His sight turned and he appeared outside the Demon Suppression Tower again.

Zhang Yi, who had escaped death, stood outside the Demon Suppression Tower and couldn't help sighing.

This level 40 monster is simply too abnormal! Even the epic Warcraft Dragon Blood Knight with [Dragon Blood Body], Undead Suit and 3-star Greedy Suit can't resist their damage at all!

Moreover, the forest just entered is only the first floor of the Demon Suppression Tower!

The monsters to be encountered on the second and third floors will be even stronger.

With Zhang Yi's current strength, he can't challenge the Demon Suppression Tower at all!

What can I do...

Helplessly, Zhang Yi had to crush the scroll of returning to the city for 5 gold coins and temporarily returned to Moonlight City.

Using the teleportation function, he spent 10 silver coins to teleport to the resurrection fountain in the city. Zhang Yi then spent 10 gold coins to resurrect the Dragon Blood Knight.

Warcraft, like players, will also lose levels after death.

Zhang Yi reached out to support the shoulder of the Dragon Blood Knight who had dropped to level 29, and sighed:"I'm sorry, Brother Long, I didn't protect you well.……"

It seems that we have to take a long-term view.

In order to conquer the Demon Suppression Tower, Zhang Yi must first improve the strength of himself and the Dragon Blood Knight. Entering the Demon Suppression Tower with the current strength is simply a matter of hitting a rock with an egg. Of course, for Zhang Yi, this is a small matter. He wants to improve his strength at twice the speed of other players, or even more.

Because Zhang Yi knows that the opportunities in Moonlight City are not only the Demon Suppression Tower. As long as he has this need, he can easily get ordinary hidden tasks in Moonlight City.

However, it is precisely because of the variety of these tasks that it is not so easy for Zhang Yi to choose a task that will definitely reward top-quality equipment.

Because at this stage, if you want to improve your own strength or the Dragon Blood Knight, you can only rely on equipment.

Now, except for a few 3-star items, most of Zhang Yi and the Dragon Blood Knight are 2-star equipment. In terms of equipment, there is still a lot of room for improvement.

So, he quickly searched his memory in his mind, and soon, Zhang Yi thought of a task!

Relying on his impression, Zhang Yi came to the blacksmith shop in the east of the city.

The Blacksmith Shop is the place where the best equipment is most likely to be found.

You can see that the owner of the Blacksmith Shop, [Lola], is diligently making equipment. There are many players around her who are synthesizing strengthening stones or decomposing equipment. Of course, more players are here for the yellow question mark above Lola's head.

Zhang Yi approaches Lola and triggers a conversation.

"Young adventurer, can you give me a piece of top-quality equipment?"Lola said straight to the point:"I haven't made a top-quality equipment for a long time. I almost forgot what top-quality equipment looks like. I want to see the structure of top-quality equipment and see if I can get the feel back."As soon as she finished speaking, the system prompt sounded.——

"Ding~ Do you want to give [Lola] any piece of equipment to get a task? (It depends on the equipment you gave. The higher the value of the equipment, the rarer the task you get)"

This is equivalent to a task bought with money, but the task is guaranteed: the reward after completing the task will definitely not be lower than the player's investment when accepting the task.

Many players who are approaching this task are reluctant to invest. Most of them gave Lola a 1-star or 2-star equipment with an enhancement of 10-20, received a standard task, and then left triumphantly.

Zhang Yi, on the other hand, generously contributed the 2-star 25 [Undead Armor] that the Unparalleled God of War had exploded to Lola!

Lola's eyes were suddenly full of gold:"Young man, you are willing to give me such precious equipment!"

Zhang Yi was reluctant to do so. His generous attitude was entirely based on the law of"the more you invest, the more you get back".

At this stage, the market value of such a level 30, 25, 2-star undead suit of armor is at least more than 100 gold coins!

Zhang Yi did not choose to accept the task immediately after investing in this top-quality armor. Even in his current state, the tasks he can receive are already rarer than those of other players.

Then, Zhang Yi took out several pieces of enhanced level 25 2-star equipment from his bag one after another and gave them all to Lola.

Because Zhang Yi did not have time to turn off the gloss effect on the equipment he took out of the bag, the golden glow on the surface had exposed their top-level enhanced identity.

So this scene stunned the passers-by around the blacksmith shop.

Passerby A:"Oh my God, where did this guy get so many level 25 god-level equipment?!"

Passerby B:"Didn't you see it? He is a human. It costs 5,000 gold coins to teleport humans to our alien race. He can even afford 5,000 gold coins for teleportation. For such a rich man, he can get as many level 25 equipment as he wants!"

Passerby C:"Oh my god, so many top-quality equipment were given to NPCs! If only I could get one!"

Passerby D:"This guy must be crazy. He must be losing a lot of money by investing so many level 25 equipment! Unless he can trigger a hidden mission?" As soon as he finished speaking, after Zhang Yi gave three level 25 2-star equipment to Lola in a row, a pleasant system prompt sounded from Zhang Yi's ears.——

"Ding~ Since the total value of the equipment you gave far exceeded Laura's expectations, congratulations on triggering the hidden task [Collect Blueprints·Hidden】!"

【[Collect Blueprints·Hidden] (Normal Hidden Mission):

Difficulty: 1050

Description: Go to the Goblin Station and get equipment blueprints from the goblins. When you get enough blueprints, as a reward, Laura will tailor a piece of top-quality equipment for you according to your needs!

Mission progress: 2-star equipment blueprint (0/500)

Time remaining: 24 hours

Note: You get exclusive rights for hidden missions: When hunting goblins at the Goblin Station, the chance of dropping 2-star equipment blueprints increases by 10 times, but the dropped 2-star equipment blueprints must be bound and cannot be used or traded by yourself.

This is the mission!

Zhang Yi's memory also came from the netizen"Scavenger".

It was during a casual chat that he heard the scavenger mention that when a gold owner in their Moonlight City received an investment mission at the blacksmith shop, he invested several top-level enhanced equipment in one go. He wanted to test the waters, but he didn't expect to get the only hidden mission in the city in the end!

The core reward of this mission is top-grade equipment. It is precious because Laura can tailor it according to the requirements of the players, and even the additional attributes can be directed!

Zhang Yi's plan is to let Laura make a double-stamina armor for the Dragon Blood Knight after completing this mission.

For ordinary hidden missions, the minimum reward equipment is 3 stars. After strengthening it to level 25, it can at least bring 100 physical attributes and 2000 health points to the Dragon Blood Knight!

Coupled with the improvement in defense, the defensive ability of the Dragon Blood Knight can be greatly improved!

After that, the difficulty of challenging the Demon Tower should be much lower.

Just after accepting the task, a system prompt sounded.——

"Ding~ The system reminds you that this task must be performed by a team of 3-5 people. No blueprint will be dropped if the task is performed alone!"

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