In the Apocalypse World, hidden tasks are divided into levels: ordinary, high-quality, rare, epic, legendary, and god-level.

The two hidden tasks that Zhang Yi completed in the Novice Village last time, [Guardian], and [Obtain Rare Materials], which took him seven days to complete, were only ordinary and high-quality levels respectively. As the announcement spread throughout the server, players in the 34 regions of the Apocalypse World and the entire [Star Country Region] were all excited, especially the eighth region.

The chat channel of the eighth region's main city——

【Wuhen] (Human, Liuyun City player):"What the hell! Who is this god? I haven't even touched the hidden mission yet, and someone has triggered an epic hidden mission??"

【Xinghe (Demon Clan, Blackwater City player):"Oh my god! How did I find this hidden mission? If I can complete this hidden mission, the reward I get will probably skyrocket!"

【Absolutely Invincible] (Alien, Snow Wind City player):"That's for sure! I was lucky enough to get a common hidden mission in the safe zone before, and the reward is incomparable to ten common missions! I'm sure that if this guy can complete this epic mission, he will definitely ascend! But I'm even more sure that he can't complete this mission……"

【Shi Zhenxiang] (Demon Clan, Tianyin City player):"Which faction's hidden map is this?"

【Quicksand Bag] (Demon Clan, Tianyin City player):"The Demon Suppression Tower, I don't think it's from our demon clan, it must be from their alien race or the human race."

【Little Brother] (Human, Floating Cloud City player):"Have you noticed that most of the players who triggered the server-wide announcement achievements are from our District 8? Our District 8 is really full of talented people.……"

Zhang Yi didn't pay attention to the chat channel, but opened the task interface——

【[Trial of Demon Suppression Tower] (Epic Hidden Mission):

Mission Difficulty Coefficient: 5560

Description: In order to suppress the powerful monsters of the demon race, the alien race built a Demon Suppression Tower in the Moonlight City area and sealed many powerful monsters of the demon race in the Demon Suppression Tower. Please go to the Demon Suppression Tower and pass the Demon Suppression Tower within the specified time.

Mission Time: 15 Days

Note: You can invite friends to help you complete this mission. Before the map seal is opened, you can invite up to four people to enter the Demon Suppression Tower with you in advance.


Moonlight City actually buried an epic hidden mission!

At this moment, even Zhang Yi himself found it unbelievable, even though he had indeed received this mission!

The reason why Zhang Yi knew this mission was because of the alien Moonlight City netizen Zhang Yi knew in his previous life, the scavenger!

"Man, I failed in a mission today. What bad luck!"

"What did you eat tonight? I had two bowls of fried rice! (Laughing)"

"Brother, let me tell you, remember when the main city was first opened, the server-wide announcement was triggered, and an epic hidden task was received, which shocked the server-wide audience? He is from our Moonlight City! Cool or not (cool) (cool)"

"Who would have thought? Others couldn't hold on, but he actually spent half a day with our city lord to complete 15 ring running tasks! Then he triggered the hidden task, but unfortunately, he failed the task in the end (laughing and crying)"

"Today, the two top teams in our city, Sky and Junlin, fought over a BOSS. My god, this is so exciting! (Sex)"

"Oh my god! Do you know what happened to us yesterday? A mysterious merchant refreshed in our Moonlight City last night! He was in Mall No. 5, and then a loser in our city met him, and spent 1 gold coin to buy a magic weapon! Damn it!!! Why didn’t I meet that mysterious merchant? (Swearing) (Swearing)"

This was the daily chat mode between the"scavenger" and Zhang Yi in the previous life. Basically, he talked about sharing every little bit of daily life with Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi never thought that it was this kind of chat that allowed him to control various opportunities in Moonlight City!

Surprised, Zhang Yi opened the map and took a look. Sure enough, in the west direction of Moonlight City, about ten miles away, there was a location of [Demon Suppression Tower] marked on the map! And there was a note above

: Only Zhang Yi can see this map display, and the Demon Suppression Tower cannot be found on other players' maps.

Epic hidden task! Part 1

Zhang Yi, who had never encountered ordinary hidden tasks in his previous life, never dreamed that in this life, he would trigger three hidden tasks in a row within less than half a month after the server was launched. This time, it was an epic level!

Thanks to Muchen for giving me the opportunity to be reborn and start from scratch!

However, the hidden tasks with a difficulty coefficient of 5560 may not be so easy to complete. Zhang Yi plans to go to the Demon Suppression Tower tomorrow morning.

Because now, Zhang Yi's fatigue has dropped to 5%. If he doesn't rest, he will die.

So, Zhang Yi had a finishing talk with Kalu, because he knew that there was still one thing missing.

"Young man, since you have run so many errands for me, I will give you something."

As he spoke, Kalu took out a token from his waist and handed it to Zhang Yi:"The Demon Suppression Tower is not accessible to ordinary people. This token can allow you to enter the Demon Suppression Tower."

Zhang Yi reached out and took the token.

"Ding~ You have obtained the ultimate reward for the ring running mission, [Demon Subduing Order] 1!"

【[Demon Subduing Order] (Special Item):

Description: Only those who hold the Demon Subduing Order can enter the Demon Subduing Tower when the seal of the Demon Subduing Tower is lifted...

After receiving the token, Zhang Yi said goodbye to Kalu.

Touching his rumbling stomach, Zhang Yi was in a restaurant in the city.

While other players were reluctant to eat fried rice and fried noodles for thirty or forty silver coins a bowl, he spent 10 gold coins to order a grilled bullfrog!

As the level gets higher, the consumption becomes more and more. I remember that when I was in the safe zone at the beginning, the grilled bullfrog only cost 50 silver coins!

Then, Zhang Yi used 5 gold coins to order a bottle of red wine, and ate and drank alone, envious of the other alien players who were eating around him.

As for Zhang Yi, he was rich because of the contribution of the Ao Shi family, and now he has an epic hidden task on his body. When he returns to complete this task, Zhang Yi's worth will increase by at least a hundred times! And as far as Zhang Yi knows, the opportunities in Moonlight City are not just this hidden task, there are also various other hidden benefits and opportunities, Zhang Yi knows them all!

The next goal is clearer.

With Zhang Yi's ability, it should be no problem to get into the top ten of the 1-star national challenge task [Extreme Upgrade Challenge].

In addition, the [Dragon Clan Hidden Task Scroll] obtained in the Energy City copy also requires level 50 to use, so the most important task at the moment is to quickly upgrade in combination with the [Demon Suppression Tower Trial] task!

Looking at the status, it was only the first day in Moonlight City, and I got 2,400 points of alien reputation by triggering achievements. With more than 300 points from 15 running ring tasks, the alien reputation has accumulated to 2,700!

It's a pity that the demon reputation is still 0 points, otherwise I can upgrade the dragon bloodline.

Fatigue is still 3%.

Eat in peace and rest after eating.

Just when Zhang Yi was enjoying the roasted bullfrog and red wine,"ding dong" sounded, and he received a friend message.

Yarou:"Zhang Yi, are you asleep?"

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