Checking the time, it was one in the morning.

Zhang Yi replied to Han Yarou:"Why haven't you slept yet?"

"I can’t sleep (lost)"

Han Yarou replied to Zhang Yi’s message in seconds:"Without you by my side, I don’t feel safe (sad)"

"Idiot." Zhang Yi then replied to Han Yarou:"Go to bed quickly, you and uncle have an important task tomorrow."

Han Yarou was a little surprised:"What important task?"

"You will know tomorrow, go to sleep, don't bother."

Han Yarou said:"Okay, good night, doggie (cute)"

"Good night."

Zhang Yi suddenly remembered the various things he had experienced in Jibing City in his previous life.

The main city and the safe zone are no longer the same.

Before, the maps and task distribution of all the safe zones in the Apocalypse World were basically the same, and each third-level main city was an independent system.

A hidden map similar to the Demon Suppression Tower is only available in Moonlight City, and other main cities do not have it.

Of course, other main cities also have their own benefits and opportunities. Zhang Yi now only knows about the alien Moonlight City and the human Jibing City.

Although Zhang Yi is now in Moonlight City, the opportunities in Jibing City cannot be wasted.

So Zhang Yi had a perfect plan in his mind...

After dinner, Zhang Yi found a hotel in the city, booked a five-star room, and moved in.

Zhang Yi got up at seven o'clock the next morning.

At this time, Moonlight City was already very lively, with countless players coming and going on the streets, which could almost burst the city.

You know, a third-level main city can accommodate a maximum of It has 1 million players, and according to the statistics of the system, the total number of people in Moonlight City has reached 490,000!

And this number is still growing. There are still many players who have not passed the challenge of the City of Mist, and they are still staying in the safe zone.

Before leaving the main city and heading to the Demon Suppression Tower, Zhang Yi went to the pharmacy and bought a large bag of red and blue potions.

At this stage, the unit price of a level 5 red potion that restores 1,500 points of blood at one time has reached 20 gold coins, and the unit price of a level 5 blue potion that restores 500 energy points at one time is the same. It is not affordable for ordinary players.

Then, Zhang Yi came to the auction house.

The second transfer rewarded 5 skill slots, and Zhang Yi can already master new skills.

It’s a pity for the orange [Sword Shadow Storm] in the bag. It would be great if it was replaced with a wizard’s orange skill. Zhang Yi was reluctant to sell it.

The auction house was crowded with people. Zhang Yi squeezed in and came to the skill book counter. After a selection, his eyes were fixed on a blue magician skill book.——

【[Aurora] (Magician Skill Book, Blue): Direct selling price 200 gold coins.

To be honest, selling a blue skill book for 200 gold coins is really too expensive.

But there is no other way. At this stage, blue skill books are still rare items. Most of the skill books on the auction house are white and green. There are very few blue ones, and there is only one blue skill book for magicians.

So Zhang Yi spent 200 gold coins to buy it and used 3 skill slots to complete the learning.

"Ding~ Congratulations, you have mastered the new skill [Aurora] (blue). You can view the details in the skill list!"

【[Aurora] (Blue):

Description: Cast a spell to summon an aurora from the air to attack a single enemy, causing 125% magic damage to the enemy, ignoring 35% magic resistance.

Cooldown: 11 seconds.

Consumption: 75 energy points.

Skill slots consumed: 3

Armor-breaking skills, which are still very good.

Therefore, Zhang Yi now has the following skills: Green Fireball, Green Flash, Blue Lightning Chain, Blue Aurora, Purple Freeze, and Purple Undead Storm.

A total of 18 skill slots are occupied, and Zhang Yi now has 2 skill slots left.

After getting ready, Zhang Yi opened his friend list and sent a message to the uncle:"Are you up?"

Ding Dong, the uncle quickly replied:"I'm up. I'm having breakfast with her and will go out to level up with her later."

Zhang Yi said:"You will go to the blacksmith shop in the west of the city and get a collection task from the owner of the blacksmith shop."

The uncle didn't think too much about it and replied with an"OK."

This uncle had the same personality in his previous life. He didn't like to talk much. Except for Zhang Yi, who he was already familiar with, he almost never communicated with anyone and was very introverted.

So, Zhang Yi sent another message:"After you and Han Yarou receive the task, tell me about it."

"Yeah, okay." In a restaurant in Jibing City

, the uncle and Han Yarou were sitting at a table eating breakfast, each eating their own food without talking.

Seeing that the uncle seemed to be chatting with someone, Han Yarou, who was drinking porridge, asked tentatively:"Uncle, are you...sending a message to Zhang Yi?"

""Yeah." The uncle was also straightforward, and he showed Han Yarou the chat history with Zhang Yi.

Han Yarou was a little confused when she saw Zhang Yi's message:"How did he know that there would be a task from the blacksmith shop owner?"

So, after they finished breakfast, they followed Zhang Yi's instructions and came to the blacksmith shop in the west of Jibing City. Sure enough, they saw the blacksmith shop owner"Ali" who was"clang clang clang" casting equipment, with a yellow question mark on his head!

The uncle formed a team, pulled Han Yarou in, and then triggered a dialogue with Ali.

From Ali, the uncle and Han Yarou really received an ordinary task with a difficulty coefficient of only 100, but they had to collect 1,000 wolf skins!

You know, the starting point of the tasks in the main city is more than 300 difficulty, and this task with a difficulty coefficient of 100 is really novel.

Therefore, many other players around who triggered a dialogue with Ali gave up the task after discovering that this was just a garbage task with a difficulty coefficient of 100, and they actually had to collect 1,000 wolf skins.���Seeing the uncle and the other two accept the task, they couldn't help but laugh at them.

Player A:"You accept all the tasks with a coefficient of 100, are you so hungry that you don't care about food

?" Player B:"It's just that this task is rubbish for us. Look at the two of them, they are both wearing rubbish equipment, so they can only do low-level tasks with a difficulty coefficient of 100!"

Player C:"The reward for key tasks is calculated according to the difficulty. A task with a difficulty of 100 requires collecting 1,000 wolf skins. You must be crazy to accept this task, right?"

The uncle and Han Yarou turned off the gloss effect of their equipment after listening to Zhang Yi's instructions, so that ordinary people would think that they were real rookies.

Otherwise, with Han Yarou's 25-degree flashing special effects all over her body, plus her stunning appearance, when she walked on the road in Jibing City, the rate of turning heads would reach 1,000%!

Ignoring the comments of others, after accepting the task, the uncle sent a message to Zhang Yi:"We have accepted the task and are ready to go out to do this task"

"Don't do it."

Zhang Yi sent a message:"You choose to give up the mission now."

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