Sen".

When they saw this NPC, Rouqingsishui and the others were all puzzled.

Even Han Yarou was a little surprised:"Zhang Yi, how did you know the characteristics of the blind path just now, and that there is an NPC here? Have you been here before?"

Of course, Zhang Yi would not say that he had been to this place in his previous life, and that he found this NPC based on his memory in his previous life. If he said such a thing, not only would no one believe it, but he would also be regarded as a psychopath.

Zhang Yi made up an excuse:"I came here to investigate in advance last night."

Han Yarou suddenly realized:"So you left me alone in the City of Revenge last night, and you came here!"


After a pause, Zhang Yi said,"Let's go get the task. As long as we complete this task, we can pass the Fog City."

The difficulty of the Fog City may indeed decrease, but it must be after a player completes a map task on the map, it will become easier to pass over time. After three days at most, the fog in the Fog City will completely dissipate, and the monsters in the city will lose the enhancement of the fog, turning it into an ordinary level 30 map. At that time, it will be much easier for players to pass through the Fog City.

If the map task in the Fog City is not completed, the Fog City will always be the Fog City, a high-risk map that is difficult for level 30 players to pass.

And that map task is the task that can be triggered by NPC Mu Sen in front of Zhang Yi and others at this moment.

So, several people walked towards Mu Sen.

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